Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 14: Are these people rich?

The Sonic Weapon is a scary and relatively hidden weapon, which is suitable for Chen Lang today.

There are many types of sonic weapons. Even in this era, there are many mature sonic weapons, but what Chen Lang has to do is different from this era.

For example, modern infrasound waves vibrate more slowly than ordinary sounds, vibrating less than twenty times per second, but because they are too slow, human ears cannot hear them.

不到 Not hearing does not mean that there is no harm, it is still very harmful to the human body.

Under the constant stimulation of external sound waves, the human body will not be able to withstand it, which will cause the heart to beat wildly, rupture blood vessels, and even stop the paralysis of the heart and stop the blood flow.

Of course, this is a weapon. In daily life, the vibration and noise of vehicle and ship machinery are affected. When these sounds and vibrations are in the infrasound range, they will also have a great impact on people.

For example, motion sickness, seasickness, headache, vomiting.

wait wait wait.

Sonic weapons are actually weapons that have been abandoned in the future world, because individuals in the future world are too powerful, and sonic weapons can be ignored.

But because of the advent of magical civilization, let the sonic weapons go further at the end of the road.

Future scientists conducted a second study combining some magic spells similar to the effects of sound waves in the magic civilization. They combined the frequency of dark magic spells with sound waves to create a new sonic weapon.

Magic sound sound wave!

Hypnosis, hallucinations, and even the direct death of the other party based on the combination of different spell frequencies and sonic frequencies.

And it takes a short time.

Of course, this invention was soon drowned in many great inventions, and the significance of this invention exists only for ordinary people.

普通 This ordinary person is talking about people who have not been genetically modified and people who do n’t practice magic.

Because whether it is strong mental will or physical body, this sound wave is meaningless.

Of course, this is for the future world.

For this modern era that has not yet stepped into the explosion of science and technology, the magic sound wave is definitely a great weapon.

Chen Lang lived all day long, and finally made a black glove.

The back of the glove is an electronic instrument, and the palm is five flat speakers of different sizes. The glove is black overall, and there is a charging port on the back of the hand.

After the production was finished, Chen Lang started debugging the hidden chip data in the gloves. When all was done, Chen Lang put it on his bookshelf.

In one of the shelves of the bookshelf, it was the transmitter of consciousness.

"Unfortunately, the materials are not allowed. This glove can only be uncomfortable for an instant. It can only be lethal in more than three minutes. If the materials allow it, it would be perfect to be a big guy."

Chen Lang muttered, but he did not take it to heart.

He created a data signal receiver in the glove. After the brain wakes up, let the brain transmit the magic audio frequency. The glove will naturally have hallucinogenic and lethal capabilities.

I spent a night quietly.

The next day, a roar awakened Chen Lang from his sleep.

"What happened?"

He stood up and rushed out of the room to the staircase entrance. The staircase entrance was Liu Yi's hand rushing upstairs. Liu Yi's hand saw Chen Lang without hesitation and ran down.

I walked to the first floor and met Xiao Xiaoai face to face. Xiao Xiaoai turned red and turned away.

At this time, Chen Lang was only wearing a pair of big pants, but fortunately he didn't graduate much at this time. Although the muscles were not obvious, but at least there was no fat, otherwise this wave would be shameful.

"What the **** happened?" Chen Lang asked.

"Burst, burst!"

Liu pulled Chen Lang into his office with one hand, glanced over the computer screen, and said with excitement: "Yesterday, another 30,000 players entered the Novice Village, adding up to the previous players, 100,000 players. But only 100,000 players, you Do you know how much they recharged on the first day? More than 8 million!

均 The average cost per person is 80 yuan. One third of the people choose to buy the cheapest homeless fashion, and many people recharge thousands or even thousands.

One of the ten most luxurious people, each of them recharges more than 200,000! "

"So heroic?"

At this moment, Chen Lang was frightened.

I lie down, a game you casually hit more than 200,000?

"That's for sure!"

Liu was excited with one hand, UU reading said: "I checked, those local tyrants are the duke emperors of the live broadcast platform. They only saw the two great anchors Long Aotian and Feng Nuanwan playing this game. Attracted, these people are so rich, boss, buy a server, as long as we are stable, we can make a lot of money casually. "

Speaking of this, I seem to be worried about Chen Lang's unbelief.

Liu Yishou also said: "Boss, as long as the game is well done, as long as the market is stable, and as long as the in-game items are not devalued seriously, a classic game can really attract a lot of locals. In the past classic games, Some are millionaires, even tens of millions of tyrants! Of course, we are only in the initial stage, and millions of millions are definitely impossible, but as long as we have a good game environment, are we worried about it? "


Chen Lang waved his hand and said boldly: "You go to contact, one of fifty thousand, buy one hundred! Don't worry about performance, I understand this, I will deploy according to our game."

"Relax, boss, I'll get in touch!" Liu took out his cell phone in one hand, turned around and left.

At the rear, Xiao Xiaoai looked curiously here. After hearing the conversation between the two, she couldn't help thinking.

The boss is bold, if he is not only wearing pants, he must be handsome, right?


After being bold, Chen Lang returned to bed and continued to sleep.

Alas, Chen Lang couldn't help but wonder.

Why buy a hundred? That's five million.

改造 After the transformation, one can accommodate 20,000 people, which means that 2 million people are online at the same time. Is it possible to achieve it? Is it unlikely in the near future?

Forget it, buy everything, press the bottom of the box!

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