Chapter 305

Looking at the three girls in front of him, Yun Che couldn’t help feeling a little bit emotional.

Now, it is the most beautiful moment in their lives…

The sexy Haruno Sakura.

The mature and stable Yamanaka Ino.

(, “!: This”; group’! Every?; Day’! More “new” flying “Lu:. Xiao”, say?”!; “”If” water. Group?,”,: 6 ,5:6:;6;1;8′;8;9!6!『:’If’ water: !中;;转’;』?’3″?0:0,?0,!3!1 ?4.:2;:7!)    gentle and considerate Hinata Hinata.

To be honest, compared to the cuteness and tenderness of childhood, Yun Che feels that now they are more interested in men, no matter their appearance, temperament, or body shape.

“Mr Yun Che, welcome back.”

Hinata Hyuga smiled softly as she rolled up the hair in her ears.

“We have been waiting for you.”

Yamanaka Ino blinked and smiled.

“Waiting for you to come back and marry us.”

Haruno Sakura spread her hands and gestured for a hug.

“These years, it has been so hard for you…”

With the corners of his mouth slightly raised, Yun Che stepped forward decisively, embracing the three of them in his arms.

After several years of waiting to meet again, there was no so-called grievance, and the atmosphere, on the contrary, seemed extraordinarily warm.

“It’s not hard work. After you finally wait for you, everything is worth it.”

Feeling the warmth in Yun Che’s arms, Hinata Hinata closed his eyes and smiled comfortably.

Actually, it’s not hard work. Needless to say, Yun Che knew it in his heart.

Everyone who was in the same period had already started a family and had children, but the three of them were alone and watched silently. This feeling must be very uncomfortable.

Although they were left behind, there was indeed a reason.

But now, they have abandoned their best youth, waiting for themselves.

If Yun Che still abandons them, it would be too inhuman.

“This time, I will take you away with you, and I won’t make you wait so long.”

Holding the three of them tightly, Yun Che promised earnestly.


Hinata Hyuga, Ino Yamanaka, and Sakura Haruno nodded silently without saying much.

They have been waiting for so many years, their love and way of expression are no longer what they used to be playing when they were children, like making trouble, and sticking together all the time.

It is stability from the inside out.

You know, the follow-up of fiery love is warm and comfortable family affection.

it is more than words.

“Okay, don’t stay here, let’s go in.”

After a warm hug, Yun Che took the three daughters into the palace.

And at this time, the whirlpool blogger and the whirlpool sunflower had already escaped from the moon reading illusion.


The state of the two of them is very bad…

“Bo Ren! Bo Ren! What’s wrong with you? Say something quickly, don’t scare Dad!”

Uzumaki Naruto shook Uzumaki Bo’s shoulder frantically, his face full of anxiety.

But the blogger of Uzumaki had a dull face, and his eyes were blank. No matter how his father called or shook him, he didn’t even react at all.

“Silly? No reason!”

“The ban I set up should be to force him to quit before he collapses.”

Seeing this scene, Yun Che frowned and went to the Ubisoft blogger, raised his hand and pressed it on his head.

The soul gem is launched, and a force penetrates into the brain.


Neurons, normal.

Nervous network, some tightness and small wear, but there is no major problem, at least not to go crazy or stupid.

In general, the brain is OK, the spirit is normal, and the consciousness is barely passable.

“Okay, stop screaming, this kid is neither crazy nor stupid, but the stimulus is too great, and he can’t accept it for a while, so his mind is closed.”

After the Mind Gems’ detection of Uzumaki Bo’s brain, Yun Che patted Uzumaki Naruto’s shoulder and said.

“Ms. Yun Che, is it really okay for bloggers?”

Uzumaki Naruto asked nervously.

“Well, rest for a while, just let him slow down.”

“However, during this period of time, you are probably responsible for his eating and drinking Lazarus. He has no power of autonomy.”

Yun Che shrugged and said.

Well, neither mad nor stupid, but will be autistic and paralyzed for a period of time, almost like a vegetative person.

“Hoo~ Take care, just take care of it, as long as you are not crazy or stupid.”

With Yun Che’s confirmation, Uzumaki Naruto was finally relieved.

He was really scared to death by the sluggish and dull look of the Uzumaki blog.

“What about Sunflower, how is she?”

Ignoring the whirlpool blogger, Yun Che turned to look at the whirlpool sunflower held by Hexi.

“Sunflower is okay, the body is trembling, and the eyes are scared, but it’s normal.”

Hexi comforted the head of Swirl Sunflower in his arms and said.


Upon hearing this, Yun Che couldn’t help but glanced at the blogger Uzumaki in Naruto Uzumaki’s arms, with a look of contempt.

Good guy, when my brother’s autism was paralyzed, for a while, it became a waste.

But when the younger sister is shaking, her eyes are scared.

In comparison, the gap is really not that big.

With such a waste material brother, Yun Che feels sad for Uzumaki Sunflower from the bottom of his heart.

Especially now, without the Hyuga bloodline that originated from his mother, and without the eye-cleaning, the Uzumaki blogger can still be the protagonist of Mao, and it feels like he is almost like a club!

“Sunflower, how do you feel about Moonlight Fantasy?”

Taking the Uzumaki Sunflower from Hexi’s arms, Yun Che asked with a smile.

His words immediately drew everyone’s eyes.

You are really the devil, you are so embarrassed to ask how the little girl feels?

Is it necessary for someone to give you a five-star praise to be comfortable?

“Hurt… scared…”

The body was trembling, Uzumaki Sunflower replied with some evasive eyes.

“Sunflower, can you tell brother, what did you do in the Moonlight Fantasy Realm?”

Seeing Uzumaki Sunflower’s dodge gaze, Yun Che subconsciously felt something was wrong.

But what was wrong in detail, he just couldn’t tell.

Therefore, I can only ask to see if Maelstrom Sunflower is willing to take the initiative to say it.

“I…I killed those people…all…all…”

Maybe it’s the innocence of a child, so she doesn’t know how to lie.

Maelstrom Sunflower was honest, and said in a trembling tone what he had done in the illusion of Moon Reading.

As soon as she said this, everyone present was shocked.

Especially Tsunade and Tsuruhe, who have experienced the moon reading phantom, and Otsuki Teruya and Uchiha Sarana!

“Xiao Kui, what did you… just say?”

Uchiha Sarana asked incredulously.

She still couldn’t do anything in the moon reading illusion compiled by Yun Che.

And Maelstrom Sunflower, a simple little girl, actually said that she killed all the people in the Moonlight Fantasy Realm?

Why is this TM talking about internationally?

Are you kidding me? .

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