Chapter 308

After using his abilities and making some money, he bought a villa as a place to live.

Yun Che took Uchiha Zorana and Uzumaki Sunflower to the antique coffee shop in District 20.

Why are you here?

Of course it is because this is the base of the protagonist group!

How can I not say hello to the protagonist group when I’m a newcomer?

“Let’s go, let’s go in and sit down, inside…but all of them are ghouls.”

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and Yun Che smiled with interest.

Then took Uchiha Zorana and Uzumaki Sunflower, opened the door, and entered the antique coffee shop.

After finding a place to sit down, a girl waiter with short blue and purple hair and bangs covering her right eye, walked over with the menu.

It is the destiny heroine of this world, Touka Kirishima!

“Hello, what do the guests want?”

Opening the menu stand on the table, Touka Kirishima asked with a smile.

“Three cups of coffee, and then some desserts.”

Yun Che didn’t even look at the menu, and said lightly.

What can I order in the coffee shop?

Isn’t it just for drinking, but at most some desserts are added, so the menu or something is completely redundant.

Besides, when Yun Che came here for coffee?

He’s here for the Ghoul here, alright! 14

“OK, just a second.”

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, Kirishima Touka showed the waiter’s signature smile, put away the menu, and then left.

From Yun Che’s way of ordering just now, and her keen sixth sense as a girl.

She subconsciously felt that the person in front of her was definitely a troublesome guest.

But where the trouble is, I can’t tell…

“Brother Yun Che, are the people in here really ghouls?”

Looking around, he found that the surrounding guests were all drinking coffee and chatting and laughing, and Uzumaki Sunflower asked curiously.

“Well, Ghoul can’t eat human food, but they can drink coffee.”

Yun Che nodded.

Antique coffee shops, shop assistants and even customers are basically ghouls, and only a few humans who don’t know the truth will stray into the shop.

For example, Jin Muken and his good friend Hidera Nagai.

However, I haven’t seen them now, I guess they are still in class.

After all, college students are also students.

“Ms. Yun Che, our goal this time is to kill all the ghouls in it?”

Uchiha Zorana asked with a look of expectation with Shu Lingling’s big eyes shining.

“No, we just came to have a cup of coffee and say hello.”

“Also, Zoriana, you are a girl from the family, so I won’t say anything to kill in the future. It’s too rude. If you’re a little more tactful, you will destroy or knock it down.”

Yun Che shook his head, and corrected the corners of his mouth slightly.

Should it be said that he is the most miserable king, Uchiha Sa Erju’s child?

How old is this, I just talk about killing and killing, there is a kind of inexplicable sense of blood pretending…

“Guests, here are your coffee and desserts. Please use them slowly.”

After chatting for a while, Touka Kirishima brought three cups of coffee and two plates of desserts and said with a smile.

Afterwards, he was about to turn around and leave.

“Sister, wait a minute!”

However, at this moment, Uzumaki Sunflower suddenly stopped her.

“Huh? Little sister, what’s the matter?”

Kirishima Touka heard the words, turned her head, and asked with a smile.

As a Ghoul, she hates CCG’s white pigeons, and has a natural hostility towards humans.

But in the face of children, Touka Kirishima is still very gentle.

After all, children are very simple and don’t have so many bad thoughts. If they are not specially instilled in the concept of cannibalism, they will not even hate the cannibalism.

“Sister, are you a Ghoul?”

Maelstrom Sunflower asked innocently and suspiciously.

As soon as she said this, Kirishima Touka was stunned, with a gentle smile on her face.

And, because Uzumaki Sunflower did not deliberately lower his voice, it was not only Kirishima Touka.

The clerk and guests in the antique coffee shop all heard clearly!

In an instant, all the ghouls subconsciously showed scarlet eyes and turned to look at Yun Che’s table.

As a ghoul, the first thought when facing human beings is:

Identity exposed? OK, no problem, just eat it!

“How did you know?”

Kirishima Touka was sluggish for a while, then asked with a gloomy expression.

The exposure of Ghoul’s identity is no small matter.

If it is not handled properly, the entire antique coffee shop, and even the entire Anding District, will be devastated by the CCG pigeon!

“Brother Yun Che said it!”

Maelstrom Sunflower said of course.

Upon hearing this, Kirishima Dongxiang turned his murderous gaze to Yun Che.

At this moment, she finally knew why she had subconsciously thought this was a troublesome guest before.

Now it seems that it is really troublesome, in various senses.

As for why he turned his attention directly to Yun Che?

This is not nonsense.

Although I don’t know Yun Che’s name, Uzumaki Sunflower uses the suffix of brother, and among the three, there is only Yun Che.

So, if you still don’t know who Yun Che’s brother is, it might be a brain beating.


Seeing Dongxiang Kirishima, and even all the ghouls in the antique cafe, looked at him.

The corners of Yun Che’s mouth twitched slightly, and he smiled helplessly:

“Sunflower, sunflower, you are really Naruto’s good daughter…”

In Yun Che’s view, the reason why Maelstrom Sunflower is so unscrupulous in asking questions that shouldn’t be asked is purely due to two factors.

One, the curious nature of children.

Second, inherited Naruto Uzumaki’s idiot-like rough nerves.

So, how do you say it?

Really TM’s daughter!

Uchiha Zorana inherited Uchiha Sasuke’s dog-blood pretense, and Uzumaki Sunflower inherited Uzumaki’s idiot nerves.

Is this what the legend says, the whole family is to be neat and tidy?

No one is normal!

However, for their cuteness, Yun Che still silently chose to forgive them.

“It’s rare, you can have a full meal.”

“There are so many of us, they are just three, how do you eat?”

“Does that still need to be said? Of course it is to eat separately!”

“I want to eat legs. The thighs are fat and the fattest!”

At this time, the Ghoul customers in the antique coffee shop could no longer hold back their eyes, their eyes shining, and their mouths saliva.

They were very pleasantly surprised. It was obvious that they and others just came to have a cup of coffee to relieve their gluttony, but they didn’t expect that they would encounter someone who had debunked their Ghoul identity.

In this way, even if this is the stable area, it doesn’t matter if you eat it, right?

After all, if you don’t eat it, your identity will be exposed. When the time comes, it will be troublesome to be targeted by CCG pigeons. .

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