Chapter 271

Haoyue hangs on the horizon.

Under the night, Yun Che and his party walked out of the izakaya, holding their stomachs in satisfaction.

“The shop is small, but it tastes good.”

“To be honest, eating vegetarian food in the rural world all day, the mouth is almost out of the bird.”

Yun Che hiccuped and said with a satisfied smile.

There are no animals in the pastoral world. Apart from them, there are only the Gakuma brothers who gnaw rocks all day.

Therefore, if you want to eat meat, it is basically hopeless. You can only be self-sufficient, grow some fruits and vegetables, and eat vegetarian food.

“Simply let’s eat it outside in the future, or buy meat and cook and eat it.”

Otsuki Kaguya suggested.

For the fruits and vegetables in the pastoral world, their original intention was to cultivate farming and cultivate their sentiments.

As a result, the cart before the horse was turned upside down. From the beginning, the cultivating sentiment became a belly food. After a few months of eating a vegetarian diet for nothing, people became thinner.

“Okay, okay! I didn’t feel anything before, now that I eat meat, I suddenly feel that my previous meals are all for nothing!”

Guang Xiahai nodded in agreement with excitement.

These days, no one who can eat meat is willing to eat dried vegetables.

“My little money, you died so miserably…”

They were happy, but Da Gu was bitter, holding his dilapidated wallet, and felt so distressed.

This meal cost him four to five million yen, and his salary for a few months was lost.

Blue thin shiitake mushrooms!

The price of the food is actually moderate, and the taste is worth the price. The key is that there are too many people, eight people, one person eats a set meal of about four or five thousand yen, and it is accompanied by a drink…

Next, it is estimated that I can only drink the northwestern style to survive the day.

“Da Gu, when I go back and apply with Finance, I will treat it as a public expense reimbursement.”

He patted Dagu’s shoulder, and Ji Mahui comforted.

Dagu, an honest man, was inexplicably slaughtered. It was so pitiful…

“Really? But Captain, this is the bill for the meal. Will the Finance Department accept it?”

Dagu asked with some worry.

“Don’t worry, it’s okay, I have already figured out the reasons.”

Intermae smiled confidently. She was as smart as her and had already conceived a reasonable reason in her mind.

At that time, they said that when they were performing tasks outside, they ran into Susao Nohu. Then, in order to close the relationship and establish contact, they paid out of their own pockets and invited them to eat a meal.

This reason is simply perfect!

It’s about the relationship between Zuo Nenghu and TPC. TPC will not only reimburse the bills, but may even issue bonuses as a reward!

No way, it is because Yun Che’s strength is so strong that they have to care.

“Dagu, are we friends?”

At this time, Mon Yashi came to Dagu’s side and asked very intimately.

“Uh… isn’t it?”

Hearing this, Dagu scratched his head and said uncertainly.

After a meal together, are you friends? Yeah? Isn’t it? probably……

“In that case, can you lend me your power?”

Kato Yaji narrowed his eyes, revealing the fox’s tail.

That’s right, the reason why he is close to Dagu set is to borrow Dagu’s power, or in other words, to get Tiga’s card!

Although I don’t know if I, from the masked world, can get a card from the Otterworld, Momoya wants to give it a try. After all, hasn’t Yun Che talked about it, the two worlds have similarities in the same way!

And this co-worker is likely to be an opportunity to get the card!

“My power? Lent to you?”

Dagu’s face was neatly covered with the word awkward.

Your power should refer to Tiga, but to lend Tiga to Menyashi?

What the hell, totally incomprehensible!

“That’s right, I can turn someone else’s power into a card, and then use that person’s power through the card.”

Door Yashi roughly explained.

Although Haidong Dashu has a card to make him huge, it is only a huge Decade after all, and he needs his help, and he cannot do it alone.

So what Monya Shi wants now is just a simple Tiga that can become huge on its own!

If you can get it, then return to the masked world, not only to show off the Haidong tree, but also to see who is upset, and who is stomped by one foot. Wouldn’t it be beautiful?

“Oh…what about my power? Will it disappear after I loan it to you?”

Da Gu nodded thoughtfully, and then asked worriedly.

Honestly like him, don’t know how to reject others.

But if the power to transform into Tiga will disappear after lending it to the Sect Master, then in any case, absolutely can’t borrow it!

“Don’t worry, I said it was a loan!”

“After I get the card of your power, your power will not disappear, even without any influence!”

Door Yashi patted his chest and smiled vowedly.

“Well then, I agree, how can I lend it to you?”

Hearing this, Dagu nodded in relief, and then asked curiously.

In addition to being honest and not knowing how to reject others, he is still giving Yun Che face. After all, Monyashi was brought by Yun Che. It would not be good if he refused.

“Uh… this…”

Door Yashi scratched his head, and for a while, he didn’t know how to answer.

In the original world, he can get his card as long as he gets a bond with the Kamen Rider’s transformation.

But in Ultraworld, he really didn’t know what to do.

Get fettered? How did it happen?

“Yun Che…”

In desperation, Men Yashi could only turn his gaze to Yun Che, hoping that he could help himself think of a solution.


Seeing this, Yun Che rolled his eyes silently.

It’s true that the guy Yashi can imagine that he still wants to use the setting system of the mask world to extract the power of the Otto world. Why don’t you go up to the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun?

However, if it is really impossible to say, it is still possible.

After all, Otto and Kamen are the two most famous special photos in the world.

In a sense, they are born on the same root.

“Take a white card out, I’ll try it.”

Shaking his head helplessly, Yun Che asked the door Yashi for a powerless white card, held it in his hand, and planned to try it.

As for Tiga’s light source power, he didn’t need to ask Dagu at all.

Yun Che copied it as early as the first time he met him.

The reason why it has been useless for so long is mainly because it doesn’t need to be used.

After all, what should Suzuo be able to solve, why use Tiga to do so? .

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