Chapter 364

Yun Che took Ji Ma Hui, Da Gu, and Sai Luo three people.

Through the dimension wall, he returned from the world of super gods to the world of Otto, or the world of Diga.

As for Juggler and Hongkai.

I left it halfway through.

Hong Kai is a wanderer, wandering everywhere, wandering around the world, is his home.

And Juggler…

Next time I see him, maybe he has become the captain of a certain Otto world’s Earth Guard (comical)

“It seems that we left soon. When we left, the city was in ruins. When we came back, the city was still in ruins. There was really no change at all.”

Looking at the city that was destroyed beyond recognition due to the previous battle with the Dark Otto Killer.

Sai Luo thoughtfully.

“The world is different, and the flow of time between each other is naturally different.”

Yun Che shrugged, then turned to look at Dagu and Iimae next to him:

“Hurry up and go back. Although I don’t know how long the timeline of this world has passed, it should have been a while.”

Dako and Iimae are not as leisurely as Yun Che and Sai Luo, they belong to free people.

They are from the winning team, they have jobs and responsibilities.

Especially Intermae, who was still the captain of the winning team, disappeared for too long, and it was always bad.

“Well, let’s go first.”

Nodded, Dagu and Intermae left straight away.

“Then what about you? The Dark Ultra Killer has been wiped out, are you going to return to your Cyro guard team again to be a hero in the universe?”

For Cerro, Yun Che still has a good impression.

Unlike those old antiques in the Kingdom of Light, Siro is very…


Anyway, it is very unruly, this kind of person is basically not annoying.

“Although I know that “Xing Xia” is a commendatory word, but from your mouth, I always feel that you are scolding me…”

After touching his nose, Cyro thought about it carefully.

His original purpose in coming to the world of Tiga was to eliminate the Dark Otter Killer.

And now the Dark Alter Killer has been wiped out.

The purpose disappeared.

Normally, he should have left.


Is Siro the one who plays the cards according to the normal routine?

Obviously not!

“I’ll stay in this world for a while.”

Cerro made a decision.

Mainly, he felt that following the great god Yun Che, he would experience many interesting things and fight against many powerful enemies.

This is for the fighting freak who likes to fight.

It is undoubtedly a great temptation.

“All right, it’s up to you.”

Shrugging, Yun Che did not intend to interfere with Cerro’s decision.

After all, this is a guy who can’t control at all, unless it is a mistake or mature, otherwise, even if Seven comes, Siro will not throw him Laozi.

Let me ask, why did Cerro stay on planet K76 and accept the trial of the Leo brothers?

Was it because the Otto King forcibly locked him there?

You can say that.

But more because Cerro knew that he wanted to capture the plasma spark and made a big mistake.

That’s why I stayed there voluntarily.

As for Cyro’s various resistances and attempts to escape on planet K76, it was purely because of Tsundere.

If you really let him go.

He might still accept the trial honestly and obediently!

“I just came back now, and it is estimated that no monsters will appear. I want to go back to the pastoral world to rest. How about you?”

Raising his hand to open the passage to the pastoral world, Yun Che asked Sai Luo.

“It must be with you!”

“Except for following you, I have nowhere else to go in this world.”

Celuo didn’t look for a human body, but reduced his 50-meter-high body shape to a size similar to that of a human being.

If you take this picture to the street, it will appear in the sight of the public.

It is estimated that it will cause a lot of confusion.

Therefore, he has no choice but to follow Yun Che.

“Then go.”

Shrugging, Yun Che took Siro into the pastoral world.

After letting him go, Yun Che went back to the room and lay down, looking at the empty ceiling, couldn’t help but smash it.



Before that, Guangxiahai and Datongmu Huiye were with them.

But now, in the entire pastoral world, there is only the fellow Siro.

Can’t you ask him to accompany yourself?

Two big men…

Hey, Yun Che just thinks about it, it makes me feel terrified.

The contrast between the front and the back is too great, and for a while, I really can’t adapt.

Although the current dimension wall has reached the level of trans-world, it can directly connect the women in the super god world to the pastoral world.

But that would seem very homely.



Just as Yun Che was wandering into the sky, a trembling roar suddenly came from outside.

Frowning, came to the house.

Looking at Siro who was entangled with the two brothers Gakuma, Yun Che asked angrily:

“What are you doing? Did they bother you?”

Yun Che is still very satisfied with the two pet monsters of Brothers Gakuma.

At least they are very obedient and honest.

Always lying on the hills of the pastoral world, silently chewing on the stones, without doing anything wrong.

“That’s not true, it’s just a bit boring, so I’m just looking for them to practice hands.”

Siro, who had turned into a huge 50-meter body, patted the shivering Gakuma α’s head and laughed.

Said to practice hands.

It’s actually bullying the little monster.

You know, with Celo’s current strength, dealing with the two stupid Gakuma brothers is not too simple, just do it at your fingertips.

“Enough of you. How do they say they are my pets. You have to look at the owner when you hit the dog?”

Yun Che’s speechless mouth twitched slightly.

Sure enough, Siro is a problematic child with hyperactivity.

The kind that can’t even be idle for a moment at all!

“Oh, it’s okay~ I won’t be serious anyway, I just have fun to relieve my boredom!”

Sai Luo waved his hand and chuckled nonchalantly.


Just as Yun Che wanted to say something, the voice of Kei Mae suddenly rang in his ears.

“Yun Che, where are you and Sai Luo? A monster has appeared, and Dagu can’t stand it anymore!”

This is a group of communication methods Yun Che taught Intermae before.

Similar to Qianli Sound Transmission.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it means to spread the word.

“Let Dagu hold on, we are here.”

Responding to Ji Mae, Yun Che turned to look at Sai Luo who was smiling and stroking the head of the Gakuma brothers, and rolled his eyes silently:

“Siro, aren’t you boring?”

“No, something has been done!”


It suddenly occurred to me that the last time the Otter volume was not finished.

It just so happens that the comprehensive scroll is too messy to continue writing. In that case, I will connect the Otto scroll and fill in the hole~.

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