Chapter 303

“I see?”

Sasuke Uchiha scratched his head, although he didn’t understand what Yun Che was talking about.

But it must be awesome.

After all, even the kaleidoscope is opened directly. If this is not awesome, what else is there?

“Ms. Yun Che, those just now were all dreams you arranged for me, or rather, illusion?”

Uchiha Zorana, whose brain gradually recovered sober, also reflected what was going on just now.

“Well, how about it, isn’t the plot very exciting?”

Yun Che nodded, grinning.

To be honest, the reason why he arranged such a moon reading illusion for Uchiha Zorana was not only to help her directly open the kaleidoscope, but also a little bit of evil.

After all, I experienced a lot of severe beatings before crossing.

Now that I have the opportunity, how can I not let others experience it?

“Hehe, Teacher Yun Che, you are such a devil!”

Uchiha Zorana sneered blankly.

God knows how desperate she was in the moon reading illusion compiled by Yun Che before.

Calling Tiantian not to, and calling 14 places not working, can only see my dearest family members being obliterated in various cruel and disgusting ways one by one!

He bit his head and decapitated, and he was heartbroken.

The worse ones, even minced meat directly, without mosaics.

To be honest, although it has now returned to reality, and know that those are fictitious.

But Uchiha Zorana still felt that she would definitely not be able to sleep well in the next period of time.

I’m afraid that as long as you close your eyes, you can recall those bloody and brutal nightmares in the Moon Reading Fantasy Realm…

“It’s too much. The teacher obviously helped you open the kaleidoscope, but you criticized the teacher as the devil.”

Yun Che sighed sadly.

“Haha, Mr. Yun Che, you who can come up with that kind of plot and compose that kind of illusion, say you are a devil, but actually look down on you!”

At Yun Che’s false cry, Uchiha Zorana twitched her eyes and still sneered.

She said that after experiencing the brutal beatings of Yu Fan’s plot caused by the demonic transformation, she has thoroughly recognized Yun Che’s true face.

This is a teacher who not only has a black belly, but is also very bad, with bad water in his belly!

Of course, the ability is still there, after all, the process is a bit brutal and inhumane.

But in terms of the result, Yun Che really helped Uchiha Zorana to open the kaleidoscope smoothly.

“What what? What are you talking about?”

Tsunade, who was curious, couldn’t bear to hear it:

“Yun Che, what did you do to Zuo Liangna in the Moonlight Fantasy Realm? Not only did you directly open the kaleidoscope, but even the temperament of the whole person changed!”

Hearing Tsunade’s words, the corners of Yun Che’s mouth twitched.

What do you mean by what you did to Uchiha Zorana in the Moonlight Fantasy Realm?

Tsunade, Tsunade, what you said is very ambiguous, do you know?


“The temperament has really changed…”

Looking at Uchiha Sarana, Yun Che whispered thoughtfully.

In fact, it is normal to think about it, after all, a good normal person.

After experiencing the brutal beatings of Yu Fan’s plot caused by the magic transformation, it is impossible for her mentality to change.

If the former Uchiha Sarana was a very strong little girl with Tsundere, then the current Uchiha Sarana has undoubtedly become a vicissitudes of life and indifferent girl…

Well, it feels a bit weird to describe a girl with vicissitudes of life and indifference.

After all, she is still just an eleven or twelve-year-old baby girl.

But the change in temperament is so great that people subconsciously ignore age.

“Yun Che, don’t be stunned!”

“Quickly talk about it, what did you do to Zuo Liangna in your monthly reading?”

Tsunade asked nonchalantly, as if she could not get an answer, she was uncomfortable.

“Tsunade, sometimes, too much curiosity can kill not only cats, but also people.”

Yun Che squinted and smiled:

“Since you want to know so much, why don’t you go in and try?”

With Tsunade’s stickiness, if she didn’t tell her, she would have been entangled forever, which was very troublesome.

So, it’s better to let her go in and experience it.


Tsunade nodded excitedly when he heard the words.

“Yun Che, I’ll go in and try it too.”

“I’m also very curious about the illusion that I can open from the single gouyu directly to the kaleidoscope.”

Hexi and Datongmu Huiye also spoke at this time.

Obviously, the two of them are also very interested in the illusion that Uchiha Zorana called the devil.

“Ms. Yun Che, I want to let Bo Ren and Sunflower go in and experience it.”

Naruto Uzumaki, who has always liked to fight with Sao Uchiha, saw that Uchiha Zorana had opened the kaleidoscope, and he said unwillingly to lag behind.

Completely disregarding the resisting expressions of his two children.

Uzumaki Boren and Uzumaki Sunflower still know Uchiha’s character very well.

After all, the two are world friends, and the relationship is very good.

Even Tsundere’s so strong character like Uchiha Zorana felt that the Moonlight Fantasy was a devil.

The whirlpool bloggers and whirlpool sunflowers do not want to go in and experience it anyway.

However, my dad has already made a decision and said it is dead, and his two children seem to have no room to resist…

“so many people?”

Yun Che couldn’t help but raised his eyebrows, these guys, I’m afraid they are all shaking M, right?

It’s really the first time I have seen so many people like to take the initiative to seek abuse.

“Well, it doesn’t matter, since you all want to experience it, then all go in.”

Shrugging indifferently, Yun Che’s eyes widened, and the eternal kaleidoscope of pupils urged, instantly sending all the people who signed up into the illusion of moon reading.

The plot setting of the Moon Reading Fantasy Land is basically the same.

But the role that everyone sees in the Moonlight Fantasy Realm has changed.

To put it bluntly, what they saw was their dearest people deep in their hearts.

“Uncle Naruto, you will regret it.”

Seeing Uzumaki Naruto asked Yun Che to send the two children, Uzumaki Boren and Uzumaki Sunflower, into the moon-reading fantasy.

Uchiha Zorana turned to look at Uzumaki Naruto, and sighed faintly.

“It’s okay, I believe that Bo Ren and Sunflower will definitely complete the trial!”

Naruto Uzumaki shook his head and smiled firmly.


Seeing Naruto Uzumaki’s nonchalant idiot, Uchiha Zorana shook her head helplessly.

In her opinion, the playful urination of Uzumaki Bo is good, at most incontinence, mental disorder for a period of time.

But the words of Uzumaki Sunflower…

Before entering, it was pure silly white sweetness.

After coming out, I’m afraid it will become turbid, dark and bitter.

After all, as a past person, Uchiha Zorana knows how terrifying Yun Che’s moon reading fantasy is.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is spiritual pollution! .

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