“It seems, this is a mineral, probably very useful, maybe a valuable metal.” Ye Chenshan saw the news scanner, and said a little regretfully.

Qin Xiang smiled slightly, here a little does not know the tears inside, will often encounter these unknown metal material, or strange plants, these things go through the Research Federation, if the discovery is extremely valuable, the other is the opposite is a great profit, Even the name will be written into the school textbook inside, save the name, but if it is useless, the other is blindly working.

“Probably useful, we can gather a little bit back and see.” Luo Guoyuan suggested.

The people who nodded — normally they didn’t know the material, would collect a bit of take-back specimens, which, if useful, could be shipped again.

“You guys…” Su Ping opened his mouth, this thing if it is brought back by them to submit to the Federation, he 100 energy considers the fee immediately lost, and this Ming shi also fell on his hands, although there will be compensation, but except for external demolition, the vast majority of compensation is unlikely to be the same price.

Seeing Su Ping speak his mind, the others looked in his direction.

Su Ping showed a very calm expression, and said: “Can this be given to me?”

The people were astonished, Ye Chenshan and Ye Xiang’s eyes lit up, if one piece of object no one wanted, no one would notice, but if someone needed it, the other was of course valuable.

Su Ping saw the bottom of his eyes flashing heterochromatically, knowing that once he opened his mouth, they would all pay attention to this object, there was no other way, fortunately, they didn’t know what this thing was, the Federation didn’t know, otherwise the tool wouldn’t have scanned it.

And if the Federation didn’t know, in the eyes of ordinary people, he naturally wouldn’t know it was worth it.

“You want to?” Jiang Chen looked at Su Ping suspiciously, “You know what this is?”

Su Ping shook his head slightly, “I don’t know, but I love beasts from above to feel the three-move spirit energy, the other stone inside contains spirit energy, suitable for me to cultivate, if you will, don’t mind helping me here for a few days, let me bring back the other rock inside the suction energy.”

He said this was fake, even if the people here later came to the same thing delivered to the Federation, were examined by the Federation, he did not have any loopholes, until then they could only claim to be clumsy, without reproach coming upon him.

Hearing Su Ping, the people were startled, here only Su Ping had a spirit beast, it was difficult to blame him for detecting deformities.

It’s just, wanting to stay here for a few days, which makes the people a little hesitant.

This is the unblemished spirit depth of the area, they have just encountered this kind of demonic beast, here continues to wait for a long time, who knows what to meet?


Su Ping, after speaking, let Xiao Xiao dry for a long time and put his hand on the stone, absorbed the inner spirit energy, and did so for a reason, it was not that he really intended to absorb this block Ming shi mine, but to remove the unfounded suspicions, If not many people suspect, the other one does not have an opinion.

Seeing the long dry xiao pulled out in the energy dark stone, Ye Chenshan and Lin Moyu in their eyes finally a flash of worry disappeared, before they sensitively sensed that Su Ping’s words were wrong, although there were no loopholes in the words, but Su Ping said he wanted to rest for a few days, but it made them feel suspicious.

Didn’t Su Ping know, how to rest here for a few days?

Therefore, they felt that Su Ping was saying this on purpose, the purpose was to let them offer to leave a little early, it was convenient for Su Ping to bring this thing back slowly, so this object immediately fell on Su Ping in his hand, and Su Ping thought of a way to get this object, Nature also said that this was not simply a spirit energy rock, but an extremely high price worth of treasures.

Although this ability is extremely low, after all, the Federation of Instruments does not scan the image, Su Ping is almost incapable of knowing, but there is always the most? Su Ping’s expression was very mystical, looking at the context,

Maybe he didn’t know the secret.

But, at this moment, seeing the long-dried xiao from the stone pulled out the spirit energy later, in the heart of the two people worried completely disappeared, knowing that they thought a lot, this thing was just a hidden spirit energy.

Although this kind of treasure, for spirit creatures, is extremely admirable, but for them, it can only be taken away from the exchange of merit.

But they were in the unblemished crystals, they also encountered hidden fire energy, Han Ice energy of different kinds of elemental energy, exchanged more or less, more or less comparable hunting a seventh-level beast, At least that’s the equivalent of a three-four-stage beast.

After all, it is the majority, let alone Su Ping this time, the strength is strong, they will naturally not be so stupid because in front of that point, go with Su Ping to fight.

“It’s elemental jelly…” Luo Guoyuan saw that the long-dried xiao absorbed the dark energy, and there was also a flash of comfort in his eyes, and Su Ping said: “This is such a huge jelly element, the outside is so rough, it must be the mineral element?”

Jiang Chen patted the rock, nodded and said: “Guess – normally the elemental jelly is very beautiful, it will not be like that, the other elemental mines are this form.”

“If it’s Su you need, I’m willing.” Pham Ngoc Kinh the first one said with attitude.

Su Jiang also nodded slightly, “Su old village help, this thing is still Su old village, for Su old village I don’t know.”

Li Ye said, “Me too.”

Ye Chenshan smiled and said: “It seems that everyone has no idea, we are saved by Su Ping brother, naturally do not interfere, just stay here for a few days, can’t help but delay time, Su brother now has the other one, don’t let him carry him back?”

“Yes, it’s too dangerous to wait here for a few days.” Jiang Chen immediately agreed, he wanted to suggest the same.

Su Ping looked around at the group of people for a moment, met them all, and nodded and said: “That’s okay.”

Seeing Su Ping agreeing, Su Gang gently exhaled, immediately let Li Ye use the Earth Beast to expand the dao, and then the people came together, bringing this block Ming shi slowly transported to the ground, using ropes to tie the DemonIc Beast on his back.

Later settlements, Jiang Jiang let Blood Lake follow him, officially on the way back.

The way back was still Li Ye in front of the investigation, Ye Chenshan also summoned a charismatic investigation, but the scout.

On the way to meet the beast-loving Spirit Khan, he dodged, met the weak and directly killed, on the contrary, the most dangerous of which was once, was to go down the mountain when he met a bowl of beasts, but in the long dry cottage with the Demon Beast Beast, and Saint Diem coordinated down, very quickly beat him to death.

A few hours later, Su Ping immediately appeared in the unblemished spirit outside the area, next to this side, encountering the Beast-loving Spirit Charisma, most of them were five-stage, even the seven stages were rare, of course, there was no shortage of places, hiding the eight-stage True Spirit Charismatic Beast, can’t be subjective.

When they saw the tearless floating in front of them, the people tensed their bodies slightly, incontinently increasing their speed.

In the nearby unblemished spirit, there was another one that reclaimed the battle team at the gathering, where the face was shocked, seeing running to the DemonIc Beast at the moment, many of the warriors threatened to come and avoid it, if they did not see this Ghost Beast on their backs, they were all prepared to run away directly.

When the DemonIc Beast jumped into the tearless spirit after leaving, the crowd reacted, instantly boiling.

“I’m not mistaken, this is the Eight Demonic Beasts?”

“God, take the Magical Beast as a mount, who is up here?”

“There are people inside, it’s like Ye Chenshan.”

“Ye Chenshan? The Northern God of War is the other Ye Chenshan? Is this what the captain is?”


From the unblemished spirit inside, falling into the temporary Inner Wilderness where the troops were stationed inside, Su Ping just opened his eyes, and heard many shouts of astonishment, this place gathered The False Reclaim in greater numbers, all of which were terrified by Su Ping under the DemonIc Beast’s buttocks.

The people laughed bitterly, the DemonIc Beast of such a rank, was actually far more than the ordinary False Beasts who used the beasts.

Seeing the DemonIc Beast people above the picture, around the army and the new guards exhaled softly, knowing that it was not the tearless spirit inside that rushed out to love the beast.

“Let’s go.” Su Ping didn’t wait much, prompting the DemonIc Beast to leave.

The DemonIc Beast in front of the False Reclaimed Beast hurriedly dodged, raising his head to look at the DemonIc Beast above the group of people, his eyes filled with awe.

There were people who knew Ye Chenshan, and there were also people who recognized Ye Chenshan, while at the same time, all kinds of startled discussions rang out.

The DemonIc Beast body shook the ground, quickly running out of the temporary encampment.

Going into the wilderness later, the people again took precautions, although this place is not an internal tearless spirit, but it is also a B-level Wild Zone, it is always possible to meet the Beast Spirit College.

They chose the route as a temporary place to be stationed to the base of the route shortcut, also the other False Wilderness where to take the route, go a lot, naturally form the road, where the head of the adjacent road encounters the Charismatic Beast clearly compared to other localities that want less, after all, the Beast-loving Spirit is also spiritual, sensing the human qi, will also leave, but is a little cruel except.

On the side of the road, killing the four-stage Charismatic Beasts, the people immediately saw the reclaiming of the light base, knowing that this trip was considered complete.


The spirit was depleted. The old era collapsed, leading to the demise of the prophet. Humans must adapt to a world without spirits.

From there the age of magic was born. The old era is hidden by the heads.

Then one day, the spirit spirit restored, the old era ruins with tens of thousands of years buried underground began to appear.

Is the Magician or The New Prophet the master of the new age?

Questions answered in

We sell noodles in the heterosexual world.

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