Chapter 291

In the pastoral world.

It’s also a newcomer, but Juggler, Siro and Hongkai are okay, after all, they are well-informed.

But Dagu and Ji Mahui were stunned.

From their cognition, how can they not think that behind a portal, there will be a whole new world!

Landforms, mountains, air.

Everything is completely different from the outside world!

“Yun Che, this is…”

Intermediate Hui asked blankly and curiously.

“This is a small world that I carry with me. You can also understand it as a different-dimensional space.”

Yun Che shrugged and said.

If you tell them, this is a gem with some sense of self-independence, hidden behind it, like an idyllic small universe.

They must not understand.

Therefore, it is straightforward and simple to say that it is a different-dimensional space.

“Yun Che, you are so strong, you can open up such a large space of different dimensions, and you can carry it with you.”

“This kind of operation, in our country of light, I am afraid that only the old man can do it.”

Sai Luo sincerely admired.

And the old man in his mouth is not his Laozi Saiwen, but the real master of the Kingdom of Light, the King of Otto!

In the entire Kingdom of Light, only Sai Luo, a rebellious teenager, dared to call the King of Otter like that.

“Well, it’s okay.”

Yun Che shrugged and said indifferently.

Although the King of Otter is not his opponent one thousand percent, but this kind of thing is boring to say, just know it yourself.

Sometimes, the pretense is not on the surface, but on the secret.

Passive acting is more exciting than active acting!

“That’s right! Siro, the ultimate armor that your Palagi’s shield changes, has the power of space, right?”

As if suddenly remembering something, Yun Che asked Sai Luo with a look of excitement.

“The power of space? There should be, after all, the ultimate form of me can travel through space.”

Sai Luo was stunned when he heard the words, then scratched his head and said.

He didn’t care about why Yun Che knew that he had the Paraggi shield given by Noah, or that he subconsciously ignored this question.

After all, what a fool, his mind is not so good.

I don’t care much about what I have obtained in the past and now I mention it.

“In that case…”

With a grin, Yun Che raised his hand and called out a dimensional wall, then turned to look at the door Yashi:

“Wang Xiaoming, come on!”

“Go on? Where to go? How to go?”

Upon hearing the words, the door Yashi asked in a daze.

“Dimensional wall!” Yun Che rolled his eyes silently.

Why is this guy’s savvy so bad, he had only implemented it not long ago, and this time, he had already summoned the Dimension Wall directly, but he still didn’t understand it.


With a awkward smile, he nodded, and the door Yashi also raised his hand to call out the dimension.

Yun Che’s mind was thinking about the coordinates of the super god world. Menyashi’s head was empty, and the two dimensional walls overlapped and merged with each other.

In an instant, the mirror surface became chaotic again.

“Sure enough, it’s still the same as before.”

Looking at the chaotic Dimensional Wall in front of him, Yun Che whispered thoughtfully.

This dimensional wall, which blessed the power of oneself and the door arrow, can cross the heavens and all worlds and connect to the super god world.

However, it can only be regarded as a semi-connected, because there is no way to shuttle through it, only the sound can be easily transmitted.

Before, Yun Che always felt that something was missing.

Now, he already knows.

This dimensional wall lacks the power of space!

The two spatial powers of him and Menyashi are not enough to completely cross the heavens and all realms, but only the spatial power of Noah’s Paraghi shield given to Cyro is added.

Combining three into one is absolutely feasible!

“Siro, it’s your turn, become the ultimate form and inject the power of space into it!”

Turning his head to look at Sai Luo, Yun Che said seriously.

As long as he succeeds this time, he can connect the worlds he has traveled through.

Super God World, Naruto World, Marvel World, Masked World, Ultra World…

Many worlds are connected in a line and are in your hands.

This will be an invaluable and unmatched wealth!

“let me try.”

Although it was a little unclear, Siro nodded.

Push the ultimate bracelet on the wrist to change into the shield of Balaji, and then use the shield of Balaji to change into the ultimate armor, becoming the ultimate form.

“Space travel!”

Aiming at the chaotic dimension wall, Sai Luo raised his hand, and a golden and red force emerged.

It is the space power of Balaji’s shield!

The power of space is injected into the chaotic dimension wall, gradually shining with the brilliance of platinum and gold.

“This method… really works!”

As the owner of this dimensional wall, Yun Che can clearly feel that its spatial power is gradually strengthening.

The originally chaotic and fuzzy mirror surface gradually became clear.

In the dim, Yun Che has even seen his suburban villa in the super god world!

“Alright? I feel my body is hollowed out and I can’t hold it anymore…”

Sai Luo gritted his teeth and said in a very weak tone.

The external force of releasing space and the shuttle space by itself are completely two concepts.

Although both are related to space, the former is more useless of physical strength and energy, while the latter, for a skilled person, is very relaxing.

“Immediately, soon, hold on!”

Yun Che said urgently.

Although there are still some ripples, he can already clearly see his villa in the super god world.

This means that the dimensional wall that crosses the heavens and worlds will take shape immediately, and only the energy of the power of space will be enough!

“No way, no way! Can’t hold on! Uncle, let me go!”

Sai Luo wailed, interrupted the power injection into the dimension wall, and collapsed to the ground, panting continuously.

He feels that he is almost exhausted into a dog.

Really, even wearing the spiritual armor and being trained by Leo in the devil’s style, he was not as tired as he is now.

Sure enough, things like the power of space can’t be controlled casually.

Time is king, space is respect.

This sentence is not nonsense…

“Damn it, it’s a little bit…”

Seeing that Cerro couldn’t hold on anymore, Yun Che sighed and didn’t say anything.

This is not to blame Siro, after all, the power of space is already quite arrogant, not to mention that the power of Balaji’s shield originates from the legendary Noah.

Cerro can do this level, already very powerful.


Success is clearly in front of me, so I just gave up, Yun Che is really unwilling! .

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