Chapter 328

At this moment, the antique coffee shop is full of murderous air.

All the guests who came to drink coffee to relieve their gluttony, all shrank in the corner, shivering.

Their strongest is only S-level, facing the murderous aura released by the SSS-level one-eyed owl, they simply can’t bear it.

“The store manager…”

Facing Fangcun Aite, who burst out of the half-herald form.

Although Jiaye and Gu Jian Yuan’er were a little unclear about their current situation, they still stood up and opened Heihe’s eyes one after another, revealing their own Yuhe and Ouhe.

In fact, the two of them didn’t know who Fangcun Aite was.

However, since the opponent has directly exploded into the half-herald form, then it should be the enemy.

“Gaya, Yuan’er, you guys…”

Seeing Jiaye and Gu Jian Yuan’er standing by his side, waiting in full battle.

After Fangcun Gongshan was moved in his heart, he was preparing to let the two of them put away Kezi, not to be hostile to Fangcun Aite.

However, Yun Che spoke first before him:

“Get out!”

With a cold drink, the momentum spread.

In an instant, Jia Ye and Yuan Er Gu Jian, who were SS Grade, in a tight fighting state, were knocked into the air, coughed out a mouthful of blood, relieved Kazuko, and collapsed to the ground feebly.

“This is a contradiction between their father and daughter. You are not qualified to intervene.”

Although I know that I met Jiaye and Gu Jian Yuaner 14 for the good of Fangcun, I want to fight side by side with him to meet strong enemies.

But when an outsider intervened in the affairs between the father and daughter, the taste changed.

More importantly, Fangcun Aite’s mood is very unstable now.

Yun Che worries that the intervention and hostility of Gaye and Gu Jian Yuan’er will arouse the hatred and anger in her heart even more.

At that time, let alone the current half-heroes, as well as the “one-eyed owl” and “one-eyed king” gestures.

I am afraid that even the final heroic form of the monster with six feet and two aos will burst out.

If that were the case, the situation would really be out of control.

You must know that the ultimate hero form of Gao Tsukiquan is extremely powerful.

In the original drama, not only did one blow to destroy the Ghoul disused device at the bottom of Quicuria, but it also directly killed many members of the special-level V organization!

If I really annoyed Takatsuki Izumi to lose his mind.

I am afraid that the antique coffee shop will be razed to the ground in an instant.

Although Fangcun Gongshan is also an SSS-level cannon-killing owl, he has a certain ability to stop Fangcun Aite.

But in the face of the daughter who owes a lot of money in front of him, how could he, as a father, be able to do it?

“Little Aite!”

“Go to die, go to die…”

“Ahhhh~Kill them!”

At this time, those arms in the shape of Fangcun Aite half-herald began to whisper.

It’s not that they are inducing Fangcun Aite, it is the whisper of the devil, but the words they say are exactly what Fangcun Aite’s thoughts are in his heart.

It can be understood that these hideous arms are small clones of Fangcun Aite’s consciousness.

“Kill you…Kill you!”

Maybe it’s because of the thoughts deep in my heart, it was said by the arms.

The uncontrollability hidden in the half-herald form, and the unstable emotions that are already filled with hatred and anger.

Make Fangcun Aite gradually lose his mind.

“Aite, calm down.”

Yun Che frowned and put his hand on Fangcun Aite’s head.

In addition to touching the head and killing, he also used the power of the soul gem to stabilize Fangcun Aite’s almost out of control emotions.


Under the comfort of touching the head and the soul gem, Fangcun Aite exhaled a sigh of relief.

The eyes, which were full of madness and killing, gradually returned to calm, ignoring Fangcun Gongshan.

“It’s because of Yun Che’s face this time, I don’t care about you.”

“Next time if I dare to mention my mother again, I will dig out all your bags!”

After a cold tone of warning, Fangcun Aite turned his head, ignoring Fangcun Gongshan, and ignored him.


Seeing her own daughter hating herself so much, Fangcun Gongshen smiled bitterly.

He wanted to beg Fangcun Aite’s forgiveness, saying that he abandoned her in the first place, in fact, to protect her, and to kill her mother was just helpless.

But in the end, he sighed and gave up.

What’s the use of so many explanations? What’s supposed to happen has already happened.

No matter how much he argued, it seemed pale and weak.

“Old man.”

Seeing that the situation subsided, Yun Che gave Gongshan Fangcun a look.

The meaning is obvious, it’s time to clear the scene.


When Fangcun Gongshan saw this, he nodded clearly, and then looked at the shivering guests who were hiding in the corner from fear:

“Everyone, our shop is temporarily closed today. Please come back tomorrow.”

Hearing Fangcun Gongshan’s words, the shochus suddenly nodded and left quickly.

Having experienced Fangcun Aite’s almost violent walk just now, they had long wanted to stay longer.

Staying with an SSS-level Ghoul is no different from dancing with a wolf, and it may be killed sometime.

“Sorry, it was a bit heavy just now.”

After all the guests were gone, Yun Che helped Jiaye and Gu Jian Yuan’er.

“It is us who should apologize, Master Yun Che.”

“I didn’t know the situation just now, I was a little impulsive.”

After seeing Jiaye and Gu Jianyuan shook their heads, they said with a pale grin.

Obviously, even though Yun Che just repelled them with momentum just now, the power was still a bit uncomfortable.

Moreover, now that the situation is clarified, after knowing that Fangcun Aite is the daughter of Fangcun Gongshan.

Upon seeing Jiaye and Gu Jian Yuan’er, I can also understand why Yun Che did that just now.

It is not an exaggeration to tell them both to leave the field, saying that they saved their lives.

After all, if Fangcun Aite gets angry and fights because of their hostility, then everyone present will probably suffer.

“It’s good if you can understand.”

Yun Che nodded in relief.

“Aizhi, drink coffee? Would you like some dessert?”

On the side, Gongshan Fangcun seemed to want to make up for Fangcun Aite from other aspects, so he kept leaning next to her and asked softly.


In response, Yun Che coughed twice, gave Fangcun Gongshan a look, and stopped his behavior.

Yun Che is really speechless. You say you are an old guy. People are very annoyed just seeing you, and you have been looking at them all the time.

Isn’t this TM dead?

Although Gongshan Yoshimura is also an SSS-level Ghoul, if he really wants to fight, he is definitely not the opponent of Yoshimura Aite.

Out of guilt for my daughter, I couldn’t do it. This is one of them.

More importantly, Fangcun Gongshan is a great person, but he has no more than 6.

As for Fangcun Aite, there were 8 as early as 13 years ago, and now there are at least 10 or even more than 15.

The number is exactly double or more.

Is this still a shame?

If it wasn’t for the upper limit of the Ghoul level, Fangcun Aite would not have been at this level.

In today’s Ghoul world, there is only one person who can fight Fangcun Aite, and even defeat Fangcun Aite, and that is the white death god Arima!

And it doesn’t count if you exclude a horse.

Fangcun Aite said that he is the strongest person in the canon world, so it’s no exaggeration!


Sister Izumi and Kisho Arima played twice, the first time at the age of 14, and lost.

The second time at the age of 24, the battle was fruitless, but at a disadvantage, he finally evacuated.

As for the old two blessings, as a semi-human transformation in the later period, the strength is very strong, and it can be sister Miaoquan.

But the timeline is still in its early days, and he is only half human, so he has to leave it alone. .

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