Chapter 369

The next period of time.

The last few monsters of Tiga’s plot, Dalabang, Metamorga, Meijulang, Yanagaki and Charliega, and Zoga, appeared one after another.

And they all showed strength several times stronger than in the original drama.

Yun Che didn’t make a shot once, and left it to Dagu and Sai Luo to solve it.

After all, these are just appetizers. Don’t let them grind their teeth. When the main course is on the table, what should I do?

“This world is poisonous, absolutely poisonous!”

“I think at the beginning, my uncle punched a small monster in the monster cemetery. It was so majestic. As a result, when I arrived in this world, tm’s people have been beaten all the time!”

In the pastoral world, Siro, whose outline is obviously thinner, has a face as black as coal.

He felt that he was in this world, and he really suffered.

When I trained on planet K76 and the Leo Brothers, they weren’t so miserable.

“You can’t hold it where it’s going, you guys don’t have enough stamina.”

Yun Che raised an eyebrow and smiled.

“It’s not that I can’t, it’s these monsters, really, really, too abnormal!”

Cerro grieved Baba’s complaint.

It is not that Yun Che does not deny this, on the contrary, he agrees very much.

His grandmother didn’t know what Gatangieu was eating, and his power seemed to be inexhaustible at all.

The last few monsters that appeared in the original drama were originally very common. As a result, the whole tm was strengthened by it, but I don’t know how many times!

Estimated, just throw one away and go to other worlds.

Guaranteed, you can also be a small boss in the early and mid-term!

It is only natural that Siro will be miserable if he continues to fight against powerful monsters of this level.

That’s the honest man Dagu.

I was knocked down again and again, and got up again and again.

Just to improve his strength, so as to face the last dominator of darkness, the evil god Gatanjee.

“Yun Che, tell me honestly, what is going on in this world?”

Siro has noticed something wrong.

He has traveled many new generation Ultraman worlds.

But no world has ever brought him such a sense of extreme pressure.

“Emmm… you can probably understand that this world is the beginning of the universe and history of your generation of Ultraman.”

Tiga is the first Ultraman in Heisei.

Cerro and those new generations also belong to the Heisei series of Ultraman.

Therefore, in a sense, the Tiga world has a special meaning for them.

Although the new-generation Ultramans in the back are all hungry and show strong combat effectiveness, the status and seniority are placed here after all.

Big Brother Heisei find out.

“The beginning of the universe and history of our generation of Ultraman? So that’s it.”

(:! “”Ben? Group”; every?! Day; update “new: fly”? Lu. Xiao!; Say?”,: “! “If; water. group”?: 6:;5″ .6,6″1?8,8?9??6″『’若”.水:中.:转.』;,3;0!0,0.3″”1″,4:2″.7 ‘;)    Siro was visibly stunned when he heard the words, and then nodded stiffly.

Well, I don’t know how to pretend to understand.

He is good at fighting and fighting, but if you want him to understand some things, let’s forget it.

“Speaking of which, Zoga has already appeared, and Gatanjae should also recover…”

As soon as Yun Che said, the voice of Ji Mae rang in his mind:

“Appeared! Yun Che, Gatanjae has appeared! Dagu is fighting with it, but he is obviously not an opponent!”

Oh, I was talking about Cao Cao just now.

In the next second, Liu Bei arrived.

“Okay, let him hold on, and Siro and I will come here.”

Replied, Yun Che got up and patted Sailo on the shoulder.

“Let’s go, the final monster has appeared, Dagu is already fighting with it, just waiting for you.”

“Oh? That uncle can’t let Dagu guy wait for a long time!”

Sai Luo classical Chinese, immediately excited.

The ultimate monster, the ruler of darkness, the evil god Gatanjee!

The reason why he and Dagu have been so hard to fight monsters during this period of time is all thanks to Gatanjee!

Isaiah’s character, if you don’t get the place back, you really won’t be able to sleep if you don’t eat well, and you won’t have enough to urinate if you don’t drink enough!



From the pastoral world to this world.

Yun Che and Sai Luo faced each other, and they saw Tiga who was violently beaten by Gatanjae on the Pacific Ocean and had no room for a backhand.

“Fuck! So miserable?”

“No, I have to go down and help him!”

With a murmur, Siro directly became huge and fell down.

With a kick of Cyro, he slammed it on Gatangieu’s conch shell.


The size is too big, the defense is too thick, and the blood volume is too much.

To put it bluntly, just kick!

It doesn’t matter if you don’t move, this jio went down, but almost kicked Siro’s foot!

“Heh~ this old bastard, the shell is really hard!”

Withdrawing to Tiga’s side, Siro took a breath and rubbed his ankle painfully.

Fortunately, the foot didn’t use its full strength just now, otherwise, the enemy would kick the foot first, which would be embarrassing.

“Siro, be careful, this guy is very strong!”

Tiga clutched the butt that was whipped by Gatanjee just now, and said with a vigilant expression on his face.

“It’s the ultimate monster in your world, isn’t it strong?”

Siro shrugged, his face was frivolous, but he was serious in his heart.

After all, the monsters that appeared before, just being strengthened by a bit of Gatanjae’s power, became so tricky.

Now, Gatangieu himself is definitely more difficult to deal with.

“When dealing with this guy, you must not underestimate the enemy! Diga, let’s go together!”


Looking at each other, Siro and Diga exploded at their feet, stepping on the waves, and rushing towards Gatangieu.

In mid-air, the two of them sent out a hand-cut light at the same time, cutting off Gatanjae’s tentacles.

Then he landed on the top of his knees at the same time, turned 360 degrees, raised his leg with one foot, and kicked hard on Gatangieu’s conch shell.

The strength is so great that it has been repelled by a few steps!

“That’s the momentum, continue!”


I have to say that after this period of high-intensity cooperation with Daguai.

The tacit understanding between Tiga and Cyro in the battle has reached a very exaggerated level.

The two of them almost made a look, a gesture, and a micromanagement.

You can understand what the other party’s next move is.

You know, in battle, this is not just as simple as 1+1=2, it is a substantial improvement!

Even if it is 2v2.

Even if the Leo brothers are here, they may not be able to take advantage of the current cooperation between Siro and Tiga! .

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