Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 22: Second World

"Do n’t dream, the magic world is obviously a simulation game. Special effects are not possible. Even if there are special effects, it is a high-level thing. Now that we have just started to trainee level 19, we are not even real professionals. Where's the special effect? ​​"

"Simple and simple, the simplest picture quality still requires 50G, lying in a slot, the magic world is a snake."

"I've updated, Slot, Slot, Slot, it's really that all players are in the same district, the district name is Reiser City!"

"Rezell City? This city name appears many times in the mission. It should be the main human city after the 20th level opening. So, 50 villages belong to the five largest towns, and the five largest towns belong to the Rezell city?"

"Yes, according to the mission of the Maple Town Library, Maple Town is part of Rezell City, which is one of the 43 main cities in the northern part of the human territory controlled by the Principality of the White Principality, with a population of about 180W . "

"Tortoise, what does the second world want to do? People in a main city are all in the same district? After this, cross-service warfare is a battle between different cities?"

"You find no, the geography of this magical world is extremely huge. According to the various tasks you have done, there are three continents in the territory of the known magical world. One is the mysterious godfall continent where the **** of magic has fallen, and the other is The barren continent where the orcs and other tribes exist, and the third is human occupation, which is the divine continent where our players are located.

The first two continents are unknown. How big is the God Continent?

According to known data, the human empire Divine Grace Empire is the co-owner of Divine Grace mainland. It controls the two kingdoms and four principalities besides the empire, occupying 70% of the land area of ​​Divine Grace mainland.

The White Principality, which is the country we are in, has forty-three main cities and one state capital, three fortresses.

According to the data, a single Principality alone can hold about 130 million players. "



"Not only that, the background information of the magic world is also extremely complete. I do n’t know about other games. In addition to the magic world, except for the start of the game, what really attracts me to the game is the various tasks in the game. Charm, it's like a real world.

According to the history of the magic world, we are now in the year 8071, which is behind the fall of the magic god. In this year, the whole world began to turmoil, which is suspected to be the eve of the World War.

According to the statistics from the brother above on the geography of the magic world, the continent of human beings should be able to accommodate three billion players.

$ 3 billion, everyone, what is this concept?

一半 Half of the world's population.

If everyone is playing the magic world, and if a technological breakthrough completes the global simultaneous zone online, then this is the human second world. "


Because the internet speed of the vast majority of players is not as good as expected, many players are basically in the process of updating. In this spare time, they have started chatting in the forums.

But it is these small talks that have attracted many players who are curious about the magic world but have not yet started to play.

These are potential players.

浪 Chen Langjing followed the posts appearing in the forum quietly.

As players have speculated, the magic world is a real civilization, a game transformed by the history of magic civilization, and this period is indeed on the eve of world turmoil.

With subsequent updates, as the expansion of the expansion continues, players will eventually be able to participate in the 100-year war in the magic world.

This is no joke.

Before the rebirth of Chen Lang, when the earth and the magical civilization met, if the century-long war of the magical world had just ended and the industry was in full swing, the entire civilization would be severely injured and wounded, and it would fall to a level of civilization. The humans on the earth may not be able to defeat magical civilization.

After all, that is a civilization that has developed over 10,000 years.

"This wave is considered to have cultivated the foundations of Reiser City. After the next expansion, these people will step into Reiser City, and the main city of Reiser will be considered as it is."

Chen Lang muttered to himself, then secretly said, "But the next expansion pack is still far away, at least one month. During this period, it is better to get some more main cities, and after the 400 servers come, UU reading directly made out the other four main cities and subordinated cities, and then divided them, divided by the main city, five districts to accommodate 7.5 million players, which is enough in a short time.

Well, just do that. The next expansion and the opening of the main city, wait until the five districts are full, and then talk about the integration of the five districts ... Base, say after the artificial intelligence. "

Artificial intelligence is not a trivial matter, and is different from the brain.

Zhi Zhinao only exists in his own head, it is an auxiliary role, but after the birth of artificial intelligence, as long as you use it, or just add it to the game, it will definitely be found.

And does the magic world need artificial intelligence?

I need it!

And very necessary!

The magic world is a huge world. Without artificial intelligence, the future will be chaotic. Only artificial intelligence can perfectly manage the various balances and financial systems in the game.

More than that, the magic world is made by real civilization. The internal expansion piece needs guidance. Thousands of players need to continue to trigger the mission, which eventually leads to the expansion of the expansion piece.

And this also needs a leader, artificial intelligence is the leader.

In addition, with artificial intelligence, this world just for fun is alive, everything in it is just like the real world, and even NPCs will have different charm values ​​due to different favoritisms and different players. Conversation.

Chen Lang believes that once artificial intelligence is born and integrated into the magic world, then the game will no longer exist.

Fight for humanity, friends, brothers, and even NPCs.

At that time, abandoned pits?

Hehe, can't rush away!

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