Chapter 334

Leaving the antique coffee shop, under the rain.

Fukuchi Ryoko led Fukuchi Hina and led the three Yun Che to the clinic where her husband worked.

“It looks like we are late.”

Push open the door of the clinic and enter it.

I saw that the various medical equipment inside collapsed chaotically, and there was still a lot of undried blood remaining on the ground.

Obviously, there was a battle here not long ago, and this is fatal for humans, and it is estimated that Fukuchi Ryoko’s husband belongs to her husband.

After all, although the original drama did not mention its level of strength.

But there are only two people known to have had contact with him.

One is the superficial S-level, which is actually close to the SS-level Ghoul species, code-named Gecko’s Daimori Yakumo.

The second is veteran, in the CCG white pigeon class, Wu Xu, who is a superior investigator.

And these two people, no matter who they are, the husband of Ryoko Fukuchi, Bacheng is not an opponent.

So, if the blood on the ground is not his, who else can it belong to?

“how come……”

Flutekou Ryoko covered her mouth in disbelief.

Although she didn’t want to believe it, she knew that her husband was dead.

“Dad, where are you? Daddy, come out soon!”

With tears flowing from the mouth of the flute, she rummaged around the chaotic clinic in a panic, trying to find the figure of her father, even if…

It was a cold corpse.

“Flute mouth young real…”

Looking at the girl who was about his age, Uchiha Zorana couldn’t bear it.

He stretched out his hand and opened his mouth slightly, trying to comfort him, but he didn’t know how to comfort him.

You know, there is no so-called empathy in the world.

What’s more, her parents are still alive and have never experienced this kind of sadness.

“Don’t say, don’t do, watch quietly.”

As if seeing her disciple’s thoughts, Yun Che patted her on the head.

Uchiha Sarana is eleven or twelve years old, and Fukuchi Hina is fourteen years old.

The two are indeed the same age, only two to three years old apart, but the actual mentality is completely different. After all, the children of Hokage World are generally precocious.

If Uchiha Sarana’s mentality is a child.

Then the flute’s young mentality is probably just a baby.

Isn’t it pure nonsense to let a child comfort a sad baby?

Therefore, it is not indifference, but in this case, don’t say anything, don’t do anything, is the best choice.

“It’s really sad…..` ~.”

Fangcun Aite sighed softly.

Unlike Uchiha Zorana, she can somewhat experience the pain of flute mouth.

After all, although it is not the bereavement of his father at a young age, he has not been accompanied by his father or even his mother as far as I can remember.

“Yun Che, can you really save this distorted world?”

As the leader of the Bronze Tree, he also serves as the top SSS-level Ghoul·One-eyed Owl.

Fangcun Aite stands taller than others, and naturally, he can see better than others, the hate and sadness of this world.

This kind of world…

Is there really a chance to get salvation?

“Under the premise of immortality, I said that if it can be redeemed, it will definitely be redeemable.”

Yun Che said lightly, but his tone was full of indisputable meaning.

As long as he doesn’t froze and hurt the people around him recklessly, he will definitely redeem the world, and vice versa.

“Really… Then I really look forward to it.”

Fangcun Aite smiled slightly, his expression was so plain that he couldn’t see through his thoughts at all.

I don’t know if she believed it or not.

“Da da—”


At this time, two noises suddenly came from outside the clinic.

The first is a normal walking sound, but listening to the footsteps, it should be two people.

The second one is a bit strange, it is not a sound that can be heard frequently under normal circumstances.

How should I say, if I have to describe it…

Dragging the corpse to walk?

“Hehe, sure enough, it’s correct to stay in ambush nearby for a while.”

“So soon, prey will be caught.”

With an old and harsh sound, the door of the clinic was pushed open.

Oncoming people came in, carrying suitcases, one man and one woman.

“Oh? This is really…”

Upon seeing this, Yun Che couldn’t help raising his eyebrows.

This is really…


The man is Wu Xu, Mahami, so there is no need to say more about this.

But his partner is not the 24K carbon alloy pure steel straight man Kotaro Amen in the original drama, but his long-legged daughter, a household name!

“There is a deviation in the plot…”

Yun Che stroked his chin thoughtfully: “Well, it’s all harmless.”

It is indeed harmless.

After all, if you really want to talk about deviations, they are already wrong.

For example, the character of Goddai Rishi has changed, and the original protagonist Jin Muyan hasn’t had any role in it up to now.

“One, two… two damn cano…”

“However, as human beings, the three of you, why would you stay with the Ghoul species?”

Maha Wu Xu frowned.

As an experienced and sophisticated investigator, under certain circumstances, he can judge whether the opponent is a human or a ghoul under certain circumstances.

But obviously, he didn’t realize that Fangcun Aite was a Ghoul.

In fact, it’s normal to think about it, after all, it’s one-eyed, and you can freely control the Rc value.

Even professional machines can’t detect it, let alone the naked eye.

“. ~ Accompanying a poor mother and daughter, looking for the pillars of the family.”

Yun Che spread his hands and chuckled.

“Oh? It should be him, right?”

Hearing this, Maha Wu Xu showed a cruel smile, and then lifted the horrible corpse in his hand:

“This Ghoul is very disobedient, and has always wanted to resist.”

“So out of desperation, I could only use the suitcase with Kuink to blast his head.”

Wu Xu’s smile was bad and disgusting.

Moreover, it is said that, but Yun Che is very clear that this is not forced by helplessness at all.

It was Wu Xu, who wanted to use a suitcase to blast the head of Fukuchi Ryoko’s husband.

“(No promise) Dad… Dad?!”

The moment he saw the corpse, Flute Hina was completely stupid and lost the luster in his eyes.

Although she had no head, she could still tell at a glance that it was her father.

The feeling that blood dissolves in water can’t be wrong.


Fukuchi Ryoko was in pain, and she wanted to get her husband’s body back.

But with her weak strength, even as a Ghoul, the most basic autonomous predation can’t be done, let alone fighting against CCG’s white doves.

Therefore, I can only hold my daughter in sadness, hide my face and cry.

“Unforgivable… Unforgivable nephew!”

Looking at the flute mother and daughter who were so sad that they couldn’t help themselves, and Wu Xu, who was smiling very abnormally.

Uchiha Zorana trembled, clenching the crown of her teeth, two lines of blood and tears shed at the corner of her eyes.

An unknown and gloomy breath permeated the air.

Kaleidoscope writing round eyes…

Turn it on! .

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