Chapter 349

“Before you do it, please consider clearly whether you can afford the consequences of doing it.”

Seeing that Yun Che didn’t make sense, he planned to use physics to convince people.

Draw Cangna took a sip of tea and said lightly.

As the voice fell, a few figures suddenly appeared behind her.

Shinra Tsubakihime, Yura Wingsha, Xunba Handle, Kuoshita Reye, Flower Ring Peach, Nimura Ryuko, Benya Ogas…

The seven women were all drawn from the demon’s family members under Cang’s hand.

Although I don’t know why Sajimoto Shiro and Lu Jialu are not among them, it is not important.

The important thing is…

“Oh? Are you threatening me?”

Squinting his eyes, Yun Che never shows mercy to those who disobey him.

Regardless of gender, men and women, regardless of whether they are the protagonists, all are treated equally.

Of course, if we really want to make a difference, there is still one point, the only point.

That’s the case for men, they often don’t suppress them, but kill them directly.

But if it is a woman, first suppress it, if it is still not obedient, then kill it.

Women, especially good-looking women, will always be somewhat preferential.

“I’m just stating a fact.”

Chichi Cang said in a flat tone.

“Well, both of you, calm down. If you have any words, sit down and have a good talk. It is the next choice to make money with peace and harmony, isn’t it?”

Looking at Yun Che and Ji Qu Cang Na, there is a posture ready to fight at any time.

Rias Gremory hurriedly intervened, persuading her with a wry smile.

Although she wanted to let Yun Che suffer and suffer a lesson from the bottom of her heart, it was obviously unrealistic.

So, it’s best for now, it’s better not to let Dian Qu Cang Na conflict with it, otherwise, she will be suppressed by herself, if she waits for others to be involved again.

Two times a meal of a hundred times the gravity, even if it is crying to death in the same place.

“Lias, it’s not up to me to do anything, but it’s him.”

Withdraw Cang Na said calmly.

And her words directly blocked Lias Gremory’s mouth.

What else can I do if I can’t persuade Cangna?

Should I persuade Yun Che?

I’m afraid it’s not dying!

“Well, stop talking nonsense, for your better attitude, give you a chance to get started.”

Beckoned, Yun Che’s mouth twitched slightly.

Although Chi Chi Sona decisively refused to cooperate with herself after listening to Rias Gremory’s account, but in the process, her attitude was very good and very polite.

Although blamed on her personality is inherently plain.

But at least, it didn’t make Yun Che upset like some mediocre women who were emotionally excited and screamed.

“Then, it’s rude.”

Hearing this, he did not refuse.

After all, in Rias Gremory’s recount just now, Yun Che’s strength was very strong by her.

Therefore, if the opportunity is given by others, if you don’t seize it, it is your own problem.

Withdrawal Cangna nodded to the demons of his own house, indicating that they could attack.

Yura Tsubasa, whose classes are castles, knights, and soldiers, Yubagara and Nimura Ryuko, and Banya Ogas all launched their main offensives.

Empress Zhenluo Chunji used the divine tool “Mirror of Remembrance” to impose a layer of mirror blessing on their bodies as a shield.

When the mirror is damaged, the attack will be returned in multiples.

Bishop Huajietao uses the sacred tool “Quiet Garden of Moments” to release an enchantment for battle.

Bishop Kusashita Reye uses the artifact “Masque Ball of the Weirds” in an attempt to gather information on Yun Che.


They all seem orderly.

“Interesting, this is the class distribution, Billias Gremory has a lot of brains in it!”

The corner of Yun Che’s mouth raised, and he smiled with interest.

I have to say that taking Canna and her demon family is extremely good.

All classes do what they belong to and distribute them properly, forming a cohesive force.

“Damn! Can you blame me for having no brains?”

“Obviously, you didn’t say anything, you just used a hundred times the gravity to suppress us, and you won’t give any chance at all!”

Hearing Yun Che’s words, Rias Gremory, who was watching the battle, was upset.

She can also classify.

She also has castles, knights, queens, and bishops.

Even in individual terms, almost none of them is weaker than the one who draws Cangna.

However, this time, Yun Che gave the first opportunity.

And last time, I didn’t give it!

However, no matter how unhappy it is, it’s useless. Now Rias Gremory is a spectator, and she can only complain verbally when she is unhappy, and can’t do any substantive actions.

“Because of the blessing of the sacred tool “Mirror of Remembrance”, so I am not afraid to exchange injuries for injuries…”

Looking at Yura Wingsha holding the “Elves and Shield of Glory”, his brain moved forward.

And immediately afterwards, Banya Ogath, who is holding the handle of the “Dragon Absolute Knife of Flash and Darkness”, and the liuzi of Nincun who is holding “Jade Rabbit and Chang’e”, spins the sickle, and wants to cut her head.

Yun Che frowned and murmured thoughtfully.

These three little girls have a posture that is not afraid of death.

It seems that even if you are attacked, you have to draw a backhand to feel comfortable.

“.~Checkmate already.”

“With the protection of the magical “Mirror of Remembrance”, attacking them is equivalent to attacking yourself, and the outcome is determined. ”

Standing beside Zhi Qu Cang Na, Zhenluo Chunji helped her glasses and said confidently.

Unless Yun Che can use non-attack means to subdue Yura Tsubasa and others at the same time.

Otherwise, what awaits him will be the return of most of the multiple attacks.

“You give us a phone call first, no problem, but you will lose if you fail, you don’t know our capabilities,”

“You know, intelligence is also a very important and indispensable part of the battle.”

After taking a sip of tea, draw Cang said with a calm smile.

As a king, she can see the whole picture just by sitting.

And her thoughts are the same as Empress Zhenluo Chunji (Noma Zhao), this round has already been Checkmate, and Yun Che’s defeat is only a matter of time.

“Heh, little girls, it’s still too tender…”

“Let me teach you a word, the universe is uncertain, everything… is possible!”

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and a blue arc flashed past Yun Che’s hands.

I have to say that Zhenluo Chunji’s divine tool “Mirror of Remembrance” is still very shabby.

But Zhenluo Chunji herself is even more reluctant.

The original method of using “Mirror of Remembrance” is to place a mirror to call out aliens from it to help fight.

However, she developed a new method of using the passive attribute that shattered the mirror and returned the attack exponentially.


how to say?

Different from Lias Gremory’s Department of Occult Studies.

The student union that draws Cangna seems to be better at intelligence suppression than strength? .

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