Chapter 257

TPC headquarters, victory team base.

After the Kurara Island incident, the members of the victory team had a discussion with Yun Che.

Specifically, why did you want to attack Tiga? Is he good or bad?

In this discussion, Dagu also gave out some information he knew, such as the purple samurai giant named Susao Nohu, and he is not a bad person, just protecting the victims of the Gakuma brothers.

In addition, he also explained the relationship between friends and enemies that Yun Che said when they first met.

“It can be a friend or an enemy. It just depends on how some high-level TPC makes a decision.”

In response to this sentence, the TPC executives also deliberately held a meeting, and the final result was to treat Yun Che as his own and not allow anyone to be hostile.

In fact, it’s normal to think about it. After all, the power displayed by Yun Che’s two appearances is stronger than the Tiga transformed by Dagu.

The high-level hawks of TPC may dare to hit the attention of the Great Gudijia, but they dare not hit the cloud ~ Chessou can be able to pay attention.

This is the benefit of strength!

“Suzor can you care…”

Just under the will of the high-level, the representative of Intermae, who attended the press conference, returned to the room tiredly.

She felt uneasy when she thought of the cosmic man who claimed to be a Kiri Elod in the meeting place, controlling what the reporter said.

“The flame burns everything up and the earth is reborn…”

“First the monsters, then the cosmic people, it’s really troublesome.”

Lying on the chair with a tired face, Ji Mahui smiled bitterly and murmured:

“Suzuo, I really hope you can protect mankind together like Tiga…”

“Heh, protect humans? Really regard those two giants as patron saints?”

At this moment, a cold male voice rang from behind, and Kai Mahui suddenly turned his head in surprise: “Who?!”

“Don’t be nervous, I am a prophet, and I am responsible for delivering the message.”

Sitting on the sofa with Erlang’s legs crossed, the man who claimed to be a prophet said with a sneer.


Hearing this, Intermediate frowned, seemingly puzzled, but secretly, he has turned on the eavesdropping button under his desk.

In this way, the conversation in the room can be recorded and transmitted to the base of the victory team.

“You are from Kiri Elod, as a basic courtesy, shouldn’t you introduce yourself first?”

To be the captain of the winning team, Iimae was naturally not built.

In addition to the initial surprise, now that she calmed down, she began to talk and get information.

“Really worthy of being the captain of the winning team, with a great sense of humor…”

“However, don’t forget to introduce yourself, please first express your high respect to the great Kirielod.”

The tone of the prophet is not so much a conversation as it is a command, a command from above.


Intermediate asked suspiciously.

“There is no reason. As the captain of the victory team, if you don’t represent humans and pay tribute to the Kirielod, then the next place is the K1 area.”

There was a sneer at the corner of the prophet’s mouth.

And Ji Mae, who had experienced the scene of the press conference, naturally understood what he meant by the K1 area.


The flame burns everything!

· ····Find flowers 0 ····

“You can’t do this! If the K1 area explodes, many people will die!”

Intermediate scolded nervously.

An area has already exploded before, with countless casualties, and this time, no matter what, it can’t be repeated.

“Oh, it’s not for you to decide.”

“If you don’t pay tribute to the Kirielod, just wait to be swallowed by the divine flame!”

As if seeing the idea of ​​Ji Mahui, the prophet sneered, the light flashed, and his figure disappeared from the room in an instant.

“Damn it…Kirielod!”

……… 0 0

Angrily clenched his fists, Intermae wanted to do something, but couldn’t start.

She is not Tiga, and she is not Susao Nohu. She is even just an ordinary woman without the identity of the captain of the victory team. It is impossible to deal with monsters.

“Suzano, please, save mankind…”

His eyes were slightly lost, and Ji Mahui murmured with a wry smile.

It’s not that she doesn’t trust Tiga, but from the previous two battles, it can be seen that Tiga’s combat effectiveness is far less than that of Suzuo Nenghu.

But this time, the enemy is the Kirie Rod, which is completely different from the previous two monsters.

After all, speaking and only yelling, when comparing the two, the grades are completely different.

Therefore, Intermae felt that in this battle, if it was Tiga alone, Xuan, it would be necessary for Sanohu to join the battle to defeat the Kirylords!

Of course, Yun Che didn’t know her thoughts.

If you know it, your stomach hurts with laughter.

Quite a mere Kiri Elod, he can slap dead waste with just one slap. There are so many things. Four.

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