Chapter 202

“Hehe, are there some more little ants eager to die?”

Seeing Yun Che and his group appearing beside the defeated Avengers, Thanos, who had already obtained six infinite gems, smiled disdainfully.

Well, obviously, he swelled!

It’s greatly inflated, so that it doesn’t put anyone in the eye!

“Yun Che, I heard you right? Did he just call us… ants?”

Morgana raised her eyebrows, a little uncertain, or asked in disbelief.

Wandering in the known universe of the super-god world for more than 30,000 years, she has heard of such a discriminatory and vicious name, but this is the first time for such a contempt, such a contemptuous name!

Because God must not be insulted!

No matter how disgusted and spurned, as long as he is a normal person, he dare not insult a god!

“If I heard it right, it is.”

Yun Che shrugged indifferently. He didn’t feel much about the term ant.

Because in his opinion, this is just the barking of ignorant people.

It doesn’t hurt to let Thanos inflate for the time being. Wait a while and let him see the real gap between Infinite Gems and Infinite Gems!

Well, shrimp and pig heart!

“Although it is very uncomfortable, but to be honest, he has six infinite gems, it is probably difficult to get around!”

Keisha narrowed her eyes and said.

If it was before the six infinite gems were obtained, the three women might be able to blast Thanos.

But after the opponent got six infinite gems…

Even if the three of them serve together, it is estimated that they will be giving away food!

After all, Yun Che is a lesson for Chi Guoguo!

Although Thanos is certainly not as powerful as Yun Che, in the final analysis, 80% of them are not what they can resist!

“I have always been confident in my strange power, but if I face the power gem, then forget it.”

Tsunade also shrugged helplessly.

Strange power can only be regarded as a kind of secret technique at best, but what about power gems?

TM directly is the embodiment of a certain rule!

There is a huge gap between the two, and there is no comparison at all!

“You stand back, Thanos will do it to me.”

“Of course, I will leave him a sigh of relief for you to vent.”

Yun Che smiled faintly, and then stopped hiding, directly exploding the power of the six infinite gems into the depths of the soul!

In an instant.

Red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, six colorful streamers, forming a gas mask, rotating around his body!

The whole person seems to be filled with an unrivaled, powerful aura!

“This is… how is it possible?!”

Seeing the six streams of light around Yun Che, Thanos was stunned for a moment, then looked down at his infinite glove.

Then he looked up at Yun Che, and finally looked down at the Infinite Gloves:

“The breath… the same breath!”

“How can you have infinite gems?!”

Thanos was stunned. He thought he was invincible with the six Infinite Gems.

As a result, what the hell is an infinite six rough stones now appearing again?

Copycat version? Plagiarized version? impossible!

This TM is a treasure born from the six singularities of the Big Bang!

And what makes Thanos feel weird is that the raw stone aura exuded by the other party… seems to be more pure and thicker than his own? !

Damn it, this is!

“Why can’t I have?”

Yun Che shrugged and asked back with a chuckle.

“Impossible! There is only one pair of Infinite Gems…Wait, you are from other parallel worlds, right?!”

Thanos first shook his head with a look of disbelief, then he seemed to have thought of something, and asked confidently.

As the overlord in the huge universe, he naturally also knows the existence of parallel worlds!

“Parallel world? Although not very correct, you can understand it this way.”

Yun Che said indifferently.

He is too lazy to explain the difference between the parallel world and other worlds.

“So, as the owner of Infinite Gems, are you planning to stand up for these Avengers and be my enemy?”

Thanos nodded clearly, and then asked solemnly.

I thought it was an ant who wasn’t afraid of, but I didn’t expect it to be a big boss who also has infinite gems!

This can’t help but Thanos doesn’t pay attention to it, and it’s not dignified!

After all, he also has infinite gems, and he knows how terrifying the power contained in it is!

“Something? Maybe, but not for the Avengers, but for my own woman.”

“After all… what you called just now makes them very unhappy!”

A sneer hung up at the corner of Yun Che’s mouth. He was a little bit ahead, and he was interested in fighting Thanos, but again!

“In other words, a war cannot be avoided between us?”

(: “, “Ben: Group: Every! Day: More” “New,! Fei, Lu!! Little” said” “”; “‘If! Water. Group;:”? 6;5,!6,,6 “1!8″8′,9?6″『! If! “水”, in: turn”』'”3!0′:0:0.3’1’:4:2?;7!:)  出Hearing this, Ba couldn’t help squinting his eyes, gradually exuding a dangerous aura.

This is the murderous aura he has accumulated over many years of battle!

“You can say that.”

Yun Che shrugged, his body also exploded with a terrifying aura.

In an instant, the sky was dim and the ground was dark, lightning and thunder!

The momentum of the two strongest clashes, the lethality is not ordinary!

At the very least, the Avengers could hardly bear it, and each of them looked painful, feeling that their bones would be crushed by an invisible force!


After fighting for a while, Yun Che and Thanos looked at each other in silence.

Then he used the power gem in a tacit understanding and punched it out!

Boom! ! !

Accompanied by a loud noise, a purple wave of air swept through the audience, instantly destroying everything around it!

If it weren’t for Keisha and Morgana to stand in front of the defeated Avengers and Tsunade with their hard gods, I am afraid that their mortal wombs would be reduced to ashes in an instant!

“Actually, I am curious, where is your infinite gem? And why is your breath more pure than mine?”

Taking a step back, pulling away, Thanos asked suspiciously with his face wrinkled like a chrysanthemum.

Maybe others can’t see anything, but as the person involved, he knows that he lost the punch just now!

Whether it is strength or destructive power, it is a grade inferior to Yun Che!

“Do you think I am the same as you? You need infinite gloves to master infinite gems.”

Yun Che shook his head a little amused and said.

The current Thanos can undoubtedly be described as having long hair and short knowledge, although he does not have hair…

“Don’t need Infinite Gloves? Have you completely mastered the power of Infinite Gems?”

When Thanos heard the words, after a while, he asked in astonishment.

Originally, he thought that wanting to fully grasp the power of infinite gemstones was simply a fantasy, a dream!

After all, this is a treasure born in the Big Bang!

but now……

Yun Che, who also owns infinite gems, is actually stronger than himself in every aspect, which makes him wonder if what he thought was impossible at first could be realized!

“Yes, for you, infinite gems are tools.”

“But to me, I…I am an infinite gem!”.

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