Chapter 340

The incident between the flute family and the real family came to an end.

After returning to the antique coffee shop and picking up the whirlpool sunflower, Yun Che and others went straight home.

However, compared to yesterday, there is one more person in the team today…

That’s right, Fangcun Aite.

“Now, do you really want to go back with us? Let’s talk about it first, once you step into the house, you will really be mine in the future, the kind who can’t get away even if you want to run!”

Looking at Fangcun Aite on the side, Yun Che reminded.

“Speaking as if I want to run now, I can run away.”

Fangcun Aite rolled his eyes speechlessly when he heard the words:

“Have you forgotten what you said this morning? Wherever you go, I must be there.”

“Besides, you just said that you will be my knight and protect me well. If I separate, what should I do if I am assassinated?”

Fangcun Aite said smoothly.

It makes sense to slip down smoothly, and Yun Che can’t refute it at all.

But after another thought, it was not right:

“I did say where I go, you have to be there, and I also said that no matter what, it won’t let you die.”

“But be the knight who protects you…”

Yun Che didn’t remember, he had said such dreamy words.

Dreams are pretty good, but to put it vulgarly, they are naive.

After all, protect your knight or something…

Huh~ too greasy!

Moreover, according to this meaning, Fangcun Aite even regarded himself as a princess?

“Well, it doesn’t make a difference, it’s all the same.”

Fangcun Aite smiled nonchalantly.

“Okay.” Yun Che’s mouth twitched slightly, and he didn’t continue to struggle.

Perhaps, this is her rather literary rhetoric as an excellent writer.


After returning to the villa and arranging an empty room for Fangcun Aite, the girls went back to their rooms, took a bath, took a bath, and rested, although the two did not conflict.

As for the swirl sunflower, it was left by Yun Che.

“Sunflower, remember what I said this morning?”

Yun Che looked at Uzumaki Sunflower and asked.

“Resolve my hidden violent tendencies.”

Maelstrom Sunflower nodded.

“Yes, so next, I will put you to sleep and face the other self in your heart, and all you need to do is to accept her.”

“Perhaps she has a completely different personality from yours, but you must remember that she is you and you are her.”

Yun Che said seriously.

Violent tendency, from a certain perspective, can also be regarded as a violent personality.

That’s right, personality, another consciousness different from the main consciousness.

In academic terms, it is the so-called split personality.

However, in Yun Che’s view, split personality is not actually a disease.

In other words, everyone is born with split personality. The difference is that in a normal split personality, apart from the main consciousness, there is only one sub-personality.

The split personality, which can be called a disease, is a combination of dozens of different personalities.

To give the simplest example, a normal person, no matter how kind and harmless he is on weekdays.

But deep in his heart, there is always a dark shadow, and this shadow is another of his personality, and vice versa.

This is the so-called dark side.

The dark side that everyone has, the split personality that everyone has.

It’s just that some people will show up, and some people won’t be forever.

As for the split personality that can be called a disease…

To put it bluntly, it is a person with N multiple different consciousnesses, these consciousnesses have different personalities, different names, and completely different things.

This is a split personality at the disease level.

“Well, Mrs. Yun Che, I see.”

Maelstrom Sunflower nodded, remembering Yun Che’s instructions.

“In that case, let’s get started.”

Yun Che raised his hand, using the power of the soul gem, flicked his finger.

A beam of yellow energy light speed, instantly submerged into the head of the whirlpool sunflower.

The next moment, she just felt her eyes dizzy and her head groggy, and then she fell on the sofa and fell into a deep sleep.

“I hope it succeeds…”

Yun Che frowned and murmured a little worried.

The reason why he told Maelstrom Sunflower just now, remember that she is you and you are her, don’t reject but accept this sentence, mainly because he is afraid of such things as the loss of consciousness.

You know, that deputy personality is violent.

Compared with Uzumaki Sunflower’s soft and waxy main consciousness, the opponent is more aggressive.

Therefore, if the main consciousness is hostile to the sub-personality, the sub-personality becomes resentful and wants to turn over and become the master.

Then, the main consciousness of Uzumaki Sunflower will be suppressed.

The body will be transferred to the deputy personality to take over control.

This is the so-called deprivation of consciousness.

However, this kind of situation mostly occurs in patients with split personality. After all, with more personality, there will be more contradictions.

And the normal personality split like Uzumaki Sunflower, or the dark side.

The probability of this happening is extremely small.

Of course, the premise is that Maelstrom Sunflower should not think about rejecting the vice personality, but with her soft personality, she should not do such a thing.


After about half an hour, Uzumaki Sunflower’s eyes moved slightly, as if he was about to wake up.

“Sunflower, is it okay? Does it feel abnormal?”

Upon seeing this, Yun Che immediately helped her up, touched his head and asked.

“Ms. Yun Che…”

As if mentally tired, Uzumaki Sunflower rubbed his eyes sleepily:

“Ms. Yun Che, the other me, good or bad, always keep a straight face, and swear me.”

Maelstrom Sunflower pouted, with a grievance on his face.

“Well, it’s a violent personality after all…”

After Yun Che heard the words, knowing that Uzumaki Sunflower had not been deprived of consciousness by his deputy, he was relieved immediately:

“So, what’s the matter, talked to her?”

“Um…I don’t know too well, since I saw her, she has been fierce to me. How can I say so nicely, she ignores it.”

Uzumaki Sunflower shook his head.

“Well, it seems that it failed…”

Yun Che sighed helplessly.

According to his original idea, he intended to let Maelstrom Sunflower accept the violent personality, and then in the normal state, the master personality is the master, and when fighting, the violent personality is on top.

In this way, with the nature of violent personality, Kazuko’s power can be exerted greatly.

That posture is the real berserker worthy of the name.

Moreover, this can’t be regarded as use, taking turns to control the body, as far as violent personality is concerned, it’s not bad at all.

However, violent personality, it seems that it is not as easy to solve as imagined…

“However, Mrs. Yun Che.”


The corners of Uzumaki Sunflower’s mouth rose, revealing a gentle smile:

“Although she looks fierce, but when I am in danger, she will definitely come out to protect me!”

“I don’t know why, but that’s how I feel!”


The author Jun was stuck in Galgame and couldn’t help himself, and couldn’t help playing all night.

So today’s mental state is not very good, only one chapter has been written out in a daze. Please forgive me, brothers! .

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