Chapter 197

The arrival of Yun Che and his party did not attract anyone’s attention except Wanda.

After all, it is now a war, fighting life and death, and on such a large scale, who would have noticed how many more people have appeared out of thin air?

However, after Yun Che’s powerful breath erupted, everyone turned their heads and noticed his existence.

Thanos’ army may not know Yun Che, but only as the enemy’s support.

But the Avengers don’t think so!

“Yun Che! Are you back? Great!”

Seeing Yun Che appeared in purple, with a big scumbag on his face, Steve Rogers, who looked a little sloppy, exclaimed with excitement.

And for him to know himself, Yun Che is no longer surprised.

Anyway, Wanda knows himself, so the Mi team knows himself, there is nothing wrong with it!

“Let me feel the joy of mowing!”

A sneer hung on the corner of his mouth, Yun Che chuckled directly, and the full version must be on the upper body.

Then he raised the real 40-meter-long samurai sword, facing the battlefield in front of him, and swept away!

The blade of a huge scale is unmatched sharp.

Wherever he went, his upper body was chopped off, leaving only half of the corpse of the Tyrant army!

It’s no exaggeration to say that Yun Che’s knife directly killed half of the enemies who were up there, reducing the pressure on the Avengers and the Wakanda tribe directly!

“Can’t all the limelight let you out!”

Tsunade smiled, then twisted his wrist, and his whole body leaped high:

“It hurts my feet!”

When one stepped down, the ground cracked open, sinking into a huge pit!

Before the countless dogs had time to react and dodge, they were directly smashed into mashed flesh!

“Wow! Did you see that foot?”

“Hulk, if you don’t come out obediently to cooperate with me, then I will let Tsunade push you out!”

Banner, who was sitting in the anti-Hulk armor, smiled excitedly after seeing Tsunade on stage.

In his memory, Hulk once clamored with Tsunade, but was beaten by a strange punch, and he was autistic for a long time.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly the best choice to use her to force the Hulk who is afraid of Thanos Hammer!

“Hulk…Don’t be beaten by Tsunade…`~!”

As if touched, Banner’s skin instantly turned green and his body became larger:


After breaking through the anti-Hulk armor, the Hulk roared again!

“Hulk is willing to come out too…”

“Sure enough, as soon as Yun Che and Keisha appeared, the situation reversed instantly!”

While strangling the enemy flexibly with physical skills, Natasha smiled comfortedly.

“Longbing, let’s go too.”

Seeing Yun Che and Tsunade showing their power on the battlefield, Keisha summoned Silver Wing and turned to smile at Morgana.

“Well, they are all fighting, even when we are watching the show, it can’t be justified.”

Morgana nodded, and then also summoned the Devil’s Claw.

After the two sisters glanced at each other, they rushed out directly together, instead of using range attack methods, they wielded their weapons and quickly beheaded Thanos’ army!

With Yun Che and a group of four, as well as Scott and Hope joined.

Originally in this Infinite War, the Avengers and the Wakanda tribe, who were at a big disadvantage, turned directly into the dominant side.

Especially the two giants Scott and Yun Che, let’s get to know them with one enemy and one hundred!

The current ratio is ten deaths in the Thanos army.

The Wakanda tribe is dead!

According to this momentum, the Thanos army will undoubtedly lose!

“Although the mowing feels pretty cool, the efficiency is a bit too slow.”

Lowering his head and looking down at the still dense Thanos army below, Yun Che couldn’t help frowning.

He intends to come to a big one and end this war directly.

Then sit back and wait for the rabbits, and wait for Thanos to throw himself into the net!

“If you don’t want to die, all back! I’m going to clear the venue!”

With the huge figure, Yun Che’s figure thunderously resounded through the entire Wakanda battlefield.

“Step back! Step back all!”

After hearing Yun Che’s words, Steve and Black Panther Techara organized their own personnel to retreat.

They don’t want Yun Che to clear all his people when he clears the field.

“Then…the game should be over!”

Throwing the knife, Yun Che directly used the Reality Gem and the Power Gem to cover the energies of the two on the katana of Susano.

Power gems increase power, and reality gems increase range.

Be sure to achieve the effect of one-shot group destruction!

As for why the stars explode differently… because after using it too many times, Yun Che is a little tired!


Flip the katana and hold it, and the blade was inserted into the ground fiercely.

In an instant, a wave of red and purple energy burst out, quickly and fiercely spreading around!

It was almost in the blink of an eye.

The original large-scale and huge number of Thanos army, directly turned into fly ash, and collectively wiped out!

“This is really… a shocking scene!”

Techara shrugged and said.

“To be honest, this war originally seemed to me very hanging.”

“…But before, after seeing Yun Che appear, I felt stable.”

Seeing Yun Che standing in the center of the battlefield, Steve raised his eyebrows and smiled.

After knowing Yun Che for so long, Steve doesn’t know exactly what terrifying power he possesses, but he knows one or two things for sure!

Of course, it’s just that Steve has known each other for a long time.

In fact, Yun Che really doesn’t know him!

“Don’t be too happy, this war is not over yet!”

After releasing Suzuo Nenghu, Yun Che came to the crowd with a chuckle.

The war wants to end before the Lord comes out?

I’m afraid it’s too good to think!

“It’s not over yet? But aren’t all of these troops destroyed? With the scale of lethality you just now, there shouldn’t be any remaining party left.”

Falcon Sam raised his eyebrows, a black question mark on his face.

Although he is really dark…

“Who is the master of these troops?”

Yun Che didn’t tell them the answer directly, and asked about a seemingly irrelevant topic.


Sam (Qian Wang Zhao) said of course.

“Who was the one who sent them?”

Yun Che continued to ask.

“It’s Thanos too!”

Sam continued to speak for granted.

“Yeah, so…what about Thanos?”

Yun Che raised an eyebrow and announced the answer.

“Thanksgiving…Yes! He hasn’t come yet, the war is not over yet!”

Sam clapped his hands and said suddenly.

It turns out that Yun Che was guiding him to the answer step by step just now!

“So, don’t think about having a party to celebrate, there is still a tough battle to be fought!”

“Of course, all members of the Avengers will participate, and the Wakanda tribe…Tchara will do.”

The entire Wakanda tribe, the Black Panther Techara has good combat power.

The others are ordinary human beings. Faced with Thanos, it is estimated that they will be slapped to death in the toilet with a slap!

So, instead of sending people away, it’s better to stay behind and watch the battle honestly. .

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