Chapter 321

Kirishima Touka held Kamidai Toshi for a long time, trying to get the other party to spit out the wounded cake.

However, after a while, she gradually realized something was wrong.

God Dai Lishi…

It seems that the more you eat, the more vigorous it is?

Laughing, fascinated by the eyes, swaying slightly, and humming pleasantly in his mouth from time to time, ~ seems to be enjoying it.

“This… really crazy- is it?”

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Kirishima Touka’s forehead.

She felt that the current God Dai Lishi must be crazy, eating human food, eating so hard!

“It’s over, it’s over! I was so mad as a Ghoul, it’s terrible!”

(:, “?; this?? group; every!; day!. update. new; “fly., Lu? Xiao” said?: “!; If, water “group,:”? 6; 5?. 6?,6’1;8!;8’9?6:『”If:?水:,中!’转?’』?3?0″.0’0?.3’1’4″?2 ,”7,)   squatted down, clutching her head, Kirishima Dongxiang collapsed.

It’s not that she has never killed people, but the two are obviously not proportional.

Killing is not terrible, it’s terrible to scold the Ghoul wildly!

“Dong Xiang, I think you think too much.”

At this time, as if he had seen something famous, Kozen Yoshimura patted Dongxiang Kirishima on the shoulder:

“Shendai Lishi, she is not crazy, but…can eat human food normally!”

At the same time that Fangcun Gongshan said this sentence, his heart trembled and felt incredible.

Can you eat human food, is it possible?

Absolutely impossible!

This is unprecedented, unprecedented, unheard of!

But now, the facts are right in front of us. Goddailys is indeed eating cakes. He ate very happily. It is impossible to refute it!


Hearing Yoshimura Kozen’s words, Kirishima Touka was stunned, then stood up and looked at Kamidai Toshi.

The other party felt happy because of the delicious food, and exuded a sense of joy from the inside out, which was indeed very similar to human beings.


Is this really possible?

Pleasure cannot be faked, and there is no sign of madness.

But Ghoul eats human food…

No matter what you think, it feels so nonsense!

“Hmm~ I have to say, your cooking skills are not bad, this cake is delicious.”

At this time, Kandai Rise, who swallowed the cake, licked the remaining cream on his fingers, and smiled comfortably.

“Did you really… ate the cake?”

Kirishima Dongxiang asked with a dull look.

“Otherwise, didn’t you see it with your own eyes.”

Shindai Rise shrugged and smiled.


After taking a close look at Kamidai Rise and confirming that she did not have any discomfort from stomach pain, Kirishima Dongxiang was completely confused, and the worldview was directly shattered.

Normal Ghoul, after ingesting human food, the pain from the heart cannot be concealed.

But God’s Dai Lishi did not show that kind of emotion.

In other words…

Can she really eat normal food like normal humans?

“The cake… how does it taste?”

Subconsciously swallowing, Touka Kirishima asked curiously.

She has always wanted to experience the favorite foods of human beings of her age, especially cakes.

However, because he is a ghoul himself, and everyone around him is also a ghoul, so I can’t hear any description at all.

Now, it’s finally hard for someone to eat in front of him.

If you don’t ask about it, isn’t it a big loss?

“Emmm… how do you put it?”

“Very sweet, very soft, very glutinous, and fragrant. It is countless times more delicious than the best human meat I have ever eaten!”

After a brief aftertaste, Goddai Rishike briefly described it.


Kirishima Touka heard the words and swallowed again subconsciously.

At the same time, the desire in my heart couldn’t stop being enlarged, and I couldn’t help but want to reach out and take a piece of cake to taste.

But in the end, reason still prevailed.

It’s okay for God to eat it, but if you eat it yourself, I guess tonight, don’t want to sleep well, it hurts to wake up!

“Master Yun Che, this should be your handwriting, right?”

Gongshan Fangcun asked curiously.

Except for Yun Che in front of him, he really couldn’t think of anyone else with such ability.

Ghoul who can feed on humans can eat human food normally.

“Yes, I modified Li Shi’s physiological structure. Although she is still a Ghoul, she can normally eat human food.”

Yun Che nodded, straightforward, without disguising it.

The main thing is that everyone present is his own, and there is no need to conceal it.

“Modify the physiological structure? Can you even do this kind of thing…”

After being confirmed by Yun Che, Gongshan Fangcun couldn’t help being a little surprised.

Although the Hexiu clan has been secretly cultivating food that can eat humans, and at the same time they have one-eyed powers, they use scientific methods to conduct fundamental research.

And the probability of birth is terribly low.

It is very different from Yun Che’s direct modification.

“By the way, can your daughter eat human food?”

It seemed that he suddenly remembered something, Yun Che asked curiously.

· ····Find flowers 0 ····

“My daughter?”

When Fangcun Gong heard this, his pupils couldn’t help but shrink.

“Why, I don’t want to admit that she is your daughter? Fangcun Aite, a beautiful name, isn’t it?”

Yun Che raised his eyebrows and smiled with interest.

Fangcun Aite, Tongaizhi, means many, many loves to support this child.

“I can’t hide anything from you, Master Yun Che…”

Seeing Yun Che had said so clearly, Gongshan Fangcun couldn’t help but smiled bitterly:

“Aishina children can eat human food under normal circumstances, but if they want to become stronger, they need to eat human flesh.”

Hungry and eat human food.

Want to become stronger and eat humans.

“Is that so…”

Yun Che squinted his eyes and stroked his chin thoughtfully.

……… … …

To be honest, he has been confused by certain settings in the Ghoul world.

Some one-eyed people can eat human food, such as the mirin genius.

Some ghouls cannot eat human food, such as Jin Muyan.

It is said that this situation is determined by the Rc value in the body. When the value is high, it is the same as Jin Muyan and cannot be eaten. When the value is low, it can be eaten just like Milin Genius.

But then again, they are all one-eyed, but half-ghoulish and half-human are not a species at all.

In the original drama, Touka Kirishima had to eat human food to weaken his strength and supplement his nutrition in order to give birth to Jin Muken’s child.

This means that Jinmu Yihua can eat human food.

However, Fangcun Gongshan’s wife, as a human, had to eat human flesh to supplement nutrition when she was born in Gaochuquan.

What the hell is this again?

Isn’t this inconsistent?

All for the sake of giving birth, one had to eat human food, the other had to eat human flesh…

Yun Che really feels dazed.

In terms of setting, Takatsuki Spring is a congenital semi-Ghoul species, and Jinmu Yihua is also a congenital semi-Ghoul species.

But the law of birth is that you have to eat human flesh, and you have to eat human food…


To be honest, although there are detailed records on the setting of semi-ghou, the author is really confused because it is really messy.

Half-human words are easy to understand.

Take Arima Gui as an example. The lifespan is very short and there is no Kazuko, but the body functions are beyond ordinary people.

Therefore, compared with the half-human, the explanation of the half-ghoul is more painful to the author…four.

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