Chapter 337

“Huh~ this gentleman, one life pays one life.”

“I stay, don’t you hurt my daughter, how?”

Taking a deep breath, Maha Wu Xu put down his dignity and said seriously.

After experiencing the battle just now, he has completely understood the situation at this moment. The combat power of the enemy and the enemy is like a gutter, and they are not at the same level at all.

If you continue to squat, the other party may be fine, but on your side, he must have died coldly.

So, in order to let the real household know live.

As the father, Wu Xu, Maha, intends to use his own life to mortgage Fukuchi Ryoko’s husband’s life.

“Oh? Are you discussing this?”

Yun Che couldn’t help raising his eyebrows when he heard this.

“Yes.” Maha Wu Xu nodded.

“Tsk, but as far as I know, you don’t seem to be someone who can discuss with the enemy.”

Yun Che smiled in surprise.

In the original drama 940, Wu Xu Maha is an extremely crazy person who is not afraid of death, as if the meaning of his life is to kill.

Even if he has suffered a fatal injury.

But as long as there is a breath, he will continue to slaughter the Ghoul species.

This is Wu Xu, a man who is like a mad dog.

“Just kidding, if you are a ghoul, don’t talk about it. Even if it’s dead, I will bite off a piece of meat desperately, and it will hurt you for ten days and a half.”

The corners of Wu Xu’s mouth raised, revealing a grinning smile:

“But, obviously, you are not.”

What he hates is the Ghoul species, and only the Ghoul species.

Although I don’t know who Yun Che and others are, why they can make children out of unprecedented magical powers, which can be called superpowers, but these don’t matter.

As long as it is not a ghoul, everything is easy to say.

“You guy…”

Hearing Oho Maha’s remarks against Ghoul, Uchiha Sarana immediately gritted her teeth with anger.

Although she also hates those cannibals.

(: “”. Ben’ group;: every? “day’. update; new?; fly; lu?; small;; say, “.. “; if!; water,. group., “‘; 6” .5″6.6;1;”8?8″9,?6?!『;?If “water”: medium, turn:’』;3,”0!0!”0″‘3:1;4′ !2.7:’)   But there are good people in the shochu, such as people in antique coffee shops.

Therefore, Uchiha Sarana expressed his discomfort with the statement that Oo Maha had killed everyone in a single shot.

“Well, Zuo Liangna, stop talking, every family has scriptures that are hard to recite…”

After touching the frying Uchiha Sarana, Yun Che said helplessly.

Perhaps before crossing, from the perspective of the audience, Maha Wu Xu is a Damn it person.

But broadly speaking, he is actually a very infatuated real man, or in other words, a ruthless man.

Because the one I love was killed by the ghoul, I am determined to slaughter the ghoul in the world.

Isn’t this similar to the Uchiha belt soil of Naruto World?

They are all for their loved ones, determined to subvert the world.

It’s just that what the former chooses is to slaughter all those who have killed his lover, while the latter chooses to create a world with a lover.

Heiguihei, after all, I have indeed done things that make people disgusting.

But there is one thing to say, they all have points that can be washed white.

“So, this gentleman, how are you thinking about it?”

Mao Xu asked seriously again.

From Uchiha Sarana’s previous obedient posture and their position, as an old fox, the old fox Oho Maha can be easily judged.

Yun Che is the center of the group.

Wanting to survive is very simple, he can do it with a word.

It’s easy to be killed, he can just say a word.

To put it bluntly, the lives of their father and daughter no longer belong to them.

Rather, it was pinched in Yun Che’s hands, life or death, just between moving his mouth.

“How am I thinking…”

“Before this, I should first say, are you willing to jump out of the hatred chain?”

Yun Che raised an eyebrow thoughtfully and asked.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

When Wu Xu heard this, he was a little unsure.

What does it mean to jump out of the hatred chain?

How can this kind of thing jump, how can it be jumped?

“Well, it means, are you willing to forgive the one-eyed owl who killed Maho Micro?”

Yun Che explained.

To be honest, he feels difficult to do it now.

Want to be known by the real family, Wu Xu can’t die, but Wu Xu can’t die, but it’s not easy to explain to the flute mouth. It’s really a dilemma for beauty.

As for resurrecting Fukuchi Ryoko’s husband and Maho Wechat, let them shake hands and make peace?

Sorry, Yun Che didn’t even think about this idea.

Changes that happen in the future, but things that have not happened yet, can be.

But it is impossible to revise what has already happened in the long river of fate and resurrect people who have already died.

It’s not that it can’t be done, but because of this, it will cause rejection of world consciousness.

Although Yun Che’s power is enough to blow up the world, there is no need to care whether the world consciousness is willing or not, but the rules are the rules.

Otherwise, if it attracts the attention of the consciousness of other worlds, it becomes a wanted person in the heavens and all realms.

So, no matter which world you go to in the future, it will be quite troublesome.

“Impossible! In any case, I cannot forgive the one-eyed owl!”

After hearing Yun Che’s words, Maha Wu Xu said viciously without hesitation.

“Oh, I guess so, it’s really troublesome…”

Yun Che sighed helplessly.

What should he do about this? Is it necessary to choose between Fukuchi Hina and Real Household?

How can I choose here, as a man, but also as a traverser, of course, I have to do it all!

Although Yun Che is not very interested in the current flute mouth, just like the current Kirishima Dongxiang, but he can’t bear it when they grow up to be very fragrant.

Get to his cute point completely.

“Ah, I don’t need human forgiveness.”

At this time, from beginning to end, Fangcun Aite, who has been paddling for fish, has been on the side.

After hearing Yun Che and Maha Wu Xu mentioned their code names, they couldn’t help but stand up.


In response, Yun Che’s mouth twitched slightly, a little speechless.

Auntie, I haven’t settled the issue between the flute and the real family. What do you mean by coming in again?

You are embarrassing me, Fat Tiger!

“Listen to what you mean…You are a one-eyed owl?!”

Hearing Fangcun Aite’s words, Maha Wu Xu was stunned, and then his expression became extremely distorted.

Finally, finally…

He was finally an enemy who saw himself thinking day by day and dreaming at night, even if he died, he wanted to kill him.

“It’s me, why, do you have an opinion?”

“Oh, I see. Looking at your hatred, there should be an important person who was eaten by me? But who is it? In my eyes, it’s all rations, so I can’t remember it at all. Woolen cloth!”

Fangcun Aite’s index finger was placed against his chin, his face was innocent, and he spoke extremely humiliating things.

Her meaning is obvious, which is:

“I, the one-eyed owl, ate your important people, but the important people to you, here, are just food.”

“Even, it doesn’t matter so much that even the name doesn’t deserve to be remembered by me!”

I have to say that Fangcun Aite’s remarks are, in a sense, vicious to the extreme.

Especially for Oho Maha! .

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