Chapter 299

Yun Che has already decided, and after a while, he will go to meet those who have been waiting for him for many years.

As for now…

Of course it’s the girl who is teasing her two disciples!

Yun Che likes Uchiha Sarana and Uzumaki Sunflower very much.

As for the whirlpool blogger, don’t say you like it, it’s good if you don’t beat him. After all, in the original blog, his performance is not ordinary.

The prince’s magnanimity was brought to the fullest by this little bastard.

It is no exaggeration to say that among the 100 people who read the blog, ninety-nine people want to beat him up.

The other person wanted to directly beat him to death!

The whirlpool blogger may not be the most annoying protagonist.

But definitely one of the most annoying protagonists!

“Sunflower, do you know who I am?”

Taking Uzumaki Sunflower from Uzumaki Naruto’s hands, Yun Che said with a petting smile.

“I don’t know. Just now Dad and Uncle Sasuke called you Yun Che-teacher. I always feel like I’ve heard it somewhere, but I just can’t remember it.”

Putting the index finger on his lips, Uzumaki Sunflower puffed up his fleshy face, and shook his head cutely.

She is not as big as the blogger’s biography.

Wearing a pink T-shirt, a little white skirt and black shorts, and a little braid on his head.

The whole person is cute, cute, and extremely sensible, which really makes people’s hearts quicker.

“Don’t think about it if you don’t remember it.”

Seeing Uzumaki Sunflower thinking and meditating, Yun Che stroked her head and smiled.

“Well, then, like Dad and Uncle Sasuke, should I call you Mrs. Yun Che?”

Uzumaki Sunflower asked curiously.

“Sunflower, in terms of seniority, you should be called Master Yun Che.”

Uzumaki Naruto interrupted with a smile.

However, as soon as he said this, Yun Che gave him a fierce look:

“Don’t listen to your idiot father, just call me Brother Yun Che.”

Master, it sounds super old-fashioned or not, regardless of the real age for the time being, but in terms of appearance, Yun Che is definitely much younger than Zuoming.

So it’s not appropriate to be called Master, in all senses.

“Hey, Brother Yun Che, I heard people say that Dad and Uncle Sasuke are very good.”

“Since they all call you a teacher, does that mean that they are all taught by you?”

Whether to say it or not, the child’s curiosity is still very strong.

Especially when facing a character who has been listening to others since I can remember.

I want to ask more questions, knowing the basics, but there is nothing wrong with it.

“Right.” Yun Che smiled.

To be honest, he and Tsuru Hee have not coached Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki in terms of strength.

They are more to give them the direction of life, let them know the truth, and personally choose the future they want.

“Wow! Brother Yun Che is amazing!”

Uzumaki Sunflower clapped excitedly and laughed.

“Not only you, Brother Yun Che is amazing, but sister Hexi is also amazing!”

At this time, it seemed that the Uzumaki Sunflower was so cute, and Hexi felt a little itchy in his heart.

He snatched it directly from Yun Che’s arms, amused.


Maybe some maternal love is overflowing.

“Zoranna, come here.”

With a helpless shrug, the soft and cute Uzumaki sunflower was taken away by Hee, Yun Che and Tsundere’s Uchiha Sarana.

“Wh…what’s the matter?”

Upon hearing this, Uchiha Zorana walked towards Yun Che a little cautiously.

For the teacher of her own father and Uncle Naruto, her attitude is very complicated.

Be scared, it must be scared, after all, he had spoken badly before.

Be in awe, you must be in awe, after all, Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki, who stood on the top of the Ninja World, both respect Yun Che as teachers.

“Come, let me hug.”

Yun Che smiled slightly, put both hands under Uchiha’s armpits, and hugged her up.

Well, although it is heavier than Uzumaki Sunflower, after all, the age is there.

Normally, Uchiha Zorana is quite light.


Uchiha Zorana’s face flushed, her eyes were erratic, she was so nervous, she didn’t know what to say.

“Zoranna, have you opened your eyes?”

After rubbing against Uchiha’s soft face, Yun Che asked with concern.

“It’s on, but it’s just a single gouyu…”

Uchiha Zorana, who was still shy at first, looked frustrated when she heard the words.

Writing round eyes is a symbol of the Uchiha clan.

How old are the eyes open, and the eyes open a few times, all of which represent the talents of the Uchiha tribe.

In Uchiha Zorana’s view, she, who only billed Gouyu at the age of eleven, was simply a waste.

I heard that his father, Uchiha Sasuke, was seven-year-old with an eye-opening single-gou jade, and at the age of twelve he was a double-gou jade.

There is a huge gap between the father and daughter.

“~Zoranna, you can’t belittle yourself, in fact, your father’s talent is not much better.”

Yun Che touched her head, smiled and comforted.

And when Uchiha Sasuke heard the words, his eyes twitched. He had a hunch that his respected teacher seemed to be exposing himself in front of his daughter.

“How is it possible? Dad opened his eyes when he was seven!”

Uchiha Zorana pouted, her expression unbelieving.

The gap between opening eyes at the age of seven and opening eyes at the age of eleven is not so big.

“Then you know, what happened to your father before he opened his eyes?”

Yun Che grinned.

“What’s the matter?” U (who promised) Zhiba Zorana was a little curious.

“When he was seven years old, he witnessed his favorite brother, killed his parents, and slaughtered the whole Uchiha clan.”


When Uchiha Sarana heard the words, she was stunned.

Writing round eyes, whether it is eye opening or evolution, is linked to intense emotions, she knows this.

She also knew that the Uchiha clan was annihilated back then, and was destroyed by her own uncle.

However, she never imagined that her father had witnessed her uncle killing his parents and massacring the whole clan. He only paid a single Gouyu?

This kind of blood feud is so monstrous that he only bills Gouyu?

Okay, now, Uchiha Sarana is a little convinced, Yun Che said that Uchiha’s talent is poor.

“In addition, the time to open the eyes is aside for the time being, but the speed of evolution, your father is definitely the slowest!”.

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