Chapter 254

“Look at how our TPC chooses…”

He whispered thoughtfully, Da Gu wanted to ask something, but the time limit for transformation has come.

As a last resort, he could only spread his arms, fly into the sky, and finally find a place with no one to change back to the human body.

Seeing this, Yun Che, who had nothing to do, also relieved his complete body, and returned to Guangxiahai and Otsuki Teruya.

“Two giants, both disappeared, one flew to the sky and disappeared, the other disappeared in place.”

“They… should all be good people, after all, they have eliminated the monsters.”

“To be honest, I am more interested in the purple samurai than the resurrected giant. His image is very similar to the mythical Suzano!”

Regarding the discussion in the Victory Feiyan No.2, neither Dagu nor Yun Che knew anything.

Of course, even if he knew it, Da Gu might still care, but Yun Che didn’t care at all.

“Yun Che, I always feel that the monsters are so weak. Whether it’s the sulfuric acid monster Huo before or the Golzan just now, I don’t feel like it can hold you back.”

On the top of the mountain, holding Yun Che’s arm, Guang Xiahai said with a pouting mouth.

She hadn’t admired the heroic figure of her own male god, and the battle was over. The thief was uncomfortable!

“Emmm…maybe it’s not that the monster is too weak, but I’m too strong.”

Scratching his head, Yun Che smiled awkwardly.

To be reasonable, he is not bragging, but telling the truth.

At the same time, he has the technology of the super god world, the ninjutsu of the Naruto world, the power of the mask world, the super power and infinite gems of the Marvel world, and the heart of the universe.

Such existence is not only invincible in the Otto world.

Even if you look at the huge worlds, none of them can fight!

If you think about it carefully, I’m afraid that only those elders in the fantasy realm who have slashed the world at the fingertips, can fight Yun Che a little bit.

Other people…

A look in the eyes, it will cool down directly.

“Indeed, your strength is too strong, and it feels like no one can beat you in this entire Otto world.”

Datongmu Huiye nodded and said with approval.

“Hui Ye, you are not rigorous enough to say this, but it is not the entire Otto world, no one can beat me.”

“If you really want to count, there are still people, but they are pitifully small, one in detail, two suspects.”

The detailed person is Noah Ultraman, who is known as the first light of the universe.

The suspected person is not officially recognized, but has been called the first dark creation god in the universe by countless Otto fans, Emperor Karafal!

Noah, naturally, needless to say, but Emperor Karafal…

To be honest, Yun Che didn’t know whether the other party existed or not.

In his own words, he hopes that the other party exists, because of this, the Otto world is more interesting, isn’t it?

Of course, having said that, no matter whether it was Noah or Emperor Karafal, in front of Yun Che, they were barely able to fight.

If you really want to divide the outcome, in a one-to-one situation.

Yun Che can blast them with the use of Suzuo Nenghu and Infinite Gems!

“Oh? There are still two more enough for you to fight?”

Datongmu Huiye couldn’t help being a little surprised when he heard this.

Although she didn’t know how strong her male god was, the vague concept of blasting the universe with one hand was still very clear.

And now, in this Ultra World, there are still two people who can fight him?

Doesn’t this mean that those two people also have the power to explode the universe?

“Well, in my opinion, the two of them are the only guys in the Ultra World who can interest me.”

“Of course, the premise is if it exists.”

Shrugging, Yun Che smiled with interest.

He desires worthy and equal opponents, but in the heavens and the realms, the number of these people is too rare.

Only those who have the strength to explode the universe can barely enter Yun Che’s magic eye.

“By the way, do you think, how about catching a few monsters as pets?”

Thinking of the thoughts that came to his mind when he was beating Corzan before, Yun Che asked the two women with interest.

“Catch monsters? Keep them as pets?”

Guang Xiahai couldn’t help but feel a little sluggish when he heard this.

To her who was also born in the special world, the monsters in the Otto world are equivalent to the monsters in the masked world.

Therefore, raising monsters is equivalent to raising monsters.

This TM…what is the idea of ​​a wolf, a tiger, a tiger and a leopard?

However, if you think about it, comparing the images, it seems that monsters are much cuter than weirdos…

After all, although both have strange characters, the appearance of monsters is more biased towards beasts, while monsters are biased towards humans.

Uncanny Valley theory, presumably everyone knows.

The more human-like, but non-human creatures, the more they can arouse fear and disgust in people’s hearts!

On the other hand, beasts are basically human pets, such as cats, dogs, and some strange reptiles.

Wanting to understand the above point of view, Guang Xiahai suddenly felt that Yun Che’s idea of ​​raising monsters as pets seemed pretty good?

“I don’t care. The tail beasts of Naruto World can be regarded as monsters, but in my eyes, they are no different from pets.”

Otsuki Kaguya shrugged and said.

“That’s it! It’s so decided!”

“At that time, if you think any monster is cute, tie it back and keep it as a pet!”

Seeing that Guangxiahai and Datongmu Huiye had no objection, Yun Che immediately decided.

As for when the monster refuses to accept it, what should I do if it violently resists…

Haha, do you need to ask?

900  Yun Che is the best at persuading people with reason, physical reason, so if he dare not accept it, he directly rubs on the ground and hits him to take it!

“By the way, the monster is so big, it will be tied back then, where can you raise it?”

Guang Xiahai asked curiously.

“This question… a good question!”

Upon hearing this, Yun Che poked his chin with a puzzled look.

As Guang Xiahai said, the size of the monster is too big to move 50 or 60 meters, the big one is even eighty or ninety meters, or even hundreds of meters.

Therefore, where to raise after being tied back is a big question.

“I think it can be raised in the pastoral world.”

“The land there is big enough and the scenery is good, but I always feel a little bit angry. Keeping monsters in the pastoral world can just make up for this shortcoming!”

Otsuki Kaguya thought for a while and suggested.

“Pastoral world? It makes sense! If that’s the case, just keep it there!”

Yun Che nodded suddenly with an enlightenment.

No wonder people of the older generation say that without the support of a man behind a man, it would be difficult to achieve big things.

Now it seems that it is indeed such a rationale.

After all, a person’s brain capacity is limited, and there are certain differences in the thinking between men and women. By absorbing the opinions of both parties, you can achieve the effect of learning from each other’s strengths.

Well, it’s really a match between men and women, and it’s not tiring to work! .

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