Please believe that with the terrible mental status quo of the Trickster group, they say that they want to make trouble, and that is not a lie!

Recently, the major folk tricksters have been in frequent contact with each other.

Secret offensive and defensive alliances abound.

It's the scattered tricksters, and the number of tricksters trying to control the second and third tricks has also increased exponentially recently!

The immediate consequence.

Wu Cao had to keep an eye on this group of deadly tricksters in real time, and as soon as they died, they contained those tricks that were on the verge of recovery, in case of a bigger accident.

Of course.

There are also a lot of tricksters who stand out in the process.


Wu Cao is the most optimistic about Qi Lin.

I also mastered the second trick!

Interestingly, Qi Lin's second trick was not a treacherous wink or a cover-up.

It's a blood-stained treacherous bandage!

Its "980" supernatural performance is infinitely extended, and the neck is killed!

Normally, in order to suppress the resuscitation of the tricky eye, Qi Lin wraps the blood-stained bandage around her hands!


The bandages in the sky were unsealed, the Scarlet Domain unfolded, and Qi Lin's group killing ability made a qualitative leap!

Therefore, the initial balance reached has increased Qi Lin's lifespan by more than fifty years!


If the research process on the side of the Super Seminary is smooth enough.

Before the advent of all-out war.

Qi Lin has the opportunity to ascend to the gods in one step and achieve the second generation of gods, or even the third generation of gods!

At that time.

Cooperate with the coffin nail that Wu Cao gave to Qi Lin.

The lethality of this Nizi is not weaker than the light of the sun, which is known as the cosmic moving natural disaster.

See here.

I still sigh with emotion:

"I didn't expect that among the most active groups on the planet, there would be a group of tricksters, and it seems that their perception needs to be changed. "

Wu Cao ruthlessly complained:

"No! you're thinking too much, burning. "

"It's not that the people hate the invaders and even fight for them. "

"It's because of the arrival of the alien invaders, which has shaken the status of most of the tricksters, and their brains are hot, and anger rises from their hearts. "

"With a little bit of guidance, it has developed into this way. "


Hiko was secretly covering his mouth and chuckling, teasing:

"Xiao Zhixin, you are still born as a science and technology officer, and it is not difficult to find that those tricksters who are clamoring to kill the River Styx are mostly folk tricksters or scattered tricksters, they are trying to strengthen their own momentum under the banner of fighting aliens, in order to compete for greater discourse!"


In a daze......

I didn't expect that those people in a worrying mental state would still have such a sassy operation!

Even she, the angel, didn't notice it.

But Wu Cao knew......

It's inevitable!

Don't look at the countless civilization materials collected by the angels, spanning the past and present lives of countless civilizations, the young angels' insights cannot be flawed.

But being well-informed does not mean that there is much experience, the fact is that the young generation of angels are really naïve.


Angels are angels after all.

Breaking through that insignificant disguise, Burning Heart immediately activated his thinking mode as a Divine Right Wing Guardian.

"So, that insignificant guidance also comes from your secret layout?"

Facing those slightly suspicious eyes, Wu Cao said helplessly:

"I do have some guidance, but don't think of me as some kind of conspirator, okay, I just put the speeches of some tricksters who take the opportunity to control the second and third tricksters in a conspicuous position on the forum, one or two pieces of information don't matter, but there are many similar situations, whether you want to or not, the trickster group will roll in. "

The burning heart finally realized:

"I see, I said how could there be such a large-scale turmoil, it turned out to be caused by the existing interest groups among the tricksters, worried that after the scattered tricksters grew up, they would subvert their status!"

Hikoko added:

"Not only that, but the large-scale strengthening of the folk trickster group will inevitably force the official trickster to roll in!"

"Presumably, Wu Cao is estimated to be very busy in the past few days. "

Not really!

Wu Cao was simply in pain and happy.

Busy can be busy.

Those who died from rashly controlling the tricks, which led to the loss of balance in the body, and then the mentality was distorted, and the instant rage went violent, which led to the revival of the tricks.

It also made Wu Cao cut a wave of leeks fiercely, not to mention the expansion of the supernatural forum mall's terrifying resources, and Wu Cao's own supernatural dimension was also improved a lot.

For example: (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The butcher opened a butcher shop in the village and the city, and Wu Cao has been coveting it for a long time...........

The three-color coffin from Tiannan and Haibei was collected by Wu Cao.

A pool of yellow mud ponds that could drown Li Wei and make it crash was contained by Wu Cao as soon as it was revived.

A tricky pawnshop that can produce hundreds of tricky bills a day was exposed by the sudden tricky revival of the trickster, and then was noticed by Wu Cao, and it was included in the tricky house system as soon as possible, and it was accepted for his own use in disguise.

The strange doctor who has dismembered, restored, and coordinated the supernatural is integrated with the concept of man, and is also adopted for his own use.

With the existing series of tricks as accessories, as well as a tricky stone mill that has just arrived, the prototype of the stone mill hell is constructed.

The three-color treacherous fire has also collected the fourth orange treacherous fire!

It makes the spirit of the treacherous furnace more powerful and domineering.

A source that resembles a flower on the other side was contained, and then in the supernatural dimension, a sea of flowers on the other side evolved!

The development potential is not even weaker than that of the Strange Forest!

A tricky mirror that can illuminate the law of trickery and murder was also inadvertently discovered in Wu Cao's solution to the supernatural events induced by the trickster.


Wu Cao is trying to replicate his supernatural effects on the supernatural forum.

However, it is still in the adjustment stage.

Not available for the time being. []

With so many tricks incorporated into his own system, it is natural that Wu Cao has grown a lot, and the boundary wall that stands 3.5 above the Nightmare has gradually begun to be touched by Wu Cao, and after accumulating for a period of time, it is no longer a luxury to advance to the Eclipse.


It is also due to the perfection of the supernatural dimension.

Many of the existing automated containment systems have also been complemented and developed.

The most obvious point is that

Skeleton Paris has an extra street that can be explored, patronized and consumed by ordinary people.

The shop opened by the butcher has the function of dismembering and deceitful!

Dr. Trick's Doctor's Gym can help tricksters adjust their puzzle pieces to better balance.

In the coffin shop, the black, white, and red coffins sold in it have related supernatural powers of suppression, absorption, and digestion!

In the tricky pawnshop, there is also a tricky banknote and tricky exchange business.

And the proof of entry into this tricky street.

It is clearly hung on the supernatural forum, and the price is clearly marked for sale!

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