"Tricky ...... He's a good match for you, Wu Cao, aren't you going to forcibly pull it out?"

A flash of white light.

With the flapping of wings, the sound of dark silver boots hitting the ground.

Yan, who was standing pretty, landed lightly on Wu Cao's side.

Facing questions.

Wu Cao's expression was slightly strange.

"What? Am I wrong? Tricky Ear is indeed a good match for you, and he is still a trick that conforms to the concept of man, and it can be used to perfect your conceptual trickery!"

Being looked at by Wu Cao like this, Yan himself felt uncomfortable, and hurriedly defended himself.

Wu Cao sighed:

"Hiko...... No matter how the tricky ears are adapted, they can't be so cruel, right?"

"Withdrawn from the treacherous ear, Lawyer Ma will not live long. "

"The trickster is like this, after embarking on this path, he can only rely on the supernatural power of the treacherous for the rest of his life. Pull away the trick, and if it is slashed at the artery of the trickster, die...... Sooner or later!"


Hiko's expression was slightly embarrassed......

I haven't really paid attention to this research before.

As an angel of the martial arts faction......

Hiko20 is more inclined to the path of the god of battle, although there are also academic attainments, but they are more limited to the field of science and technology.

As for the trick......

I'm sorry......

In the angel civilization, there are not many angels who can change their mentality a little and face up to the rationality of their existence.

"Hmph, sister, I'm thinking about you, what does your old lady's devil expression mean?"

Wu Cao raised his eyebrows.


Messing around with this kind of thing, on the women of any ethnic group, is such a perfect fit.

Of course.

Deal with this situation.

Wu Cao has his own set of understandings:

"Peace of mind, Daredevil is indeed a good seedling of a trickster, but ...... He's going to die after all! I can afford to wait!"

The second half of the sentence, he didn't plan to say!

After lawyer Ma mastered the trick, it was for survival, for faith, even if it was purely for strength.

He will also consciously or unconsciously embark on the path of balance and perfection.


Another vivid example: Natasha!

No Natasha.

Wu Cao wants to make up the male and female tricksters, and the difficulty is really difficult to guess.

But with Natasha as a tool man, when Natasha dies violently, it is the time for Wu Cao to harvest!

Natasha so.

Daredevil is no different.

Superheroes do.

The rest of the tricksters are probably the same!

This is also the fundamental reason why Wu Cao will urge all countries to build containment systems and guide the era of tricksters to come at the moment of supernatural recovery and the five turbid evil worlds!

The figure flashed.

The two disappeared into Hell's Kitchen.

Back in the house on the outskirts of Newyo's Chinatown.

Today's mansion is not much different from the mansion you saw in the past.

I have to say the difference.

It was in the rooms that were originally used to suppress the treacherous.

They were all emptied, and turned into a storage house for all kinds of human body fragments that resembled stumps, broken arms, human skins, bloody hair, broken bones, eyeballs, etc., but in fact they were warehouses for storing the crystals of the treacherous Qi.

In a sense.

These treacherous crystals are the consumables that Wu Cao uses to cast supernatural props!

And this strange house located in North Magnesium.

It has also become Wu Cao's logistics base.

"Little male god, you brought your sister here, don't plan to hide Jiao in the golden house, right?"

Wu Cao's face darkened, and he immediately complained:

"I'm sorry, this is a trick house! If you want to hide, you can only hide a woman!"


It's hard to do, why does this little male god feel more and more sharp?

Or rather.

The trickster has become stronger, and even the language has a supernatural effect that can poke the tubes of people's lungs!?

You're the woman!

Your whole family is a female trick!(Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Yan approached Wu Cao with a huff, and the fragrant breath hit Wu Cao's face:

"Then why are you bringing your sister here? Okay, you want to take your sister to have a good life?!"


I was absolutely confused at the time.

In a group of angel ladies, Yingying Yanyan, I vaguely agreed to their request to lead the angels into the most dangerous and treacherous supernatural events in the future.

But what can I do......

Surrounded by angel ladies......

One bite of Wu Cao's little brother's various cute expressions, Wu Cao is really hard to top!


This is the beginning of this trip with Hiko.

With that in mind.

An impulse arose in Wu Cao's heart.

His hands reached out, and in Yan's bewildered expression, he gently picked up Yan's delicate pretty face:

"Relax, of course I won't lose my words! As soon as the treacherous bus arrives, I will take you deep into the source of the supernatural, believe me, there, you can encounter any strange things!"

Hiko's respiratory arrest.

Don't get me wrong.

She is a dignified and holy left-winger, and she will definitely not be like Rena, the shame of the gods, who will be frightened by the treacherous and weak.

The reason for this.

It's because of Wu Cao's actions, and the two sides are close to the contact distance of less than a finger's width!

That moment.

When each can feel each other's breath.

Deep down.

Hiko, who has also fantasized about similar scenes countless times.

A layer of mist quickly hung up in his eyes, and his eyes were full of misty, almost falling.

But at this moment, Wu Cao smiled evilly and took a sip of incense at the center of his eyebrows.

Then he lightly swallowed his hands.

And then like an old man who went out for a walk, he carried his hands behind his back and sat down on the chaise longue in the shadow of the house.


That's it!?[]

Hiko is doubting life!


Isn't there something wrong with this process, what 703 looks like?

I finally came back from my chaotic thoughts, routinely re-examined myself, and looked at the sudden and violent heartbeat of more than three times in the past period of time, the turbulent blood flow rate of more than twice as much, and even the hormones in the body that were abnormally excited.

Hiko's face flushed!

It's OK!

This stinky little imp is indeed floating!

He's even learned to tease himself, believe it!

Isn't that the preserve of female angels?

This...... This is simply the opposite of Tiangang!

Annoyed and angry.

Hiko: a flutter.

In Wu Cao's exclamation, a meteorite fell on Wu Cao's waist, and he straddled it and poked out his slender jade hand, which was all kinds of scratching.

Of course.

The aftermath of the process cracked a few alloy floor tiles that had been transformed by the heart, and it was just that.


A playful affair between higher beings.

In the eyes of ordinary mortals, it is equivalent to a natural disaster!

Wu Cao was glad again, fortunately he was not in the mortal stage, and he didn't float with Ah Chai, who followed him everywhere at that time!

didn't wait for Wu Cao's thoughts to turn.

His own conceptual trickery, following Wu Cao's instinct, caught him off guard and countered the three generations of god body Yan under him!


It's so close!

The key is...... This position......


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