Chapter 252

“Don’t worry, you’ll know if you keep reading.”

He patted Xia Hai’s head, and Yun Che smiled with interest.

“Oh~” Nodding blankly, Guang Xiahai obediently stopped asking more questions.

Regarding the words of her own male god, this Nizi has never refuted, basically saying that one is ~ one, and that two is two.

Of course, not just Guang Xiahai, even Datongmu Huiye next to him, and even the other-her people who are in the super-god world.

However, Yun Che himself hopes that they will have the initiative-just see some.


“call out!!!”

While talking and laughing, Goerzan and Melba have respectively destroyed the two Otter statues.

In a blink of an eye, he set his target on the only remaining Tiga statue.


Witnessing this scene, Dagu, who was driving the Victory Feiyan 1 alone, couldn’t help it.

Although he and the Tiga statue were not related to each other, but inexplicably, seeing it was destroyed, he couldn’t help but feel angry.

“Damn it…”

Controlling Feiyan No. 1, Dagu wanted to attack Golzan and Melba. However, the Victory Team fighters of this period had not yet undergone weapon modification, so it was not artillery shells that were fired, but smoke bombs!

The conspicuous orange-red smoke attracted the attention of Gelzan.

Raise his paw at will, slap…


With heavy smoke burning at the tail, Feiyan No. 1 crashed perfectly!


Seeing this scene, Lina, Zong Fang and others in Victory Feiyan 2 couldn’t help exclaiming.

When they came, there was no parachute to escape, and the plane fell straight down without hindrance. In this case, the probability of survival was almost zero!

In other words, for them, Dagu has already sacrificed!

However, at this moment, the scene that Yun Che can’t understand the most in the whole play appeared.

I saw that the place where Dagu crashed, a ray of light emerged, and it submerged into the body of the Tiga statue. Then, the diamond-shaped crystal on the forehead flickered…

The statue of Tiga revived and overturned Gorzan!

“Xia Hai, Hui Ye, have you seen how he recovered?”

Turning his head to look at Guangxiahai and Datongmu Huiye beside him, Yun Che asked tentatively.

(‘””Ben.”Group”! Every? Day? Update’. New! Flying’ “Lu: Xiao; Say?'”; “‘If; Water;? Group:”: 6.? 5” 6.6! ?1;8’8;9″6!『”,If:!水?;中,:转’;』”3?0,0?;0.3?1.?4′,2.?7;) “I see, the person who crashed just now turned into light and resurrected Ultraman!”

“Well, it seems that he should be this Ultraman’s human body!”

Guangxiahai and Datongmu Huiye nodded.


When he got the answer, Yun Che was a little confused and lay down, dare to see both herself and her own woman?

Why can’t Lina and others in Shengli Feiyan 2 see such a dazzling thing?

After all, they are dim-eyed and bad-eyed.


The influence of world rules?

Objectively speaking, Yun Che is more inclined to the latter. After all, how they say they are also members of the winning team who have been specially selected. They are young, how can they be dim-eyed.

As outsiders, he and others are not affected by the rules of the world, so they can see the scene of Dagu boiled into soup.

Well, it makes sense to explain it this way, and Lao Tie is fine.


With Tiga’s recovery, the two monsters and one Otter fought together in an instant.

However, it has just recovered, with one enemy two.

Under these inherently disadvantaged conditions, Tiga was not at all an opponent of Gelzan and Melba, and was directly beaten by various frictions on the ground.

“No! Can’t go on like this!”

It seemed that he was aware of the disadvantages of his situation, and the great ancient inside the diamond crystal controlled Tiga, and instantly changed his strategy.

The arms were drawn down from the forehead, and the red light flashed, and the whole changed from a colorful composite form to a powerful form with bursting power.


Focusing on the target, the powerful Tiga clenched his fists and rushed towards Gelzan violently.

Sprint, elbow, hold ribs, throw over the shoulders!

Under the blessing of the red power, the powerful Diga’s sense of strength burst, and with an extremely rude force, he smashed Gorzan three times and five times!

But the advantage in power brings about a lack of speed.

Facing Melba’s repeated harassment, the powerful Tiga wanted to fight back, but couldn’t hit the opponent at all!

“Damn it…”

Clenching his fists and turning his head back and forth, Diga looked very hesitant.

The current situation is very entangled for him, Melba is flying in the sky, and Gorzan is running through the ground.

Chase one, run one; run one, chase one.

· ····Find flowers 0 ····

In other words, between these two monsters, Tiga must make a choice, whether to destroy Golzan or Merba!

“He seems to be entangled, he doesn’t know where to fight the monster.”

Guang Xiahai said thoughtfully.

“Let me say, leaving both ends is the best! After all, cutting the grass does not remove the roots, the spring breeze blows again!”

Datongmu Huiye said decisively.

“That being said, the current Tiga does not have the ability to keep both Golzan and Melba.”

Shaking his head, Yun Che smiled with interest.

Throughout the whole series of Auto, the combat power system of Tiga’s world view is the most balanced.

The novice protection period can make you immortal, but it won’t make you invincible. From the beginning to the end of the show, you can change your form any way you want.

…….. ……… …….

“Yun Che, won’t you make a move?”

Guang Xiahai asked curiously.

Based on her knowledge of her own male god, she was bored in the Uub world for so long. Now, in the Tiga world, a monster has finally appeared, and she will definitely be itching and want to play with it.

“No hurry, look again.”

Shaking his head, Yun Che said calmly.

With the lessons learned from the Uub World, Yun Che now has an idea that needs to be verified urgently.

That is, even with the addition of him as an outsider, if he does not interfere, the plot will not change!

Although I don’t care that the plot is completely different.

But Yun Che doesn’t want to break the tradition of one episode and one weird special drama, otherwise it would be too boring!


After thinking about it for a long time, in the end, Dagu, who controls Tiga, chose Melba.

His arms were drawn from the diamond-shaped crystal on his forehead, and the blue-violet light shone.

Form switching, from the powerful red powerful form to the fast and agile aerial form!

“Sure enough, although it appears, as long as you don’t interfere, there will be no deviations and changes in the plot!”

Seeing Tiga abandoning Gorzan and turning his head to prepare to destroy Melba, Yun Che showed a clear smile.

Since then, the idea has been successfully verified, and there is no need to wait any longer.

If you don’t play around at this time, when will you wait?

“Completely Suzano!” Four.

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