Chapter 293

“Tsunade, I seriously suspect that your brain was hit by a cannon.”

Yun Che rolled his eyes silently.

They all say that they have big breasts and no brains. I thought it was a sham, but now it looks like it is a fact.

There will be women who think that their men have changed their sexual interests, and they also feel interesting. This is not funny!


Cerro didn’t speak, and he didn’t even understand what Tsunade meant.

However, he always felt that he was offended.

“That… Yun Che, what is going on?”

As the only ordinary person present, Kai Mae asked with a dazed expression.

She could understand a little bit about the past pastoral world, other-dimensional space, parallel world, although science can’t prove it, but there is still a basis for it.

But now this completely different new world has broken her three views.

This is not a different-dimensional space, let alone a parallel world, but a whole new, unseen world.

Science has no basis and cannot be verified.

This has already touched the blind spot of Ji Jian Hui’s knowledge.

It is also true that parallel worlds and different-dimensional spaces have certain scientific theories.

But the world outside of the 14th world is not so much science as it is more metaphysical.

Of course, it is not impossible to say that the universe is outside the universe, but it is really far-fetched.

After all, how much do humans know about the universe?

Don’t talk about the Milky Way, even the solar system can’t go out, okay!

“Xia Hai, go and explain to Ji Mahui.”

Yun Che was too lazy to speak, and among the people present, Guang Xiahai was the best to speak.

Therefore, it is most suitable for her to explain to Ji Mahui.


Guang Xiahai nodded, and then pulled the bewildered Intermae to the side to explain the world beyond the world, the universe beyond the universe, and many other information.

“Kilyn, Lena, go and prepare the city to buy some ingredients and come back, and have a barbecue tonight.”

“We just had a fight before, and we didn’t rest or eat. We were tired.”

Lying on the sofa, Yun Che stretched comfortably and smiled.

He was fine in the previous battle between Tiga World and the Dark Otto Killer Triple.

Mainly Hongkai and Dagu, as well as Sai Luo and others are too tired.

Moreover, without their help, the dimensional wall that crosses the heavens and myriad realms would not have been able to take shape so quickly, so what should be rewarded must be rewarded.

Lest they complain about their squeezing of labor.

“Okay, let’s go buy it now.”

Qilin and Reina nodded obediently, before leaving, they didn’t forget to bring Tsunade with them.

The two of them are responsible for buying, and Tsunade is responsible for resisting.

Who makes her stronger?

“Yun Che, your little days are too comfortable.”

“Like an emperor, who calls the wind and calls the rain, don’t have to do anything, there are still people to serve.”

Lying on the sofa without seeing anything, Monya Shi laughed with interest.

“Don’t talk nonsense about this, what is serving? We are in love with each other!”

Yun Che rolled his eyes silently.

However, the words of being like an emperor did not make a mistake. After all, who made himself the lord of the huge Crystal Palace?

“I know, I know! I also sigh with emotion!”

Door Yaji waved his hand and smiled.

Sometimes, in terms of family status, he really envied Yun Che.

At first, Men Yashi thought that if there were too many women, it would be very troublesome. Unexpectedly, Yun Che’s women were all so caring.

Not only does it not cause trouble, but it also helps solve it.

Unlike Ola in my own family, she is alone, so harassing…

Tsk Tsk, the door Yashi just thought of it, and felt afraid for a while.

“Yun Che, is there a giant of light in your world?”

At this time, Da Gu and Hong Kai suddenly leaned forward and asked curiously.

“No, what’s the matter?”

Yun Che was stunned when he heard the words, raised his eyebrows and asked.

The super god world, where is the giant of light, if you really want to say something, you will be brought by yourself, right?

“Then how do we perceive a pure light source approaching?”

Da Gu and Hong Kai looked at each other suspiciously.

“Don’t tell me you guys, I feel it too.”

“However, purity is pure, but it is very different from the light source of our giant of light.”

Sai Luo touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

“Pure light source approaching?”

Yun Che frowned. There is no local giant of light in the super god world, so he can pack 100% of the votes.

But in that case, what happened to the light source they three Altman said about?

Pure light source? Still getting closer?

Could it be…

“Kaisha and the others?”

Yun Che raised his eyebrows.

The world of super gods, if you really want to say that there is something that represents light, then it is undoubtedly an angel civilization

It’s just that the local people prefer to call it justice.

“That said, Keisha and the others are coming soon, they are pretty fast.”

With a grin, Yun Che turned his head and looked at the door of the villa.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, the door opened, and Keisha and Hexi walked in together.

Even Hiko, who was the current angel queen, and Zhixin, who was the current left-wing guard, rushed back.

“Yun Che, you are back!”

Seeing Yun Che lying on the sofa, Keisha’s figure flickered, and instantly changed from Onee-san to Loli, and plunged into Yun Che’s arms.

I have to say that since resigning from the position of Queen of Angels, Keisha’s life has become more and more relaxed.

In the past, Yun Che turned her into a child in order to tame her.

Now, without Yun Che taking the initiative, she herself likes to be a child, shrunk in his arms.

It seems so, she is very warm and feels safe.

“Well, I’m back.”

Stroking Keisha’s smooth hair, Yun Che smiled dozingly.

In terms of personal meaning, he also prefers Kesha in this posture.

After all, there are enough Onee-san in the Crystal Palace. Although it is not aesthetically tired, it is still good to have a Loli to dote on.

“Hey, hello, Keisha, so many people are watching, can you pay attention.”

Hexi uttered a little speechlessly.

“Cut, anyway, the angel queen is Yan, and all of them here are sisters. What are you afraid of!”

Keisha curled her lips and murmured.

Now she can be said to have not a trace of air.

Purely a little girl indulged in the embrace of her lover. .

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