Chapter 208

Just when Yun Che took Keisha and others to the pastoral world to rest.

On the other side, a bright light cut through the sky and dashed straight into Wakanda, who was having a celebration party.

“Is the enemy coming again…”

Looking at the pit with billowing smoke not far away, Steve put down his wine glass, equipped with a shield, and his face was solemn.

“Is the earth a sweet pastry in the eyes of those aliens?”

“One after another, please, there is no end!”

Putting on the steel suit quickly, Tony complained a little uncomfortably.

He really felt tired. Not long after the Thanos crisis was lifted, he hadn’t drank a few sips of wine at the celebration party, and now there is another guy who doesn’t know his friends or enemies!

To be reasonable, I knew I was so tired as a superhero.

Tony should continue to be a playboy, happy and happy!

“Everyone, be careful, the people in this pit give me a very dangerous feeling!”

With scarlet magic wrapped in his hands, Wanda said with furrowed brows.

“Hiccup ~ very dangerous? How dangerous can it be?”

As an Asgardian, Thor, who has always been very heroic in drinking, hiccups, and then put the storm axe on his shoulders, smiling indifferently:

“The universe is huge, and there are many people who are stronger than Thanos.”

“But not all strong players are interested in this small break under our feet!”

According to Thor, the position of the earth in the universe is not high, and it is not valuable at all.

The reason why Thanos is attracted to this place is purely because of the infinite gems. If you are another strong, it is impossible to be interested in this civilization, let alone come in person!

So at this moment, he appeared to be very casual, not taking this unknown visitor seriously!

“Shhh! Coming!”

Seeing the light flashing in the dense smoke getting clearer and clearer, Steve muttered.

As his voice fell, a heroic figure slowly walked out and was exposed in front of the Avengers.

Fleshy face, golden shawl and long hair.

She looked like a lovely lady, but she was wearing a red and blue uniform that looked like Steve’s uniform.

The key is that her body still exudes a flame-like, but not flame-like golden air wave, the whole person looks full of oppression!

That’s right, this visitor from heaven is Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers!

“Who are you? What are you doing here on earth?”

Clenching the shield in his hand, Steve asked solemnly.

It wasn’t that he wanted to look solemn, but he had to look solemn.

Because he felt a powerful pressure on the woman in front of him that was not inferior to Thanos, but not inferior to that!

“Where is Thanos?”

Carol didn’t answer Steve’s question, but turned to look around and asked himself.

“Thanksgiving? Why, you and Thanos are in the same group?”

Tony heard the words, the laser cannon in his palm suddenly flickered, and it seemed that as long as the opponent nodded, he would attack at any time.

“Oh, you guys don’t seem to be friendly?”

“If I were in the same group with Thanos, how could you stand here for a living!”

Carol shook his head and smiled disdainfully.

To be fair, her combat effectiveness is very strong, and she has completely abused the Avengers.

Although you can’t beat Thanos who has six infinite gems, the normal Thanos still has the power to fight!

“This lady…hiccup~ You are very arrogant!”

Carrying the storm axe, Thor hiccuped and said somewhat drunk.

He is usually restless and likes to do things, not to mention that he is drunk now.

Jiuzhuang people dare to understand, maybe they will be crazy!

“Because I have arrogant capital, why, can’t it?”

Carol raised an eyebrow and smiled.

In her opinion, among the people present, Wanda the Scarlet Witch, Thor, the Thor, and Banner, who had turned into Hulk, were able to flex their hands with her.

As for the others?

Haha, let’s not talk about it, maybe one or two, it’s not enough to slap yourself!

“Thanksgiving is dead, who are you?”

Giving a look, indicating that Thor, who was a little drunk, calm down, Steve asked seriously.

In his opinion, since the other party did not choose to do it directly, it means that there is still room for the two parties to talk.

As a steady big brother, Steve doesn’t want to offend a strong man who is likely to belong to the same level as Thanos because of Thor’s recklessness!

“Oh? Thanos is dead?”

When Carol heard the words, he was stunned for a moment, and then the golden air wave boiling on his body gradually dissipated. It seemed that the fighting state was lifted.

“My name is Carol Danvers. You can also call me Captain Marvel. It was the fellow Fry who called me back, saying that the earth is in crisis and want to ask for my support.”

Shaking his head and shaking the blond hair of the shawl, Carol introduced himself with a slight tick at the corner of his mouth.

· ····Find flowers 0 ····

“I see……”

Steve was relieved when he heard the words.

Although there is no 100% belief, since the other party can call the name of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., it should not be the enemy.

Moreover, I have never seen Gui Gui, but he has also heard of the title of Captain Marvel.


100% peace of mind and trust is impossible, but at least it is certain that it is not the enemy!

“By the way…what about Yun Che?”

Looking around, Carol squinted slightly.

“Thanksgiving is second. I came back this time mainly because the guy Fury said that the long-lost bastard Yun Che…appeared again!”

From Carol’s words, two pieces of information can be obtained.

First of all, she is also one of the people affected by the time paradox, because she knows Yun Che!

…….. ……. …

Secondly, her relationship with Yun Che…

It seems a little unusual?

Whether it’s the action of squinting, or the name of a bastard, it seems to indicate that there is nothing to deal with between the two!

Of course, there may be enemies, but who knows how?

“Oh? You know Uncle Yun Che?”

Tony raised his eyebrows when he heard the words.

Originally, his views on Carol were the same as Steve, not hostile, but not trusting.

But if the other party also knows Yun Che…

If you think about it, there shouldn’t be any threat!

“Uncle? You are like an uncle yourself, so you are embarrassed to be called Uncle Yun Che?”

Carol looked at Tony, rolled his eyes, and teased with disdain.


The corners of Tony’s mouth twitched slightly, expressing sadness.

This TM is unreasonable!

In his impression, Yun Che is obviously a person of the same generation as his father, but now? I’m already middle-aged, but Yun Che still looks young!

In terms of seniority, his name is Uncle Yun Che.

But in reality, I’m afraid that Yun Che’s calling himself uncle is almost the same!

Of course, Yun Che cannot be called Uncle Tony, and Tony does not dare to let Yun Che call himself Uncle.


He can’t stand it!

If the time comes, Tony really says to Yun Che: Yun Che, just call me uncle, right?

Ha ha……

I’m afraid that I will die, and I will be hammered directly into the center of the earth! Four.

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