The satellite phone I carried with me vibrated abnormally.

A bad premonition came to mind.

When Kingpin took out his satellite phone, there were scarlet fonts on the small black and white screen, twisted to form this prompt!

【The supernatural resurrection, the evil world of five turbidities!】

【The world has fallen and evil is rampant!】

【You will personally experience the most insane terror and the most desperate fear!】

【Welcome to the strange era!】


In a rage, Kingpin crushed the satellite phone to pieces with his huge grip. As the unscrupulous underground emperor in the Northern Magnesium region , Kingpin has his own intelligence network, and he knows it very well. When such text appears on the phone, it means What! That not only means that I have become a cute new user of a supernatural forum. More importantly, it also means that I have encountered a supernatural event! So... what is this strange killing pattern...!? Before Kingpin could come to his senses. Whoa!—Another black shadow fell from the building like a jumping dead fish!

"Wesley! ?"


That's Wesley's face!

It's Wesley's back, and it's also...

Wesley's fleeting face actually showed a twisted, weird, weird smile!

Swish, swish!" ——More than ten figures fell down the building in a frenzy.

Without exception.

They all jumped out of the floor-to-ceiling windows in front of them, one by one like a suicide squad, with weird smiles, and jumped off the building one after another!

Jin Bin's His thinking began to slow down.

The few clear thoughts were still stiffly simulating the scene of the group of men and Wesley falling from the building just now.

The limbs were twisted!

The flesh was bloody!

And... the weird smile!

【That’s it…if you see it…you will die! 】

Jin Bin's face full of muscles completely stiffened, and a strange smile slowly appeared. boom! ——Punched out.

The bulletproof floor-to-ceiling windows blocking Jin Bin in front shattered to the ground!

Unable to wait, Kingpin, together with more than a dozen of his younger brothers in the office, rushed through the boundary between life and death one by one and fell down the building!

Vision moves up. at the same time.

It was not just Kingpin and his younger brother who fell from the building!

From the rooftops of several office buildings on the left and right, people kept jumping off the buildings!

The high-rise windows on both sides of the street were violently smashed one after another.

Like a viral infection, dense crowds of people jumped off the building with crazy smiles. On the street, people kept falling like rain, like flowers of flesh and blood blooming in an instant!

The speeding car was forced to stop and was flattened. Pedestrians on the street watched this strange and bizarre scene in horror.

But there was no time to run away like crazy.

Nothing else.

The crowds, as dense as rain, fell from the buildings one after another. They walking on the streets would definitely be affected!

This is a natural disaster of flesh and blood!

Except for the lucky ones who were smart enough to hide under the eaves before the incident.

The rest.

They are all a foil for this tragedy!

The most frightening thing is that this bizarre wave of people jumping from buildings is still extending crazily to both sides of the street!

…… within the mirror space.

The current Supreme Mage Wang Ergou looked at the mutilated corpse in front of him with a livid face.

Not long ago.

The corpse in front of him was still Kama Taj, one of the few dozen heroes who were the first to learn the"Secret Records of Beiyin Fengdu". (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But now!

He has become a corpse!

A mage said with a tight face:

"Your Majesty, the mirror space cannot isolate the murderous pattern of jumping off the building!"

Another old mage said with a sad look on his face:

"Just now, Harry... was just standing on the fourth floor, but he also triggered the murder pattern of jumping off the building!"

Everyone was silent.


He was the only grandson of this old mage!

His only bloodline died tragically in front of his eyes. The sadness of the old mage was understandable.

Through the transparent mirror space, he looked at the Hell's Kitchen outside. , like a source of virus, the scene of constantly expanding the realm of death.

All the mages became more and more silent.

It is currently known that those who witness the fall of a building will be summoned by supernatural powers as long as they are in a high position, that is, on the fourth floor or above. Manipulate, and then fall to his death unstoppably!

:"Luke Cage...such a person is actually dead! Simply ridiculous!"[]

:"That's right... He was able to withstand missiles and was invulnerable, but he died after falling from a building.……"

:"This is Li Wei’s supernatural effect! In their eyes, the rules of the material world, and even the rules of the mysterious side, seem to be able to be changed at will!"

:"But how to contain such a treacherous person? We can't even find the source of Ligui!"

:"Yes, Your Majesty, give up!"

:"I also agree that this strange jump from the building has a clear trend of recovery from the unsolvable level. That is not something we can deal with!"

There was silence for a moment.

Wang Ergou sighed sadly and said:

"Contain Harry's body and let's retreat... In addition, before Gui Tiao is taken into custody... those of us unlucky ones who have witnessed Gui's murder with our own eyes, it's best not to stand too high!"

After that, the seals in Wang Ergou's hands overlapped.

The spark portal triggered by the hanging ring was about to take shape.

But suddenly, Wang Ergou cursed Fa Ke, and then decisively adjusted the position of the portal.

Across the mirror space and From a distance of tens of kilometers, a reckless man wearing a golden and red armor was forcibly teleported in front of him. The sudden space transition prevented Tony from reacting in time.

He had no time to brake. He performed a wave of mask plowing in front of the public. Floor type

".Farke! Stark, do you want to die? Can this kind of large-scale unsolvable supernatural event be handled by your steel armor?"

Before Tony could recover, Comrade Ergou cursed one after another, almost causing Tony's brain to shut down.

"Wait, who are you? A generous gift crab! What on earth is going on with that guy who stepped on the horse?" He turned slightly sideways.

Following Tony's trembling fingers, over there was Hell's Kitchen where death spread and bloody flesh was spread!

He regained his sight and Comrade Ergou Yan (Qian's) He said solemnly:

"As you can see, Stark, this is an unsolvable supernatural event!"

"Event code name: Jump off the building!"

"The rules of killing: Those who witness jumping from a building will be marked. Those who are marked higher than four floors will definitely die!"

Clang! -

The visor of the steel armor was lifted up, revealing Tony's pale face:

"God, well, I did plan to cross Hell's Kitchen, you know, there's a strong man's abode in that direction!"

"Damn, even though what you just did was rough."

"But I have to thank you... Uh, are you a mage?"

Wang Ergou nodded:

"Yes, I am a mage, and I have received your thanks... With the altitude you just flew at, once you cross Hell's Kitchen! Certain death!"

"By the way, I would like to remind you, don’t expect the steel armor to protect you!"

"Just now, Luke Cage, who could withstand missile attacks, had been reduced to a puddle of meat!".

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