Su Ping chose one that emitted a high number of open press videos.

Shooting the position is relatively based on the back, but is still clearly visible on the playing floor.

Standing on one side Su Yanyue and Lei Guangyuan, the other side stood there her opponent, a straight-posture station with young qi, in front of him was a ninth-level BloodLine Dragon Beast.

This is an extremely aggressive head Lei beast system, level nine bloodline, naturally has the gift of the Charismatic College lineage.

This is the stage final, which is also a PK match!

It’s just that, one is the ninth-level Lei Star Charisma, the other is the low-level ordinary Lei Guangxuan, the difference is far away.

But the cheers on the side of the field, even more so for Lei Guangyi, hoping to continue to see the miracle arise!

But the screen captures the person quite far away, in the video, it is not clear that this head Dragon Beast is at the top of the horn, but from the volume to watch, Su Ping sees that it must be at the sixth to the seventh level, far from reaching maturity.

If it was an adult Dragon Beast, the volume alone could occupy the entire arena, basically there was no need to compare.

Fighting from the beginning, on one side Su Yanyuan immediately let Lei Guangyuan try to develop the four great skill tanks, and then deployed the Hidden Art, so that Lei Guang tried to hide, the more difficult it was to detect, only the naked eye could lock tightly.

Lei Guangxuan quickly rushed out, at Su Yanyuan the order below, continuously deployed Lei Shaan, then deployed the four Lei Shaan daos, approaching the opponent.

In the process, it’s natural to cause a roar outside the field, which, although seen several times by the front, still can’t help but make people vibrate.

But in the bullet screen also appeared the quantity “? ? ?”, all of them were astonished, there was also the observer again, emitting “Try Jia Uy Vo” rain bullets.

Su Ping brought the rain of bullets to close, exempting the image shield.

“It seems that she is a little difficult for Lei Guang to try her skills.” Seeing that Su Yanyuan was in command, Su Ping nodded slightly, then looked towards her opponent, only to see that the young man at the competition started later, also for himself, The Dragon Beast covered with the spirit literature, the class essence with Su Yanyuan, In which the Sangha force even reached level five!

This has surpassed the rank teaching academy, it can be seen that this person is not only a genius, very intelligent, but also very contextual.


The Lei Dragon Beast at Lei Guangxuan rushed to the moment, the whole body emitted electric lightning, it was Lei Electric Medicine, Lei defense skill.

But on the one side, Lei Guangxuan also let himself perform the electric armor lightning, this is the Lei Electricity Outer Medicine strengthening the village, it is also the Charismatic College, the stronger the defense force, the counterattack is also more powerful!

The two beasts simultaneously shot out, and in the arena in the middle erupted into a great battle.

The electro-optics collided, so that in the video shot it was as white as snow, only the electro-optics danced.

At the slightly stopped optics, Su Ping saw Lei Guang try to use Lei Shaan to attack, and used Lei Xuan to attack Lei Long Beast, but Lei Lei Dragon Beast deployed Lei Long Beast, although it was only a ruined dao, avoided Lei Guang tried to attack, at the same time, he also needed Lei Fei to counterattack Lei Guangxue.

“um?” Su Ping frowned slightly.

Using Lei Xue to attack first, Lei Guangxuan must have used Lei Tong to distinguish Lei Chen, but it was not, otherwise the attack would not fail.

This head was also in the Mature Dragon Beast, obviously not holding this kind of ‘Lei Shaan’ secretly.

When Lei Guangxuan lost his body later, The Dragon Beast came next to chase after the mace, the dragon’s tail threw the skills, all of them hit the target, Lei Guang Tri quickly healed the wound.

“Lei Shaan, Lei Shao, multi-weight Lei Xiu, lightning armor, Ten Fang Lei Hell… He only uses this five skills?”

In the video, Su Ping saw that Lei Guangxuan was injured, at the evasion difficulty, randomly also experimented with counterattack skills, but these back and forth skills were five of them, even Lei Guangdu couldn’t use them.


Su Ping was a little suspicious, Lei Guangxue held the skill of having ten, arbitrarily coordinated, could be relieved to crush this Lei Dragon Beast.

Through combat,

Su Ping also saw that this Dragon Beast Was only a sixth-level god.

In the end, Lei Guangxuan tried at a later Lei Shaan, was found by The Dragon Beast, a dragon tail dao was thrown outside the courtyard, and the competition was also declared over.

And yet…

Su Ping felt a little silent, he seemed to see clearly, Su Yanyue only knew that Lei Guangyuan held this skill dao, and then let it be used, but the beast was a priority to obey the master’s orders, naturally there was no chance to perform another skill.

“This is a gill that can’t move a teammate…” Su Ping couldn’t argue, took Lei Guangxuan, and put it in that place so that it could be promoted by himself, nor did he go about such a carpet.

Su Ping pressed open the rain of bullets, the competition was over, which in the bullet screen blew through a sound of regret, but more than cheering, fearfully admiring at Lei Guangxuan.

Five skills, four are The Charismatic College, and one is the Secret System!

The so-called secret, which is the beast college, must look gnostic to be enlightened, only Wang Beast can arbitrarily perform.

This kind of skill appeared in a Lei Guangxuan on the body, enough to make the frightened person admire.

It’s just…

Su Ping smiled bitterly.

Where’s the summoning spirit?

Where’s the soul?

Where is the absorbed life?

These skills are all unused, even if it is to use a deceptive death, it can be negative, then a counterattack!

This match saw him a little different.


Whether or not the champion had anything to do with him, it felt like… Good stuff gets kicked by me!

I give you regal, you beat the bronze bar again!

Su Ping was very depressed.

Not for long.

Outside the shop, Su Ping raised his head and looked up, and he called Su Yanyue.

“Old man!” Su Yanyuan saw in Su Ping’s counter, and excitedly walked into the shop, “Old Man, I rushed to the final! All thanks to you to help me cultivate Lei Guangxuan, I want to come and thank you soon, really thank you!”

Su Ping’s mouth twitched a little, the fact that he had come to this country, he said it was useless, it was impossible to say, you took the champion away? Speaking of which, the champion didn’t come back either.

He sighed and said, “Come, first.”

Su Yanyue’s face turned red, and said curiously: “Old Man, do you still need propaganda? Take you to cultivate the beast of tricks, isn’t it the great hidden in the city, here through the leisure of life?”

Su Ping’s face is dark, who is his mother and you hidden in the city, don’t need the money I use to generate electricity?

Su Yanyuan saw Su Ping’s black face without talking, a little suspicious, suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, and said: “Yes, old man, are you free, our academy annual tournament is over, tomorrow is the last performance, extraordinary, there’s smoke and fire, I can go to the final, it’s all your old man, I think you’re performing above, invite you to join me on the stage, maybe?”

“Performance?” Su Ping frowned, “But I’m not you academy people.”

“There’s nothing to do, the performance competition is mostly intentional, it’s mostly splendid, we can invite our family members to watch the ceremony.” Su Yanyue’s face was full of joy and said.


Super good story

The Devil Restores: I Can Transform The Great Love

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