Chapter 281

When the thick smoke of gunpowder dissipated, everyone finally saw what Xie Di looked like at the moment.

I saw that, unlike the previous three colors of black, gray and red, the basic shape is basically the same as Tiga.

Now Eidi, the pupils and the energy indicator on his chest changed from blue to pink, and a pair of silver arm blades grew on the wrists of both hands.

The gold and red lines on the chest condense the breastplate.

On the lower jaw, the diamond-shaped beard that only Ultraman over forty thousand years old can have!

“Tsk, how do these styling features feel so familiar?”

Frowning, Yun Che stroked his chin, muttering thoughtfully.

From the situation just now, it is not difficult to see that Eidi, or Masaki Keigo, should have been possessed or taken away by the lightning that split from the crack in the different dimension.

And the pink-purple energy indicator light and eyes.

The silver-white arm blades on the wrists of both hands.

The breastplate on the chest, the beard that Otto has only forty thousand years old…

The above characteristics formed a vague figure in Yun Che’s mind, but he couldn’t remember who it was.

“Kay, be careful, this guy’s breath has become very dangerous!”

Juggler solemnly reminded.

It is in the form of a demon, and it is blessed with the power of Suzuo Nohu.

Therefore, Juggler is particularly sensitive to dark and evil auras.

“I know.” Hong Kai nodded and held the Uub Holy Sword in his hand.

I haven’t felt this way before, but now, for some reason, facing Eidi, he always has the feeling of facing an endless dark abyss!

“It should be because of the previous lightning.”

“I guess, whose consciousness the lightning should be, occupy this guy’s body!”

Holding the Snake Heart Sword, Juggler stepped forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with Hong Kai.

Obviously, he was not worried about his good friends, facing such a weird Eidi alone.

“Jie Jie Jie…Unexpectedly, there are still two giants of light in this world.”

“Although it looks weak, but as my thug, I barely qualify!”

Without paying attention to Yun Che, Juggler, and Menyashi, Eidi sneered to himself.

After that, he raised his hand and made a claw move.

Suddenly, two beams of light flew out from Hong Kai and Dagu’s body, which had always been the background board, and fell into Eidi’s hands:

“Dark Evil Mind Body·Killer Plasma!”

The hand exudes golden light and dark purple black air.

The fusion of the two energies resulted in two other statues of Uub and Diga beside him!

However, compared to Hongkai and Dagu’s Uub and Diga, the two giants around Yidi are dark red.

Obviously, this is a dark giant!

“Fuck! I remember! You are the Dark Alter Killer!”

Seeing this scene, Yun Che’s mind flashed, and he suddenly remembered the true identity of that lightning!

Dark Otter Killer, a short drama “Ultimate Galaxy Fight: New Generation Heroes”, which appeared in a few minutes, is a collection of grievances between monsters and cosmic people!

The dark evil body, killer plasma, is one of his common tricks.

You can capture the light source of the giant of light, and then use the unique dark energy in the body to create a giant of darkness!

“Oh? I didn’t expect you to know me, but it doesn’t matter.”

“Since you are not a giant of light, then I advise you not to be nosy. If you don’t want to die, you can go as far as you can!”

As a collection of resentment between monsters and cosmic people, the Dark Ott Killer is born with an extremely deep resentment towards the Giant of Light.

But for people other than the giant of light, there is not much feeling.


To put it nicely, it means not to kill innocent people indiscriminately, but to put it bluntly, it means disdain.

Perhaps in his opinion, apart from the giant of light, no one can enter his eyes.

“Damn! Yun Che, this guy is so arrogant! Can you bear it? I can’t bear it anyway!”

The blue veins on the forehead of the door Yashi violently screamed.

Since becoming the Decade that destroys the world, anyone who sees him has to walk around, and has never been so insulted and looked down upon!

“Don’t worry, forbearance is definitely unbearable, he will die, I said, Jesus can’t keep it when he comes!”

“However, before that, we have to wait for someone…”

With the corners of his mouth raised slightly, Yun Che raised his head and looked at the unclosed crack in another dimension.

In Autoworld, there is such an unwritten rule.

That is, as long as there are cracks in different dimensions, then, in all likelihood, there will be the presence of Cyro!

“Wait for someone? Who is waiting…”

Hearing this, Mon Yashi scratched his head unclearly.

And at the moment his voice fell, the different-dimensional cracks in the sky flickered again.

Then, another figure fell from it.

Red, blue, and silver, two conspicuous darts on the head, it is Siro!

“Yo! Everyone, isn’t my uncle late?”

A dust was raised on the ground, Siro stroked the horns of his head, and smiled exasperatedly.

“It hasn’t started yet, so it’s not too soon, it’s just right.”

Yun Che smiled with interest, just as he had guessed in his heart, Siro, really came.

“Haven’t started fighting? That’s right, you can start fighting now, my uncle is the main force!”

Sai Luo laughed arrogantly, and regardless of the three or seventy-one, he directly raised his fist and rushed towards the dark Otto killer who possessed Eidi.

“Yun Che, who is this guy, do you know?”

Mon Yashi asked curiously.

“I know him, but he doesn’t know me, so it can be said that he doesn’t know him.”

Yun Che shook his head and said.

“Then he is a good brother, and looks familiar?”

“Well, after all, this guy’s character is like that.”

Sai Luo is a familiar guy, even if he doesn’t know Yun Che, he can talk to him naturally.

Moreover, he was still a reckless man, or a fighting frenzy, otherwise, he wouldn’t say nothing, and as soon as he landed, he would directly fight the Dark Otto killer who possessed Eidi.

“Kay, shall we go up and help?”

On the field, Juggler asked suspiciously, looking at Cyro who had already fought against the dark Otto killer who possessed Eidi.

To be honest, he still hasn’t fully understood what the situation is now.

Xie Di, who was supposed to be defeated, suddenly possessed himself and violently, and then suddenly ran out of a siro in the crack of another dimension.

The development of this plot is a bit too leaps and bounds.

“Of course I have to help! The possessed Eidi was dragged by Cerosan first.”

“I’ll deal with the dark Uub, Juggler, you’ll deal with the dark Digasan!”

Hong Kai said, then raised the Uub holy sword and rushed towards the dark Uub.

“This Tiga is already a dark giant, there is no need to use Sang Lai’s honorific title…”

With a speechless spit, Juggler also rushed towards the dark Tiga holding the Snake Heart Sword.

Since then, the original 1V1 real man battle has turned into a 3V3 team battle! .

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