Chapter 195

In the laboratory, Yun Che and his group are sitting idle and chatting nonsense.

Hope and Scott stared at the computer screen nervously and solemnly.

The reason is simple, because Hank has successfully entered the quantum realm in the cockpit!

“Yun Che, do you think that old guy will cool down directly in there?”

“Although I don’t understand quantum technology very well, the quantum field is very dangerous. I still know that.”

Morgana squatted boredly at the melon seeds not knowing where he got them, and asked Yun Che curiously.

“No, I’ve been in for so long. I guess Hank will come out with his wife in a while.”

Yun Che shook his head and smiled.

“Are you so sure? The quantum realm is not an ordinary place!”

Morgana raised her eyebrows and smiled.

“But Hank and his wife are not ordinary people.”

Eight six three

Yun Che shrugged.

Why is he so sure? Because he has seen a movie!

Although Hank did almost erode his will by the quantum realm in the process, his wife has been there for so many years, she has evolved and has a way to deal with it!

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this wave of operations is very dangerous.

But in Yun Che’s view, this is just a procedure!

And it seems that in response to his affirmative words, the originally calm quantum tunnel suddenly radiated light and started to run!

Obviously, the channel is open!

Someone wants to pass through the quantum tunnel and come out of the quantum realm!

“Dad, mom…you must return safely!”

Hope murmured pleadingly with tears in his eyes.

“Hank, come on! You old fellow must do it!”

Scott was also talking nervously, and he also didn’t want Hank’s friend who was older than him and didn’t know how many things had happened!

Finally, after tens of seconds in the quantum tunnel.

As if to respond to Hope and Scott’s expectations, a familiar cockpit quickly rushed out!

Although under the strong impact, many important technologies were crushed.

But at the moment, no one cares about those!

Scott and Hope hurried to the cockpit, opened the hatch, and helped Hank and his wife out.

“Mom…really you…you are still alive!”

Hope hugged his mother and wept with joy.

Scott and Hank crossed their shoulders and stood by and watched the show.

“Although I don’t want to disturb your reunion atmosphere, don’t forget what I said before.”

Seeing them forgetting about it and completely forgetting that there are other people here, Yun Che couldn’t help but say aloud.

During the time when they were reunited, the Infinite War may have reached the climax, so he had to urge him to destroy the atmosphere.

For this epic battle, Yun Che doesn’t want to miss it!

“Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten it, isn’t it just going to help the Avengers fight again? I’m familiar with this routine!”

Scott patted his chest and smiled proudly.

However, he obviously forgot that it was because he went to fight for the Avengers last time, so he ended up with the fate of breaking the law when he went out now!

“Although I don’t really want to help them, since I promised you before, I naturally won’t break my promise.”

Wiping away the tears from the corner of his eyes, Hope smiled seriously.

“Then it is not too late, let’s go.”

Yun Che shrugged, and then used the power of the space gem to open a portal to Wakanda.

The Infinite War in Complex 3 took place in Wakanda!


Scott and Hope nodded their heads, then put on the Ant-Man and Hornets and stepped into the portal hand in hand.

“Let’s go, too, it’s boring to be here all the time.”

“It’s time to have some fun!”

Yun Che smiled at Kaisha and the others, allowing them to enter the portal first.

And just when Yun Che was about to go in, Hank suddenly said, “Wait!”

“What’s wrong?”

Looking back at Hank, Yun Che asked curiously.

“Yun Che, based on our friendship for so many years, please be sure to bring Hope back safely!”

“Also Scott, although that kid is a bit asshole, but in general… is also a nice guy!”

Holding his wife’s hand, Hank asked with a serious face.

“That’s just for you, it’s been friendship for many years, for me, we have known each other for less than a day.”

“But… for your old guy’s so empathetic and eagerness for your daughter, I promised you.”

Yun Che shrugged and smiled, then ignored Hank and stepped into the portal…

After he finally entered, the portal closed.


Hank was a little flustered when he heard Yun Che’s first sentence, but after hearing the second sentence, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then there was some relief.

Although Yun Che was right, from his point of view, he really only met himself for less than a day.

But from Hank’s own perspective, he has known Yun Che for more than ten years!

He knows very well that Yun Che is a Tsundere guy, who likes to talk about integrity, so he will be relieved in the end!

And the other side.

As soon as Yun Che and his party came to Wakanda through the portal, they saw the Thanos army and the Avengers fighting fiercely!

how to say?

The scale is magnificent and the shouts are loud, this scene is really shocking!

“Oh! Yun Che, this is the infinite warfare you said? Doesn’t it look good!”

Morgana smiled excitedly.

“The scale of the Ninja War in Naruto World is about the same, but the destructive power is not a little bit strong…”

Tsunade swallowed subconsciously and spit out.

Look at this sky, space battleship!

How can Naruto World have such high-tech gadgets!

“This seems to be a war of civilizations? The suppression of weak civilizations by powerful civilizations.”

Keisha frowned and said.

In her view, Thanos’ army is a powerful civilization, while the Avengers and Wakanda tribe are weak civilizations.

Of course, this is indeed the case.

The vitality of the Avengers and Wakanda tribe is completely inferior to Thanos’ army!

“Almost, but in fact it is not a civilized suppression, because the purpose of this war is only six gems.”

Yun Che shrugged and smiled.

In terms of Thanos’ urinary nature, under normal circumstances, he would disdain to launch a war against weak civilizations.

Because a weak civilization can’t enter his eyes!

This time I came to the earth because there are infinite gems on the earth. If there is no such thing, he guesses that he would not even know where the earth is in a galaxy!

That’s right, it’s so realistic!

“Yun Che? Really…is that you?”

At this moment, a strange female voice suddenly sounded behind everyone. .

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