Chapter 247

“This power…”

Feeling the cold and powerful aura emanating from Yun Che’s body, Jagula’s eyes couldn’t help but be a little blurred.

Although once belonged to the light forces, although once eager to become a giant of light.

But Juggler does not reject himself who has fallen into darkness now!

Rather, he was addicted to it!

“You just said that it will give me this strength, right?”

Forcibly calming himself down, Juggler asked eagerly.

“Yes, but only if you are qualified to have it.”

Yun Che’s mouth twitched slightly and nodded.

The reason why he is willing to give Juggler strength is not because of how optimistic about the other party.

But he is very curious about what Juggler, who has special feelings for Hongkai, will do after he has a stronger power than in the original play!

To put it simply, it is to destroy the plot, and look forward to the follow-up unknown plot!

Well, unlocked achievement: Story Breaker!

“Eligibility… how do I need to prove it?”

Juggler heard the words and asked thoughtfully.

“You don’t need to prove to me, but to prove to strength!”

Yun Che grinned, then waved his hand, pouring a bunch of red light into Juggler’s body.

“This is?”

Seeing the red light immersed in his body, Juggler was a little puzzled.

“Kaleidoscope writing round eyes, this is the power I want to give you.”

“However, whether you can activate it depends on your qualifications.”

Yun Che smiled with interest.

In some ways, what he penetrated into Juggler’s body was a seed, a seed of power.

If it sprouts, Juggler can get the power of a kaleidoscope, but if it doesn’t sprout, it is useless!

“In other words, do I have to prove myself to it…”

“If it recognizes me, I can gain strength, if it doesn’t recognize me, I can’t get it?”

Making a fist, Juggler asked thoughtfully.

“Yes, I have given you the opportunity. Whether you can succeed or not is up to you!”

Yun Che nodded.

He is looking forward to what Juggler will do next, and looking forward to the unknown where the plot will go.

“What’s your name?”

“Yun Che.”

“Yun Che…thank you, if I succeed, I will repay you.”

After a complicated and awkward expression of thanks, Juggler turned around and left.

If Hongkai were here, he would be shocked.

Juggler, who is crazy and sick, would actually thank people? It’s just unprecedented!


“Heh, then I really look forward to it!”

With a grin, Yun Che snapped his fingers and used the Soul Gem to open the way to the pastoral world, and then took the girls and walked directly in.

Now that the seed has been planted, just wait quietly for it to take root and germinate!

On the other side, Hong Kai, who was originally in the SSP office, was drinking his favorite marble soda comfortably.

Suddenly the right eyelid jumped sharply, and an unknown premonition emerged in his heart.

“His eyelids jump so fast…what’s the matter?”

Rubbing the frantic right eye, Hong Kai whispered with some confusion.

Although the left eye jumps for money and the right eye jumps for disaster, it is a kind of superstition, but for a soldier, hunch and intuition are often very important.

Therefore, Hong Kai didn’t think that his right eyelid would jump for no reason.

Then, in a corner he didn’t know, something bad must have happened!

“It’s not like a monster appears, there is no movement at all…”

“Wait…could it be?!”

Suddenly, Hong Kai frowned, seeming to realize something.

On Earth, there is only one person besides the monster that can make him feel wrong.

That is his good friend, Jacques Jacques!

“That fellow Juggler, is he planning something bad again…”

After taking a sip of Marble Soda, Hong Kai’s face was a bit solemn.

His relationship with Juggler is actually like Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto in the Naruto World.

Looking at each other is not pleasing to the eyes, but it happens that they care about each other very much, and even sometimes, they can reach the same level of thinking and thinking!

Well, to put it bluntly, it’s gay in gay!

“No! You must stop that guy!”

After pondering for a while, Hong Kai got up and put on a windbreaker, and went straight out to look for Juggler.

The earth is the man he cares about, but he doesn’t protect it, Natasha’s hometown.

In any case, he must guard this place and not allow anyone or monsters to violate it!

“Kay, are you going out?”

After putting on work clothes, Yumeno Naomi, who was just about to go out to work, asked curiously when she saw this.

“Well, something…to be dealt with.”

Hong Kai nodded.

“Well…then, be careful.”

Yumeno Naomi heard this and smiled softly.

In fact, she realized early on that Hong Kai was not a human being. After all, some of the other party’s previous lists showed that they were completely beyond the scope of human beings.

But she did not point out.

Because she was afraid that once she said it clearly, the other party would leave.

Yumeno Naomi has a very special affection for Hongkai, she doesn’t know if she likes it or not.

However, she cares about him very much.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely come back safely.”

With a grin, Hong Kai stopped staying and turned to leave.

He intends to find Juggler, and ask if the other party is secretly plotting another conspiracy.

If so, then the grievances between the two must be understood! .

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