Chapter 278

After confirming that nothing was going on in the Uub World, Yun Che opened the Dimension Wall again and returned to the Diga World.

By comparison, there are two more people this time.

That’s right, it’s Hongkai and Juggler, a pair of good friends who just got back together.

“This is Digasan’s world, it looks very different!”

Walking out of the Dimensional Wall, Hong Kai looked at the familiar but unfamiliar high-rise buildings around him with a look of excitement.


Yun Che rolled his eyes silently, can it be different?

Tiga’s 96 years and Uub’s 16 years, between the two, a full 20 years have passed.

In the past 20 years, it is said that long is not long, and short, it is absolutely continuous. At least, urban development and the like have changed more than a little bit.

“However, having said that, the flow of time in the world of Uub and Diga is really different…”

Looking up at the clear blue sky and white clouds, Yun Che whispered thoughtfully.

When going to Uub World, Tiga World is night.

After spending a few hours in the Uub World, the Tiga World dawned after returning.

Even now, it is only dawn. It is still unknown whether one day has passed since the night, or even two or three days!

“Ultra ancient giant, Diga…the name is quite big, but I don’t know how strong it is?”

Juggler smiled with interest, and a morbid curve rose from the corner of his mouth.

After successfully activating the power of Suzuo Nenghu given by Yun Che, deep in his heart, he no longer longed for the power of the giant of light.

On the contrary, he wanted to defeat all the giants of light to prove his strength!

Well, to put it bluntly, the heart that is so trivial to be called pathological has remained the same.

In other words, if it changed, he would not be Juggler.


“I am an evolved human. The stupid old humans have to follow my instructions to survive. Come on and see the new gods!”

At this moment, a roar, accompanied by arrogant words, came from not far away and attracted the attention of Yun Che and others.

“This seems to be… the giant’s sound source is released outside?”

Hong Kai wrinkled and said.

“Heh, it seems that the world is also very uneasy. It is not difficult to tell from that guy’s words that he is the dark side, and he is really more arrogant than me!”

Juggler sneered sickly.

But isn’t it? Although he released the sealed monster and harmed human beings, his purpose was still very simple. After all, he was to defeat Hong Kai.

And the owner of this sound source claims to be a god, and it is so arrogant that humans can see themselves.

“This voice… Evil Di appeared?”

Touching his chin thoughtfully, Yun Che raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The power of the space gem was activated, and the blue light flashed, instantly bringing everyone to the top of a building near the sound source.

Standing here, they could clearly see that a giant was vandalizing wantonly in the middle of the city.

“Sure enough, it’s Eidi, but the time flow deviation between the two worlds is really big…”

Yun Che couldn’t help but slapped his tongue, Tiga’s world for a few months, Uub’s world for half a year.

A few hours in the Uub world, and a few months in the Tiga world.

Good guy, there is no law at all, it makes people feel like living in a dream and chaos!

“This bastard has exactly the same shape as Digasan, but with a different color and a very dark breath!”

Hong Kai frowned and his tone was full of unpleasantness.

Think about it, too, it’s normal to be unhappy when you see someone with the face of the idol you admire and doing something that idols would never do.

“Well, this Ultraman isn’t bad in nature, what’s bad is his human body.”

Yun Che shook his head and smiled.

Eidi was a righteous giant in the ultra-ancient period 30 million years ago, and was a partner who guarded mankind together with Diga.

He himself belongs to the warrior of light, but because Masaki Keigo’s heart is evil, he finally became the dark Ultraman.

This can be seen from the radiant brilliance that radiated from the moment of fusion and transformation.

“Anyway, if you dare to do bad things with Digasan’s look, I will never forgive him!”

Hong Kai said angrily, and directly took out the ring and transformed into Uub, regardless of the three or seven twenty-one, he was done.

It can be seen that he is really angry.

“Hey, guy Kay…”

Juggler curled his lips uncomfortably, and there was an inexplicable sourness in his tone.

Well, maybe he is jealous because Hongkai is so attached to Tiga…

“Well, let’s not watch here either.”

“Since you want to play, you have to make the stage bigger!”

Yun Che smiled with interest, and a picture had appeared in his mind.

Just imagine, four giants surrounded by one giant, five giants fighting chaotically in the city, what a gorgeous scene!

“Then what, what shall I do?”

Mon Yashi scratched his head in embarrassment.

Although he obtained Tiga’s light source card, in Tiga’s home court, transforming into Tiga, it felt a little unreasonable for some reason.

On the other hand, the huge Kamen Rider J card was in the hands of Haedong Taiki. Without his help, Kamen Yaji could not be huge alone.

“It’s okay, you just need to transform, I can make you huge.”

Yun Che waved his hand and said.

“Okay.” Men Yashi heard the words and nodded.

Take out the Decade drive, pull the card out and insert it, and push it toward the middle:

“KamenRide! Decade!”

After the transformation is completed, the figure of Monyashi disappears, and he is replaced by a magenta Kamen Rider!

“Realistic gem, huge!”

Seeing Mon Yashi’s transformation, Yun Che waved his hand to activate the power of real gems, and modified the rules to directly make it huge, and his size was similar to that of a regular Ultraman.

“Jugula, it’s your turn.”

After Mon Yashi’s problem was solved, Yun Che turned his head and looked at Juggler.


Nodded, Juggler’s eyes flashed with glaucoma, instantly transforming into the form of Suzo Demon.

He said that he would become a sharp blade in Yun Che’s hands, killing all enemies for him.

So now, since Yun Che has spoken, there is no reason for himself to watch.

“It’s a magnificent picture, no one in this pomp!”

Looking at the three giants in the middle of the city, surrounded by the incarnation of Masaki Keigo Eidi, Yun Che couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth:

“So now, it’s my turn!”

Pushing the pupil power of the eternal kaleidoscope, the purple flame-like energy soared into the sky, forming a huge and complete body.

In this way, a four-on-one situation is formed!

Oh, no, it should be six to one.

Because he regained the Divine Light Rod and became the Dagu of Tiga again, and the ultra-ancient Marc-dog monster Gedi, who absorbed the life energy of the puppies, was reborn and revived…

Long overdue! .

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