Chapter 312

After listening to Yun Che’s explanation of all the CCG executives’ remarks.

Kirishima Dongxiang and others were all stunned.

With a look of stunned, complex expression, he didn’t know what to say at all.

“Pure-blooded and hybrids, as human beings, establish an organization against the canons?”

“Heh, it’s ridiculous…”

“Damn the Hexiu family!”

Kirishima Touka and the others scolded indignantly.

From Yun Che’s explanation just now, it is not difficult to understand that the Ghoul V organization is inextricably linked to CCG, and it can even be said arbitrarily that the two are actually one.

On the surface, CCG is an official agency.

But the real purpose is to use the human fear of the ghouls to suppress other ghoul organizations and achieve a dominance.

The practice of cultivating white pigeons is nothing but a trick to sell dog meat.

They have been secretly creating the one-eyed Ghoul with the highest limit in 927, and used it to grow the V organization to show invincibility.

Fortunately, it is extremely difficult for one-eyed Ghoul species to be born, and most of them are half-humans of mixed blood.

Otherwise, the V organization can really walk sideways in this world.


Kirishima Touka and others were shocked and angry, but Yoshimura Kozen was very calm.

Because, he used to be a member of the V organization and the sweeper of the V organization!

Therefore, the information about the V organization and CCG executives may not be as detailed as Yun Che, but he still knows a little bit.

“Master God, since you know this…”

Gongshan Fangcun is a little confused, although he trusts Yun Che’s powerful abilities.

But knowing that there are many forces behind the other party, they still want to destroy CCG.

No matter how you look at it, it is very irrational.

“How about knowing?”

“Just a bunch of miscellaneous fish, the CCG will rot, and Jesus will not be able to keep it when he comes, I said!”

Yun Che raised his eyebrows and sneered a little disdainfully:

“Furthermore, have you forgotten what I just said?”

“I will redeem the world, but in my way and means!”

Yun Che’s thoughts have indeed changed a little, and he really wants to be a savior and redeem this distorted world.

But, after all, no matter how you change, he is Yun Che after all!

He has his ideas!

He has his way!

Simply put, it means being a bad person for a long time, wanting to be a good person and do a good thing.

But the method is still the way of the bad guys!

“By the way, Dong Xiang, do you know Jin Muyan?”

As if suddenly remembering something, Yun Che turned his head and asked Dongxiang Kirishima.

“Jin Muyan? I don’t know, what’s the matter?”

Hearing Yun Che calling her name directly, Kirishima Dongxiang’s face flushed slightly, and she shook her head and said.

“It’s okay, how about you, Shindai Rishiket, have you seen her recently?”

Since Kirishima Touka doesn’t know Jin Muyan, it means that the official plot of the Ghoul world has not yet begun.

“I’ve seen God Dairishi’s words recently.”

“In the past few days, she often comes here for coffee, but I always feel that she seems to have some purpose.”

Kirishima Touka said in disgust.

Normal canoes prey once or twice a month is enough to be full, but Kandai Rishi, known as Dao, has to prey two or three times a week.

This approach undoubtedly disrupted the human predation system established between the Ghoul species and easily attracted the attention of the CCG pigeons.

Therefore, it is normal for Kirishima Tokakai to hate Shindai Toshi.

“I have often come here for coffee in the last two days…”

Yun Che squinted his eyes and stroked his chin thoughtfully.

The original scope of activities of the gods is in the 11th district.

Now that she has come to District 20, it means that although the plot has not yet begun, it is about to begin.

As for what Kirishima Touka said, what purpose do you think Kamdai Rise has…

In fact, it is easy to understand.

As a big 喰, what purpose can she have?

Isn’t it just observing targets and hunting humans?

In the original play, she had a series of follow-up developments because she focused on Jin Muyan and then was designed by Old Duo Erfu.

“What’s wrong? Is there anything weird about Goddailyshi?”

Kirishima Touka asked suspiciously.

“It’s not that there is something strange, it’s just that… she is very important.”

Yun Che shook his head and smiled.

Touka Kirishima is the heroine of the destiny, while Kamidai Toshi is an epic soul figure.

Although to the back, there is basically no drama.

But it is no exaggeration to say that without her, then there would be no follow-up series of plots in the Ghoul world!

“Very important?”

Hearing this, Kirishima Touka frowned subconsciously, feeling a little unhappy…

But the next moment, she was stunned again.

Yun Che said that God’s reliance on the world is very important, what does it matter to him?


He lowered his head in silence, Kirishima Touka carefully recalled the moment Yun Che first entered the coffee shop to place an order, and the subsequent move of raising his hand to instantly kill a dozen or so cantonese.

Make her feel bother and annoying subconsciously.

But, since when did you change your senses?


It was after he screamed and vented his emotions, he suddenly got up from his chair and said seriously that he wanted to save us and save the world, right?

It takes only a few hours before and after.

The senses of a person have changed from one extreme to another…

Touka Kirishima was in a mess at the moment.

She suddenly felt that the current self, it seemed that she was not herself…

Well, if Yun Che knew what Kirishima Dongxiang thought, he would smile and say:

“This change of mentality looks strange, but in fact, it’s normal, and it can’t be normal anymore!”

For example, a person has been in the abyss of despair and darkness for a long time.

Suddenly one day, another person, radiating a bright light, resolutely entered the abyss and pulled him out, embracing the unprecedented but long-awaited light.

So, what kind of feeling is this?

Belief? Recognized? emotional support?

Maybe it’s a bit exaggerated, but maybe, almost!

Of course, it’s not that Kirishima Touka is in love with Yun Che.

After all, this is the first time the two have met. From the beginning to the present, the dialogue has been less than a hundred sentences, and the time to get along is not a few hours.

If you just say you like it, it would be too exaggerated.

However, there is definitely a good impression.

As for the degree of goodwill, I don’t know, when this goodwill will reach the level of liking, I don’t know.

Or maybe, this is not the kind of affection that men and women like at all, but the kind of affection that can be a close friend?

The emotional matter is too complicated. What is the specific result?

Who can say it right? .

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