Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 20: "Black-faced man"

"This is just great!"

浪 Chen Lang couldn't help laughing, looking at the data from Zhinao, he had to admit that Zhinao is indeed a human biological computer and it is really powerful.

Gameplay, balance, etc. are much better than others.

First of all, different villages produce different resources and specialties, as well as towns. There is no need to worry about a map becoming a ghost-like place.

Second, after optimization, the magic world will not choose the server after logging in, because it is all in one server, and entering different maps is just data transfer.

For fifty-five maps, Zhinao also developed an automatic balance distribution system. Novice players will be automatically allocated according to the number of people in each village when they enter the game for the first time.

High-level players need to run by themselves to change the map. Those who have money can choose to sit in the teleportation array.

But taking the teleportation team is asking for money.

So, this means that riding on horses is about to start selling crazy.

Aside from nothing, Chen Lang began to tap the update content.

[The third round of updates]

服务 In order to serve more players to participate in the game and have fun, this game will start to be updated in half an hour.

1. In this update, there are four new towns and forty-five villages, and the original map has been optimized.

2, this update completely integrates all district services, all service players are online in the same district at the same time. Note: The maximum capacity of a single village is 2W, and the maximum capacity of a single town is 10W. After the number of people reaches the upper limit, the NPC village head / town mayor will be banned from entering for security reasons.

3. This update will change the refresh point of higher monsters, and grant some NPCs free movement rights. (When the area is full, the NPC will feel crowded and move the area.)

4. This update will optimize skill release actions and effects, and optimize occupation balance data.

5, this update will introduce three new fashions and five new mounts.

6, the in-game market function will be completely opened. Except for the already bound fashion, everything can be traded.

7, ......

After tapping the detailed content of the update, Chen Lang released the official website at the same time, and at the same time gave a system message prompt to the players in the game.

"To be updated again?"

"I'll pull it out. It's only been a few days. It's so high-yielding!"

"I watched it, lying down, all players in the same area are in the same area. It seems that when it is full, it can reach 1.5 million people online at the same time."


"My God, who said that this game manufacturer has no strength? This is called no strength? Even goose factories and pig factories can't do this kind of thing, right?"

"Although I felt it when I looked at the game map before, it really happened. It is still incredible. In the second world, this is a master of black technology."

"Bull criticism, is this game blowing all right? The market function is completely open, and now the move of the Brick Party is about to break out."

"This game is difficult to produce gold coins. You can only sell magic cores to NPCs or make things to NPCs. The monsters don't drop at all. Now it is almost a gold coin and it is estimated that it will blow up after it is completely open."

"Well, the brick-moving party has to make a fortune. It has no experience in killing monsters. The chance is to drop the magic core. The magic core is the experience Dan. Many big brothers are not yet full. Make a lot of people rich. "

"Who said no, Turtle? I'm afraid it is necessary to open more parties to brush the magic core. By then, whether it is sold to local tyrants or hung in the market, you can make a lot of money."

“Do n’t dream, I ’ve tried it a long time ago. I do n’t know what detection system is in this game. A computer can only have one number. I ca n’t find someone to crack it.”

"Can the studio lack a computer? Get a script and make a lot of money even with one computer?"

"Scripts don't work. For so many days, do you think no one has scripted them? It's completely sealed and there is no one who misses the net. The strength of this Second World company is a bit unpredictable."


Whether it is in-game or on the official website forum, countless players have been talking about it.

Chen Lang saw the script, double-opened and waited for a few words, and couldn't help but smile.

Lao Tzu is here again. Wouldn't it be a personal loss if you were thrown off the street by those of you who are doing plug-ins?

Opened the market at will.

The game is available in the game and also on the official website. The two sides are connected. Chen Lang opens the market interface of the official website.

Currently the most expensive is a unicorn.

I don't know who is so lucky. One in 10,000 chances can be met, and 25W cash is linked in the market.

However, the price is too high. Although there are hundreds of people collecting this sales interface, no one buys it at all.

Twenty-five million is high after all, the guarantee is two hundred and eighty thousand, you get two hundred fifty thousand, as long as it is not a fool, will you buy it?

Do you really want to sell it? Are you showing off?

Only a little more than 30,000 yuan in the middle. Not bad, people definitely want to try their luck.

How about ordinary players?

Is this 30,000 yuan worse? Not bad, the difference is that 250,000.

The dragon scale snow silkworm fashion and unicorn mount are rare after all, although there are many people who participated in the lottery to open the box, but there are too few people who really open it.

Basically, most people give up halfway, there is no way, really can not afford to open.

It's the local tyrants who can drive to the end.

几 Out of tens of thousands of good luck, out of a few hundred thousand or two hundred thousand.

At present, there are only 17 dragon scale snow silkworms and 12 unicorns in the game, which shows how low the chance of winning is.

But, correspondingly, because things are scarce and expensive, the local tyrants who have this fashion and mounts are also extremely satisfied. There are more than 100,000 people in the full server of The chance of hitting the shirt is too low and too low. Any one of them is the envy of more than 100,000 people.

Vanity was extremely satisfied.

At the same time, the recognition of the game has reached a new level.

For example, the wind is warm. She is different from Long Aotian. Long Aotian smashed 270,000 to get a fashion dress and a unicorn.

Feng Nuan Nuan was completely opened with ten boxes of ‘luck’.

Of course, she thought so.

Ten boxes opened the Black Dragon Snow Silkworm, then does it not support a wave of game companies to open a batch of unicorns?

Yes, she is golden.

I smashed 200,000, but Mao didn't drive out. If it wasn't for the little sister to pull her, she was afraid that it would not be an impulse to recharge.

I also did n’t open 200,000 hairs, and the name of the non-Chief King covered her head again.

浪 Chen Lang also occasionally observes the two people's propaganda enthusiasm for the magic world, so they know these things.

However, as the magic world has become hot, many other anchors have begun to play, and now the magic world does not need them to promote it.

Thinking of the warm wind, Chen Lang turned on a fish live, and wanted to see if the 'black-faced man' had a unicorn.

However, after opening a certain fish, Chen Lang froze immediately, and then frowned.

Did you start?

At this time, a fish full channel could not find any live magic world, but the entire website was full of promotional advertisements.

Carnival of online game players?

Old players return to give unprecedented gift packages?

Novice sign up for a great gift package?

Recharge 100 games and get 30 free games?

Is n’t it too much?

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