Chapter 245

“Kay, are they?”

Kitagawa Town, SSP Office.

Looking at the group of Yun Che brought back by Hong Kai.

As the captain of the SSP and the heroine in the play, Yumeno Naomi asked curiously.

As far as she knows, Hong Kai does not seem to have any friends other than the members of their SSP and the mysterious Jacques Jacques.

So, who are the five members of Yun Che and his party?

“They are… well, friends I just met.”

“In order to promote friendship, I invite them to come here for a cup of tea and some snacks.”

Hong Kai thought for a while and said.

At this time, he hadn’t revealed his identity as Ultraman Uub, so he could only talk nonsense.

I can’t tell Yumeno Naomi that Yun Che turned into Susano when he was beaten before. He helped defeat the sulfuric monster Huo, right?

This is not scientific at all!

“It turns out to be a friend!”

“Come, come, sit down! Zenta, Mori, quickly prepare black tea and snacks for the guests!”

Upon hearing this, Yumeno Naomi suddenly shouted excitedly to the two members of her 14 family.

In her opinion, Hong Kai, who has always been isolated, knows how to make friends, which is a great joy.

So be sure to entertain Yun Che and others, don’t let them run away!

“Now, Yun Che, how do I feel that they are…somewhat weird?”

Tugging the arm of his male god, Guang Xiahai whispered quietly.

“Strange? Haha.”

“Xia Hai, what you said is a bit too subtle.”

Yun Che couldn’t help but shook his head and smiled.

Indeed, Guang Xiahai said too implicitly, are the SSP players strange?

Obviously weird, okay!

They are one of the very few organizations with funny attributes in the huge Auto series!

Of course, this is not a bad thing, because it is their existence, so Uub’s entire play seems to have a somewhat comic effect.

Otherwise, if it is only about the first male Red Kai and the second male Jacques Juggler.

The atmosphere of this play is too heavy and sad!

Parting under the sunset of Hongkai.

No one understands Juggler’s.

If there is no SSP, then Uub’s original drama should not be included in the ranks of sub-supply!

“Mori, have you ever heard of Susanoh?”

“Or do you know if there is something with the word “Suzuo”?”

Seeing Yumeno Naomi was entertaining Yun Che and others, Hongkai came to the head of SSP, next to Matsudo Mori, and asked curiously.

“Suzano? I haven’t heard of it.”

“But I know Suzano.”

Matsudo Mori thought for a while and said.

“Suzano? What is that? Tell me.”

Upon hearing this, Hong Kai said excitedly.

He has always been curious about what Yun Che’s Suzuo is.

After all, Otto like him is not like Otto, monsters do not exist like monsters, it is really rare!

“Suzano, the god of mythology, also known as Suzhan Mingzun, is the heir of Izanagi and Izanami, and my elder sister is the God of Moonread and Amaterasu…”

Picking up a tablet from the table, Matsudo Mori opened the page and read out each word.

He told Hongkai about Susanoo’s history and experience.

“By the way, Susano is, in a sense, the ancestor of Tengu and Tenmon.”

With that said, Matsudo Mori found a concept map and enlarged it for Hongkai to see.

“The ancestors of Tengu and Tianxie…”

Looking at the concept map, Hong Kai whispered thoughtfully.

If he remembers correctly, the image of Yun Che Suzuo Nohu seems to be the combination of a tengu and an evil ghost, right?

So, based on this speculation…

Could it be that Yun Che is the incarnation of Susanoo in the myth?

Hong Kai, who thought he had guessed the correct answer, was shocked!

Well, if Yun Che knew what he was thinking, he would probably punch him directly, making his surname know nothing, the mythical incarnation of God TM!

“What’s the matter? Kay, why are you suddenly so interested in Susano?”

Matsudo Mori asked curiously.

In his impression, Hong Kai seemed not interested in anything other than eating and pinball soda, playing the harmonica and sleeping.

“It’s nothing, just suddenly a little curious.”

Hong Kai shook his head and smiled.

I can’t tell Matsudo Mori that Yun Che, who is being hosted by Yumeno Naomi, is the mythical incarnation of Susano?

If you really say it, then you still have to scare the four-eyed boy in front of you to death!

“Kay! What are you talking about with Sen?”

“Aren’t they your friends? Why don’t they come and entertain you!”

On the other side, seeing that Hongkai had been whispering to Matsudo Mori, he didn’t know what he was talking about.

Yumeno Naomi ran over impatiently and dragged him over.

In her opinion, if a friend comes as a guest, you do not accompany the guest, but chat with others there, which is nothing.

“Huh? Oh, good!”

Hong Kai was stunned, then sat down obediently to accompany the guests.

But after sitting down, he didn’t know what to say. After all, he just met, and he was not familiar with it. There was nothing to talk about.

“Kay, when are you going to tell them your identity?”

Seeing Hong Kai restless, he wanted to talk, but didn’t know what to say.

Yun Che shook his head and smiled, and asked curiously.


As a result, as soon as the words came out, Hong Kai made a gesture of silence with a nervous expression:

“Speak down! I don’t plan to tell them at all!”

According to the current timeline, Uub’s plot is still in its early stages. At this time, Hongkai has not sincerely regarded the members of the SSP as companions.

At most, it’s just the host of the host.

So I don’t want them to know that they are Uub, which is normal…

What a fart!

Look at other Ultraman, basically the last two episodes, will let the companion know that he is the identity of Ultraman.

What about Hongkai?

There are more than 20 episodes in the whole drama, and it hasn’t been exposed until the end of TM. I waited until the final theatrical version to let the members of SSP know his true identity!

Have a big daddy!

Although Yun Che knows that the reason why the human body does not reveal its identity is to avoid unnecessary trouble and worry that it will be studied by the human organization on the earth, after all, people’s hearts are unpredictable.

But as an audience, he still looks forward to when Ultraman exposes the human body.

The shocked expressions of his companions!

This shouldn’t be considered a special hobby, presumably most of the Otter fans have the same psychology as Yun Che!

“Aren’t you going to hide your identity?”

Hong Kai lowered his voice, trying not to let the SSP members hear him, and asked quietly.

“Hidden identity? It’s totally unnecessary, okay.”

“Only the weak who are not confident will worry about here and there, I don’t care about this at all!”

“Besides, I…I’m not a good person!”

Yun Che shook his head and smiled coldly. .

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