Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 26: Pig factory goose factory

"General Manager Zhao, since people have already expressed their attitude, should we also show our strength?"

Zhang Mulan looked at Zhao Xiong and said lightly.

From her tone, Zhao Xiong didn't hear the slightest emotion, but Zhao Xiong knew that this woman was a well-known strong woman. She disdain conspiracy and tricks, but the scheming often used was really deadly.

Such people have to guard!

Suddenly in his heart, Zhao Xiong cautiously said, "What plans does Mr. Zhang have?"

"No plan to talk about!"

Zhang Mulan said lightly: "Since the two companies started to cooperate, the purpose is obvious, one is for technology, and the other is for the game of magic world. Compared with this game, technology is more valuable. It is still the old rules No matter who the Second World chooses to invest in, technology must be shared.

In addition, according to previous discussions, the world of magic world is operated by whomever the second world invests.

Now I want to change it. In the process of targeting the Second World, whoever pays more will run the domestic market as an agent. "

"I agree!"

This is a good thing.

Zhao Xiong said nothing and agreed.

However, he still has some confusion. Compared to the goose factory, the pig factory has a limited background. In theory, the second world will definitely invest in the goose factory. This is something that both sides have in mind.

But why did Zhang Mulan suddenly change her mind?

"Tomorrow is the moment when online carnival players start their carnival activities. In any case, there must not be any mistakes. The actions of the Second World now have affected tomorrow's activities. Therefore, I can take the final control of the magic world to your company, , How can we let the game of magic world stop? It depends on your means. "

He said, Zhang Mulan got up and took the people from the goose factory.

怔怔 Zhao Xiongxi sat for a while, and finally smiled bitterly.

Auntie, knowing that you are good at conspiracy, the means are very good, but you come up with a big move against your allies, isn't it?

"Mr. Zhao, is there any problem in this?" Next, the female secretary was a little confused.

It wasn't just her. The majority of the people in the pig factory were a little confused, except for a few.

After all, this is a good thing, but why did President Zhao laugh a bitterly?

"Liu Sheng, explain to them!"

Zhao Xiong got up and said something to his relatives, and turned away in dismay.

胜 Liu Sheng froze for a moment, then looked at everyone's curious eyes, he said helplessly: "It's just the domestic agency operation rights, and it doesn't mean that the money made by this game is ours, let's say so.

First of all, it is basically certain that once the Second World can no longer survive, 80% of the probability is invested in the goose plant.

By that time, the Goose Factory had the game of the magic world, and whether they operated or acted as an agent, the vast majority of the benefits generated by it were the Goose Factory, which is unchanged.

Secondly, the Goose Factory is now the world's largest enterprise in the online game industry. It has several classic games in its hands, such as alliances, such as eating chicken, etc.

咱 We are not the same. In recent years, few classic games have been born, and they still rank among the top in the industry. They are supported by several ten or twenty years old games.

It's okay for a short time, but if it's long, then ... "

Speaking of this, Liu Sheng paused, but none of them were fools, and they all understood what Liu Sheng wanted to say.

Suddenly, a group of people looked helpless.

There is no shortage of games at the Luan Goose Factory. They want reputation, stability, and foolproofness.

The pig factory is different. There is a serious lack of a classic game to strengthen its reputation and give shareholders and shareholders confidence. Even if it is just an agent, it must be obtained.

Most of the possible earnings are given to the goose factory, but relatively speaking, the appreciation of the stock price can completely make up for this loss.

The magic world has nothing to do with the goose factory, and the stock price of the goose factory is not a game to mention, but it is indispensable for the pig factory.

Zhang Mulan's conspiracy is very simple. It is to take advantage of the weaknesses of the pig factory and let the pig factory do the bad guy without letting its own interests hurt, and let the pig factory do the second world.

怎么 As for how to do it?

That must be some insidious little means.

总 Mr. Zhao left with a bitter smile, I'm afraid it's also to contact the boss of the headquarters to discuss the specific plan?

"No wonder this woman crawled to this position at a young age. It really can't be underestimated."

"Who says no, I have a classmate working in a goose factory, and I heard that the woman in the goose factory is a real strong woman, much stronger than many men."


In the business suite, Zhao Xiong dialed his boss's phone after entering.

"General Manager Ding, this is the thing ..."

The opposite side of the phone has been very silent. After listening to Zhao Xiong's narration, President Ding quietly groaned for a few seconds.

"The company does not allow any negative news. Neither the shareholders nor the shareholders can accept this. I will send you a number in a few moments, and you can contact the other party. Thirty million, I will let the financial department communicate technically. Transfer to your account 30 million in the name, how to talk about your own grasp. "

"Yes, President Ding!" Zhao Xiongzheng said with emphasis. UU reading books

After a short while, two text messages appeared on Zhao Xiong's phone.

One is transfer information, 30 million arrived.

One is a network number, the source advertising information cannot be found, and the end of the message is an international number.

Suddenly in his heart, Zhao Xiong understood what his boss meant.

There is nothing leaky and foolproof.

As long as something goes wrong, no matter how big the trouble, it has nothing to do with the pig factory.

I took a deep breath, and Zhao Xiong called the international long distance call.

After a brief exchange, the two sides reached a cooperation agreement. Zhao Xiong opened the laptop and transferred the other five million deposit.

"Black Spider, an organization composed of a group of international hackers, apparently provides technical security support to major Internet companies around the world, but secretly does some wrongdoing. I didn't expect the boss to have their contact information."

Zhao Xiong murmured to himself.

At this time, in a secret base abroad.

"Gogogo, guys, live, get moving."

"The goal this time is a newly-established gaming company in Huaguo. Our task is very simple. In five hours, the database of that company will be messed up, or even the game server will be shut down, at least making their games unavailable within three days working normally."

"How much is it?"

"Nearly five million dollars!"

哦 "Oh my god, the Chinese are really rich."

"Let ’s do it, everyone. Everyone can get at least half a million dollars after this mission is completed. This is not a small number."

"Yes, more importantly, we must show 100% of our strength, so that those companies in China can see our strength. As long as they are excited, then we are not far from getting rich."

Uh ...

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