Chapter 264

When Yun Che stepped on the god of Kiri Elod.

Dagu on the other side also controlled Tiga, and almost wiped out all Kirialods who ran out of the gates of hell.

Although his energy is already severely lacking, who made those Kiri Elods just mental life forms, so crumbly not to talk about it, and there is no harm.

Da Gu wanted to destroy them, it was easy.

As a result, now the only remaining enemy is the second generation Kirialod.

Kill him, destroy the gates of hell, and everything is over.

“Damn it, Damn it! Damn Tiga, damn Suzano!”

The god of Kirialod fell, and the compatriots of Kirialod were destroyed.

The second-generation Kirielod was irritated, but there was nothing to do.

After all, even the gods and compatriots have been fucked to the ground, and now he is alone, what can he do?


“Yun Che, I have reached the limit. Next, I will leave it to you.”

Gasping quickly, Da Gu turned his head and said to Yun Che.

Then it no longer soars into the sky, but directly transforms into ray of fluorescence on the spot, lifting the form of Tiga and transforming back into a human body.

In the case of insufficient energy 14 and the indicator light constantly flashing, it is already his limit to eliminate a large number of Kirialods in the state of mental life forms.

If he didn’t stop his hand and turned back into a human body, Dagu had a hunch that he and Diga would both become stone statues.

“Well, as a novice fighter, it’s pretty good to be able to do this level.”

Glancing at the place where Tiga disappeared, Yun Che gave a chuckle and turned to look at the gate of hell in the sky and the second generation Kirialod:

“Honestly, you guys from Kiry Elord are still very good. Although it’s just for fun, I really enjoyed it today.”

“So, the time is almost there, and it should be over.”

Well, I’m having fun, I’m having fun.

Although it doesn’t have the excitement of the same opponent, it’s not bad.

“Asshole! You guy, dare to treat the great Kirialod as a plaything!”

The second-generation Kirie Rodr spoke with an air of air, but did not have any thoughts of counterattack in his heart. Instead, his body was very honest, and he entered the gate of hell, intending to run directly back to his home planet.

Unfortunately, I don’t know which stupid dog was looking for the earth 30 million years ago.

Can TM people occupy this place?

With this devil, let alone occupying the earth, it would be good if he didn’t backhand occupy the home planet of Kiry Ayrod!

The second generation of Kirielod scolded the compatriot who found the earth in their hearts to show their anger.

“It’s a brisk run, but whether you can really run away depends on your speed.”

With a grin, Yun Che clasped the 40-meter-long samurai sword and used the power of the power gem and reality gem to cover the blade:

“Xianli Suzuo Zhan!”

The red light and the purple light crossed, and a knife light of a hundred meters long and wide cut out and went straight to the gate of hell.

The sharp edges flickered, and under the slash of the sword light, the gate of hell split into two instantly, exploded into the sky and crushed into countless pieces.

“Life and death are fateful, wealth is in heaven.”

The corners of Yun Che’s mouth rose slightly.

If the second-generation Kiri Elod runs fast enough, maybe he can return to his home planet safely and smoothly.

But if it is so slow…

Sorry, the aftermath of Xianli Suzuo Zhan will cut him instantly and die completely.

So life and death are destiny, wealth is in the sky, whether you can survive, it all depends on the good fortune of the second generation Kirialod.

As for why he should be given a chance instead of cutting the grass and roots…

Of course, it was because even if the second-generation Kirialod survived by chance, Yun Che was not afraid of his second return.

After all, the encounter with the earth is estimated to have become his psychological shadow. As long as he is not brainy, he will not be able to come back again, let alone face Yun Che again.

Besides, the god of Kirialod is dead, and the home planet of Kirialod should be in a state of no leader.

I haven’t dealt with my own affairs, how can I have time to manage external affairs?

“After finishing work, I will go back and rest.”

Stretching happily, Yun Che also relieved the enchantment technique and Suzuo Nohu, and fell to the ground.

“That…thank you for protecting humanity.”

Seeing Yun Che’s return from the battle, Intermae thanked him nervously.

Can you not be nervous, after all, as a mortal, what she is facing now, but Susao can’t help.

“Protect mankind? You seem to have misunderstood something. I am purely itchy and I want to find someone to play with.”

Waved his hand, Yun Che said indifferently.

Humans in this world have Tiga, and he doesn’t need his protection at all.

Besides, Yun Che doesn’t have any interest in protecting human beings. This is true no matter which world he is in.

“Nevertheless, as the captain of the winning team, I still want to represent humanity and thank you from the bottom of my heart!”

“This time, if it wasn’t for you to take action, Tiga alone would probably not be able to solve this crisis!”

Intermae said seriously.

“Whatever you do, but…”

Shrugging, Yun Che looked at Intermae with a slightly surprised expression.

Because I didn’t look closely before, I haven’t noticed it yet. Now I take a closer look. It seems…

The image of Intermae is very different from the original drama!

Although the whole body still reveals a mature femininity, but it is younger than the original drama, I don’t know how old it is!

“But what?”

Raising her eyebrows, Ji Mahui asked curiously.

“Ahem…then what, do you have any children?”

With a somewhat awkward cough, Yun Che asked curiously and tentatively.

In the original drama, Intermae is a single mother. The child is about ten years old and can make soy sauce.


After hearing this, Intermediary Hui turned red and shook his head repeatedly:

“No, as the captain of the winning team, I am usually very busy. I haven’t even had a boyfriend. Where are the children from.”

Um, this answer of Megumi Interma’s is inexplicably concealed.

At first, she only needed to answer honestly, whether she had children or not, but for some reason, she subconsciously emphatically said that she hadn’t even had a boyfriend.


Think carefully! .

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