Not only have they encountered supernatural events, people who have logged into the supernatural forum are paying attention.

Unnatural blockade of the Northern Star.

It also attracted the attention of many ordinary people.

Nothing else.

Seoul was on lockdown not long ago, and within a few days, it seemed like it had been completely forgotten.

Everyone is worried that their own Northern Star will follow suit.


Various news are also unclear.

Or simply use man-made secondary disasters as prevarication.

This move has further exacerbated the public's distrust, and many people who have experienced supernatural events have come forward to express their own opinions, bluntly stating that the North Star has encountered unsolvable supernatural attacks.

One side's words are unclear.

One side is justified.

Gradually, the people became more and more convinced of the latter claims.

Interesting yes.

After realizing this.

Instead of forcibly suppressing public opinion, the state actually added fuel to the flames.

It looks like they are planning to disclose the truth. This move really scares other countries on the earth. no.

This year.

Who can appear on the Internet and still not be blocked?

What do you mean?!

Don’t want a stable society?!

Oh yes!

You, Donghuang, are very wealthy!!

While it has gold reserves, it is also actively going deep into the earth's mantle to mine various precious mineral resources at any cost.

There are official controllers guarding all parts of the country to suppress the unrest and attack everywhere to contain Li Wei.

There is a three-dimensional and all-round containment system, but there is the possibility of serious breakthroughs in containment.

But just because you are living well in Donghuang doesn’t mean that we poor relatives are ready to fully disclose the facts!

Keenly aware of Donghuang's tendency to disclose the truth.

Countries around the world are communicating with diplomatic departments in panic.

The various tones of strength, weakness, pleading, and discussion were exhausted.

But they only got a reply from Donghuang officials not to interfere in the country's internal affairs!

Mortals are concerned about the supernatural attacks on the Northern Star due to various problems.

The real strong men are also paying attention!

Including the Dimension Demon!

Including the gods of Earth!

Including Dark Titan!

Including the blazing sun, angels, and river Styx!


Even Styx is among them!

Why did Taotie dispatch more than 3,000 to 4,000 scouts with great fanfare?

Very simple.

Carl needs this group of humanoid eyes.

Light up the fog of war for the big clock!

Otherwise, the big clock will continue to burn stars at any cost!

If you want to break through the information blockade of the knowledge treasure house and the space-based computing cluster, it will take at least half a year. The more this happens, the more clearly Karl understands.

Something abnormal must have happened on the planet Earth. The abnormality is so abnormal that major god-making civilizations and related forces must keep it secret to themselves!

It is the Super Seminary who is also an insider.

He just didn’t upload the relevant information to the big clock!

It is clear.

That group of people had formed a tacit alliance, but excluded Styx and even the Death Song Academy!

Therefore, Karl, who was eager to know the truth, had to make a dangerous move


In the strange forest.

The waves of fire are far-reaching and sweep across like a tsunami!

Under the scorching light of the fire, the strange trees and strange trees further away were assimilated by the true-level supernatural beings, and all spontaneously ignited and were enveloped in three-color strange fire.

In such a rotation, the three-color strange fire that spreads and contagiously like a virus advances, covers, and burns in the strange forest with great force!


The derivation mechanism of the strange forest.

But it can always quickly fill the gap and breed batches of strange trees to replenish consumption!

Even those strange trees that spawned quickly were still within the range of the strange fire, and were ignited one by one as soon as they appeared.

But he can't resist the rich family wealth of Guilin Forest!

He was in a fight-to-the-end attitude and had to confront Wu Zhao head-on!

【If this continues...the winner must be me!】

【With the support of the supernatural dimension, in a war of attrition, I am the one with the advantage!】

【However, simply winning is not possible, and a war of attrition is even less feasible!】

【If you stay away from reality for too long and fight so fiercely with the strange forest, you will have to lose control of the situation on earth if you can't protect it!】

【So... we can only take a gamble! 】

Clang! ——As

Wu Zhao's thoughts surged, the Fengdu Emperor Sword rose from the shadows.

Tsk! ——The rainbow-colored sword light swept across.

A strange tree that had just manifested was cut in half in an instant, and fell to the ground like a corpse. All kinds of debris scattered on the tree, and was soon ignited one by one by the three-color strange fire!

Tsk! ——Tsk! ——The other two rainbow-colored sword lights suddenly appeared. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Before Wu Zhao moved his sword, two sword lights emerged out of thin air and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

Boom! ——Boom! ——The two strange trees fell down together and were quickly ignited just like their predecessors!

The next moment.

Four identical rainbow-colored sword lights flashed past.

Four strange trees fell to the ground one after another!

Then came eight sword lights, sixteen, thirty-two, and sixty-four!

It takes a few breaths.

In an instant, the rainbow-colored sword light doubled and evolved, shining more sharply and decisively in the forest.

More and more strange trees are being cut down!

Uncontrolled index!

A desperate nightmare!

In the real world, due to various reasons, the phenomenon of extreme exponential doubling is unlikely to occur.[]

There are so many other factors that can interrupt this process!

But what Wu Zhao slashed was the Fengdu Emperor Sword.

Being exerted.

It is a decisive battle at the conceptual level!

The life-threatening supernatural beings have been refreshed again and again. As long as the concept of the strange forest has not been hacked to death, it is impossible for this kind of sword light to stop!

It will be like the most vicious curse, entangled in the strange forest.

It will double in an instant, accumulating in unstoppable quantity, creating life and death in the strange forest!

Wu Zhao smiled with satisfaction


【Due to its particularity, the Strange Forest has taken the path of diluting its own concept and maximizing its occupation of more territory.】

【While difficult to target】

【But it also laid the foundation for easy targeting!】

【When supernatural effects such as life-killing and death-dealing work together, the containment of the mysterious forest becomes much easier. 】


The sword that Wu Zhao had just struck.

He wasn't going for a strange tree, he was going for the supernatural concept of a strange forest! soon.

The rainbow-colored sword light has surged like a tide, flashing out suddenly.

Always able to cut down large tracts of strange trees!

The cleared space has not yet been filled up, and the next round of double sword light sweeps across again, and a larger open space is cut out, and the cycle continues. gradually.

Even the completion and derivation mechanism of the Strange Forest has become stagnant due to this.

And the sword light that multiplied without an upper limit.

Also from the lake, multiplied to the ocean!

Then multiply it to stars, galaxies, and even star fields!

Later, even Wu Zhao himself could not see the infinite sword light galloping in the strange forest at a glance!

A wider and wider open space is cut out!

Visible to the naked eye.

The supernatural effects of the remaining strange trees are increasing... It is obvious that the strange forest is forced to focus on its own supernatural concepts, so that the supernatural effects of the strange trees are rapidly increasing by one!.

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