Chapter 285

“Jiehaha…interesting, so interesting!”

“Compared to the original Otter brothers, you are more worthy of my appreciation!”

After dozens of rounds of fierce battle with Anyao Hongkai, the Dark Alt Killer laughed loudly.

In this battle, there was no fancy light, and no tricks or tricks.

Only pure hand-to-hand combat, fighting, fist to the flesh!

“I have to say, I played very happily! How about, do you want to be my subordinate?”

“If I guessed correctly, half of your current form is dark, right? Becoming my subordinate, I can give you even more powerful power!”

The Dark Alt Killer is powerful and has a heart for talent.

Half of the power of Hong Kai’s Dark Yao form comes from the darkness, the way of fighting is so simple and rude.

To be reasonable, I have been dealing with the giant of light for so long.

This is still the powerful Dark Otter Killer. The first time I saw the Giant of Light, he would deliberately destroy the building and use the building as a shame during the battle!

how to say?

Very rude and savage, but very much in line with his wishes!

“Hey, be your subordinate? Do you think it’s possible!”

“Being in the dark, with a heart toward the light, this is the power held by me in the dark yao form!”

Righteously speaking, as if to prove his determination, Hong Kai stretched out his hands, condensing a circle of half black and red, and half of azure blue.

The left and right are filled with extremely light and dark light wheels:

“Z Humm…light!”

A wheel of light appeared around his chest, wrapped in dark energy.

With his hands crossed, the pure light entangled the black and red lightning, and it burst into the dark Otter killer forcefully.


“In that case, there is no need for you to exist, just accept destruction with this world!”

It seemed that he was rejected on the spot, and was a little bit frustrated, the Dark Otter Killer murmured uncomfortably.

“Dark barrier!”

“Dark Killer Shooting`~!”

First, dark energy was used to form a barrier entwined with lightning to withstand the impact of Z Xium’s light.

Then raise both hands flat, and condensed the red and blue energy from the wrists to the energy indicator light on the chest.

Immediately afterwards, using the energy indicator as the base point, the ultra-large range of dark purple swirling energy beams emitted, and everything passed by was annihilated!

“Thunder Cross Defense!”

The power of the dark killer’s shooting was so powerful that even if Hong Kai used defensive tactics, he was breached in an instant.

The whole person was directly hit and attacked and flew out. The circular energy indicator light on his chest flashed rapidly.

“It’s over, it’s too much trouble, it’s time to end…”

After knocking down the dark yao Uub, the Dark Alt Killer whispered indifferently.

Then, the whole person flew into the air, and a purple flame appeared for the third time.

For the first time, the Dark Alter Killer turned into a shadow form.

Appearing for the second time, the Dark Alter Killer became a powerful form.

What will it be the third time?

Hong Kai and others were not clear, but there was a tremor in their hearts for no reason.

And Yun Che, who has not taken a shot, showed the expectant smile. He knew that the real battle was about to begin, and the opponent who could make him a little more serious was about to appear!

“The giants of light, let’s be buried with this world!”

Sen Han sneered, and the Dark Alt Killer’s body grew rapidly.

70 meters, 100 meters, 150 meters…200 meters!

Combine the power of shadow form and powerful form.

Between the large black exoskeleton armor, golden eyes and colored timers shine.

The huge golden death head darts grow on the back like wings.

The horns of the head are huge and curved, and the overall image is like a fallen angel with a alien posture.

Dark Alter Killer, triple form!

In front of the 200-meter-high, the final triple form of the Dark Otter Assassin, Hong Kai, Sai Luo and others looked extremely small. After careful measurement, it seemed that the opponent’s leg was as high as the opponent’s leg!

Dagu is okay, he is in a shining form, with a meter height.

Raising his head, he could barely see the head of the Dark Otter Killer Triple.

“Hey hey hey… Are you kidding me?”

“How do you fight this kind of guy? Take a hammer, I’m afraid we’ll be gone if we get it down!”

Door Yashi swallowed, feeling terrified.

In the masked world, he hasn’t seen a gigantic weird person.

But those weirdos, at best, are similar to ordinary monsters in the Otto world, about fifty or sixty meters, and they are basically triple the dark Otto killers in front of them, and they are not comparable!

“Afraid! What’s up with your body size? Just hit it and you’re done!”

Siro curled his lips, but there was no extra surprise.

After all, he was the ruthless man who had eliminated the Beast Monster Peleidola in the Monster Graveyard.

The Hundred-Body Monster Peleidola is 4000 meters high, three times larger than the Dark Otter Killer, and it’s not known how many times bigger it is!

Well, to put it bluntly, it’s just a little ugly.

“.~ In that case, Siro Sang, please first please!”

Seeing Sai Luo didn’t seem to be afraid at all, Hong Kaiyi said righteously.

Although knowing the body shape can’t tell everything, who makes the shocking visual effects there?

And since Siro is done with everything, it is undoubtedly the best choice to let him be the first bird and go to the bottom!

“Cut! It sounds so good, don’t you want me to be the vanguard?”

“However, hit and hit, this uncle has never been afraid of anyone!”

Silently rolled his eyes, Siro exploded, and his whole body shot out towards the Dark Killer triple:

“Extra-limit punch!”

The fist bursting with blue flame slammed the Dark Alto Killer Triple, bursting out a brilliant spark.


It seems that there is no use for eggs?

The Dark Otter Killer Triple stood and let Cyro fight, but his eyelids didn’t twitch, and the skin (good promise) didn’t shed a layer!

“Damn! You despise me?”

Singing uncomfortably, Cyro condensed energy in his hands, blooming a pink whirlpool like a flower:

“Siro Hundred Fist!”

Hit countless serial punches at super high speed, punch to the flesh, every blow will burst into a brilliant arrogance.

However, it still seems useless…

“too weak.”

Glancing at Cerro with disdain, the Dark Alt Assassin raised his hand three times, slapped him down, and directly shot Cerro upside down and fell to the ground fiercely.

“For me in this form, you are too weak, so weak that I don’t even have the qualifications to see it straight.”

“Triple fireball!”

Whispering indifferently, the Dark Ultra Killer Sanzhong gathered the dark energy in his hand.

Lift up, launch.

Countless fireball-shaped golden energy bombs, containing the power of destruction, are overwhelming, pouring down like raindrops! Post.

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