Chapter 190

“World…world traveler?”

“What’s that stuff?”

Scott frowned and asked with a puzzled look.

“Literally, it means people who travel in various worlds.”

“But… I don’t know if what he said is literal.”

Hope shrugged, and rarely explained to Scott, who had fallen out.

“WTF?! Traveling around the world?”

“In other words…you are not from this world?”

When Scott heard this, he looked at Yun Che and the others with surprise, as if he had seen a monster.

“Although it’s funny…”

“But now I have some doubts, whether you are a joke or an idiot.”

The corners of Yun Che’s mouth twitched slightly, and he shook his head helplessly.

God TM’s WTF!

What the hell do you look at the monster’s eyes?

If traveling in various worlds can be called a monster, then Scott himself and the Avengers, different from each other, are also monsters?

Can a normal person become bigger and smaller? Can normal people use Chaos Magic?

Are normal people infinitely capable? Can normal people go to heaven and earth like a spider?

What a joke, it definitely won’t work!

Therefore, according to Scott’s understanding, then he and the Avengers are also monsters!

Although most of them are technological power…

“Since you even understand the quantum realm, you must have some understanding of the parallel world, right?”

With a helpless sigh, Yun Che said with a smile.

“parallel world……”

“Meaning you have traveled from other worlds?”

Hope raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised.

The quantum field may be more esoteric, except for professionals, others may not understand.

But the concept of parallel world, as long as a normal person, has almost heard of it more or less!

“You can say so.”

Yun Che shrugged, there are countless parallel worlds in the Marvel universe, which is questioned by Mu Yong.


Yun Che knows if the world outside the parallel world of the Marvel Universe is considered a parallel world.

Anyway, it should be almost the same, right?

“Then, you four world travelers, what are you doing with us?”

Hope raised an eyebrow and asked.

As someone who has a certain understanding of the quantum field, she does not deny the existence of parallel worlds.

“A newcomer, there is nowhere to go, so follow you and have fun.”

Yun Che smiled lightly.

Nowhere to go is fake, after all, there is still an idyllic world hidden in his soul gem.

But having fun is real!

You know, the end of the story of Ant-Man 2 is when Thanos snaps his fingers!

And now, since I don’t know where to find the Avengers, I must follow Scott and his party!

“Sorry, we still have things to work on, and we don’t have time to have fun with you.”

Hope said lightly, then turned around and ignored Yun Che and his party.

Entering the password on his own, opened the door, and walked in with Scott.

“It’s not up to you whether you are busy or not.”

Yun Che shrugged, and then followed with Kaisha and his party.

Just as soon as he got to the elevator, Hope stopped.

“A final word of warning, if you don’t leave yet…”

“Then don’t blame me for being impolite!”

Pulling out the reduced version of the Wasp female battle suit from his pocket, Hope solemnly warned.

“Little girl, who are you warning?”

“When my old lady is playing outside, you are afraid that you haven’t been born yet!”

Morgana can’t bear this violent temper anymore, can anyone warn her?

The demon wings behind him were directly exposed, and his demon claws were summoned.

There is a big disagreement, the momentum is to do it.

“This is… the technology of wormhole handling?!”

Seeing the ripples in the space created when the devil’s claws were summoned, Hope couldn’t help but let out a shock:

“You know how to handle microwormholes?! Has the parallel world’s technological development reached this level?”

Quantum technology, nanotechnology, these are very powerful.

But everyone knows that they are still inferior to the micro-wormhole handling technology!

Regardless of nanotechnology, if quantum technology can freely manipulate the quantum field, it will be comparable to micro-wormhole transport.

But for now, it can’t be done!

From the perspective of Morgana’s hand-held micro wormhole handling technique just now, Hope can be sure that she is very skilled!

“Hehe, my old lady likes the way you have never seen the world.”

“Is it difficult to transport the wormholes? These are all produced tens of thousands of years ago.”

Morgana smiled disdainfully.

“Ten thousand years ago?!”

“The level of science and technology in your world… to what extent has it developed?”

When Hope heard this, he was shocked and asked with a dull expression.

“What’s the level? It’s actually not high, so it’s the level of creating gods.”

Morgana shrugged and smiled.

“Making God…”

“That…Are you gods?”

Scott’s hair swelled up and asked in disbelief.

“Have you seen the pair of wings behind? I am the devil queen, the devil’s god!”

Morgana stirred the wings of the devil behind her, and said with a smug look…

“Then…what about you?”

(; “”Ben:: group,’every’; day?’ Update? New,? Fei: Lu? Xiao’? Say “‘”! “?! If “water? Group!””,6″.5″ ?6:6″!1’8.8:”9?!6,’『:”If?”Water.In! Turn!?』;,3:?0’0.!0’3?.1.”4 ‘2:7.)    Hope dumbly looked at the others.

“My former angel queen has abdicated now.”

Keisha shrugged, also showing off her white and holy angel wings.

“I buy teardrops quack…”

“Angels and demons…”

At this moment, Scott felt that his three views were refreshed.

Technology creates gods?

The angel gods and demon gods who created TM?

Niubi Niubi! Big boss, big boss!

“Don’t look at me, I’m not a god, I’m just a ninja.”

Tsunade waved his hand and smiled.

“Ninja? There are still ninjas these days?”

Scott raised his eyebrows and smiled in disbelief.

“What? You look down on ninjas?”

Hearing this, Tsunade couldn’t help but squinted, then punched the wall beside him.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the concrete cast wall cracked directly and was smashed into a big hole!


Upon seeing this, Scott and Hope suddenly agreed and stopped talking.

Both of them couldn’t help MMP at this moment.

Ninja of GodTM!

Shouldn’t ninjas focus on assassination? For Mao, you can wield so much power by relying on meat punches!

Although Scott could easily do this after he grew older, he could dismantle the airplane building with his bare hands.

But that’s also getting bigger!

Tsunade was able to wield this kind of power with his meat fist alone!

“Now, can we go up together?”

Seeing the women’s deterrence almost, Yun Che raised an eyebrow and smiled.

“Yes, you can! Absolutely no problem! Please!”

Hearing this, Hope nodded in agreement without hesitation.

Nonsense, the other side is so awesome, his Hornets suit is not an opponent at all, what else can I do if I disagree?

Are you looking for death?

“Then…Can I ask again…Are you a god?”

Although she was so scared that she was about to pee on her pants, Doubi would never forget her duty!

No, Scott raised another question under Hope’s cannibalistic eyes.

“Me? I…not a god.”

“But it has more power than God!”

In the previous sentence, Scott and Hope breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next sentence directly caused them to turn around without being scared.

God is enough to make them scared. As a result, you still have more power than God?

How to play this TM? No way to play, just leave the keyboard with both hands, type GG, and accept your fate! .

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