Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 30: Gangster ready to end

After Liu went away with one hand, Chen Lang's eyes flickered slightly, then he turned on the computer and crackled the keyboard.

After more than ten minutes, Chen Lang looked at himself from the household registration system, the medical system, and even the related software database based on Xiao Xiaoai's personal information, and could not help but be silent.

Xiao Xiaoai


22 years old

Hukou registration ... Identity ... Education ...

A series of messages are all showing the girl's efforts.

In the household registration information, Xiao Xiaoai was a single-parent family. Her parents divorced early and grew up with her mother.

Family environment ..... Poverty!

And a few days ago my mother suddenly fell ill, and Xiao Xiaoai was the only one in the family.

"No wonder!"

Continue to browse the information, Chen Lang could not help but speak a little.

It is no wonder that Liu Xiaoyao said that Xiao Xiaoai's resume is very beautiful. Living in this kind of family, from the time she was a teenager, she took time to work part-time to earn tuition and living expenses.

He pondered for a moment, and Chen Lang hesitated.

Help or not help?

Whether he helps or not, as the follow-up layout slowly unfolds, with the birth of biological gene medicine, countless families who are fragmented due to disease will return to harmony.

Even with the emergence of various technologies, jobs in all walks of life around the world will usher in drastic changes. By that time, Xiao Xiaoai's family problem will naturally be resolved.

If you do n’t help, that is to make Xiao Xiaoai suffer a few more years, and if you help, with Chen Lang ’s current handwriting, you can easily help Xiao Xiaoai turn around.

Help or not help?

Chen Lang touched his chin, hesitated for a moment, and had an idea in his heart.

The Gang Bang must help, but it can't be done clearly. It is better to teach fish to fish.

Thinking this way, Chen Lang entered the magic world.

Xiao Xiao Ai said that it was customer service and administration, but because the company has fewer people, many things are handed to her.

For example detection.

检测 Detect feedback from some players.

This requires Xiao Xiao Ai to hang the magic world game at work. She also has a role in the game, but she has no permissions and can only be the same as an ordinary player.

I can also be considered half-work and half-entertainment.

浪 Chen Lang logged in to the magic world, checked the background information, and then clicked on the character to run towards Xiao Xiaoai's location.

Xiao Xiao Ai's character is named Xiao Ai. She is a mage profession. Because she was in contact with the magic world earlier and hangs up while working every day, she has been upgraded to level 15, only one level lower than the mainstream level 16.

浪 Chen Lang is not the same. He has never leveled. He was directly adjusted to level 10 in the last test.

His profession is a priest, he does n’t have any equipment, no fashion, and he has n’t even transferred. He is still an apprentice.

Xiao Xiaoai's place is not far from the transfer point. She is meditating and hanging on the role. She should be working.

"Boss, there is no automatic wayfinding in this game, can you take me to another job? (# 拜托)" Chen Lang sent a current message and even added an expression.

How do you call me pretty?

What ghost name?

In Xiao's collective office, Xiao Xiaoai was surprised, and then thought that nothing was happening now, typing: "Join the team, I will take you there."

"Thank you, big brother, you're all 15th level, can you take me to upgrade? (# Surprise)" Chen Lang got an inch.

Uh .........

On the other side, the online game carnival jointly held by Goose Factory and Pig Factory will be held soon.

Hundreds of related media gathered in the meeting room of the five-star hotel, and there was much discussion, waiting for people from the goose factory and pig factory to appear.

In another small conference room next door, Zhang Mulan stared at Zhao Xiong expressionlessly.

That expression seems to be saying, this is the ability and efficiency of your pig factory?

雄 Zhao Xiong's face remained unchanged, but in his heart it was a huge wave.

what's the situation?

Why does the Black Spider collect money but not work?

Suddenly, at this moment, Zhao Xiong's cell phone suddenly rang. It was President Ding. He quickly got up to answer the phone.

"I've talked to Mr. Goose Factory and Mr. Ma. We will go to the magic city in the past two days. You don't need to worry about the rest of the things. Do the carnival activities well. We can reveal our two companies in due course. News of the upcoming simultaneous online service for millions of players. "


What exactly happened?

Zhao Xiong was shocked.

At this time, Zhang Mulan also took a call, and then looked at each other with Zhao Xiong, both of them could not help but sigh.

The big brothers end up in person, what does this mean?

I mean they have failed, and this time their plans and targets were totally rejected.

Even if they are unwilling, they can't help it.

They are bitter, UU reading is helpless or helpless.

The magic world is developing too fast and time is too tight. It is impossible for the big guys above to give them more opportunities.

Once you can do it once, if you can't, you can only prepare for major bleeding.

多少 How much does it cost for the two big brothers to dispatch together?

I was terrified to think about it. Whether it was Zhao Xiong or Zhang Mulan, I had to be impressed. The second world company, which was just born, was afraid that this wave would be heaven.

"How the **** did you target the Second World? Why didn't you have any news at all?" Zhang Mulan was reconciled and looked at Zhao Xiong.

雄 Zhao Xiong's face is ugly, but at this time confidentiality has no meaning, because success requires confidentiality. If it fails, it will not matter if it is revealed.

After all, the two big brothers end up in person, and then the pig factory will have no hostile relationship with the Second World.

"Black Spider!"

The simple and simple three-character words, Zhao Xiong said in a deep voice, Zhang Mulan also understood.

Subsequently, Zhang Mulan picked up the mobile phone and began to contact professionals inside the company. Soon, a hidden news from abroad appeared in Zhang Mulan's mobile phone.

I looked at it slightly, Zhang Mulan sighed and handed it to Zhao Xiong.

雄 Zhao Xiong looked intently, his heart shook.

"... Los Angeles News ...... According to local police announcement, the well-known black spider cyber security organization at home and abroad is suspected of using free computer security software to secretly manipulate people's computers to mine bitcoin. Tens of thousands of computer hardware were burned. At present, the local people have formed an association against the Black Spider organization ... "

就 Is the black spider dreaded by the major Internet small and medium enterprises so badly?

Zhao Xiong is unbelievable.

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