Ye Chenshan knew, taking The Dragon Dragon Spear like that, it was impossible to first heal, more than half of it was difficult to save, it could only be brought back to the spirit beast on the mountain after burial.

Looking at the front covered in black space inside the Demon Beast, there was a little urgency in everyone’s heart, Fan Yujing said in a low voice to Su Ping: “Su . . . Old man, it’s been controlled by you for a long time?” He called the word “Brother Su” turned into “Old Su”, in which it was not that he wanted to deliberately alienate Su Ping, but the latter manifested his strength, so that he really did not mean to call him brother.

“Let’s see.”

Su Ping caught a glimpse of the black service, through his connected consciousness, he sensed that the long dry xiao that was inside absorbed this Magical Beast Spirit Energy.

Just before the DemonIc Beast was about to roll over, the long-dried pee immediately through the blade opened a hole, entered and came into its body, directly from the internal disintegration.

When one of you outside your body can be born into your body, into your body, this is absolutely life!

“Need our support, give it a damn?” Besides Li Ye, he hurriedly asked, he felt that whatever he folded did not help, now there is finally a chance to come out, it’s just that this is a little strange, so that he does not dare to act thoughtlessly.

Su Ping shook his head slightly, and he took out Ye Chenshan’s side, and the other girl said: “You guys here met through a Blood Lake Great Beast?”

Fan Yujing and Li Ye were a little surprised, not thinking of Su Ping now that he was interested in this matter.

“Blood Lake Great Beast?” Ye Chenshan was stunned, he didn’t expect Su Ping to suddenly say something to the Demon Beast that was not related to the situation, but thinking of Su Ping, he still answered: “Haven’t seen it yet, in your hands, this is the Fire Beast Sect, you plan to capture the Blood Lake Great Beast?”

“These are the beast comrades, I’m entrusted to help with the search.” Su Ping heard him say that he hadn’t seen it, he was a little disappointed, he wanted to waste more time looking for it.

“Trustee?” Ye Chenshan was stunned, couldn’t help but look at Su Ping’s eyes, he paid attention to Su Ping and said very rightly, “comrades”, it can be seen that Su Ping is not this team inside him, in fact, since just now, Su Ping’s expression, he immediately saw this suspicious point, now in his heart, taking Su Ping in real power, if it is this team inside the team, he is unlikely to have not heard of it.

“Old Su . . .” Fan Yujing didn’t think of Su Ping as much as his request felt so heavy, he felt his throat dry, there was a kind of sand eye feeling.

Su Ping looked at him strangely, thinking to himself what you are here to touch, I just accepted the commission, it was not you, but the other dog. .

“Pay attention, scold the warning person once!” The system at Su Ping in his head said seriously.

Su Ping pouted slightly.

“You said Blood Lake . . .” Ye Chenshan next to the young lady’s eyes showed a thoughtful expression, and said: “I am like . . . Meet through his footprints.” She said very hesitantly, there was no way to determine, worried that saying the wrong thing would let Su Ping fail.


“Oh?” Su Ping’s eyes lit up, “Where?”

“Right in front of the bushy ramp on one side, but there’s no smell in the vicinity, like the lake was there before.” She pointed in the direction of speaking.

Ye Chenshan heard her say this, also returned to think about it, nodded and said: “It’s not wrong, on the other side, there is absolutely the Blood Lake Great Beast Footprint.”

Su Ping looked away a little, wrote down, and said: “Multi-weight.”

“It’s us thanking you.” She smiled beautifully, her smile was clear, and said: “You are good, I am the Northern God of War Luo Gu snow, how do you address it?”

“Su Ping.”

“Su Ping?” Luo Guoyuan and Ye Chenshan were stunned, and immediately searched the inner memory store, but did not look for this name, never heard of it.

They silently remembered this name, from Su Ping appeared to be the same age, of course, it would be very quick, known by the other warriors.

At this time, Su Gang was also here The next time, for Su Ping, he could hear it, although he knew how to find the Blood Lake Great Beast,

But he didn’t have anything to do with joy, he was the strongest of the Dying Dragon Dragons, even if he returned, he was also disabled, his strength was reduced, this trip he lost heavily!

His gaze fell on Ye Chenshan on his body, thinking of the opponent before, his gaze was a little moved.

Ye Chenshan also paid attention to Ye Chenshan’s eyes, he smiled faintly, patted a deep face, and said: “Captain, I Ye Chenshan keep your word, you can rest assured.”

“Really?” Jiang Chen was startled, not thinking that the opponent would actually want to compensate him with a Dragon Spear Sword, this is the eight beasts!

Ye Chenshan smiled, facing Lin Moyuan’s side, and said: “You injured the other Luo Yao and Lu Xiaoyuan, my medical expenses are also covered.”

Lin Mo was slightly startled, and hurriedly said.

Although he himself was able to heal, he did not pay a large amount of money, how could he not do it.

“There’s Su brother, multi-weight!” Ye Chenshan turned his head to face Su Ping and thanked him solemnly.

“Guest.” Su Ping met him and said seriously, nodding slightly in acceptance.

At this time, the cover of the DemonIc Beast on the black body gradually shrank, when the black body revealed the DemonIc Beast body, Ye Chenshan’s eyes immediately looked over.

Just seeing the black service as if sucking water into the Magical Beast in the body, the large Body DemonIc Beast was also completely exposed in the eyes, lying on the ground without moving, there was no reaction energy on the body.

Teeth chattering, from a bone inside, suddenly came out a long-dried blackness.

Long dried xiao held the sword in his hand, the whole person circled around the dark energy, empty for a long time in the eye sockets, taking two bright red blood lights.

The long-dried pee people caught a glimpse, and immediately there was a kind of cold body that felt dangerous, like being stared at by something powerful.

Su Ping moved his thoughts slightly, letting Xiao Xiu launch The Magic.

The fault is that the last time he had mastered the ability, the difference with the slave spirit was that, it was a unit, and it was necessary to find some time to manufacture, it could not be like the slave spirit to fight immediately.

In the eyes of the Demon Beast, it was the best to restore the material.

Xiao Xiao long received the idea, the whole dark body energy erupted, the dark bones of the feet penetrated the DemonIc Beast in the body, the dark energy that brought the Bone DemonIc Beast gradually connected in the same place, continued a few minutes later, the DemonIc Beast body suddenly moved a little.

This moved slightly, immediately letting Ye Chenshan’s pupils shrink, almost shouting.

“No need to worry, it’s a capacity failure.” Su Ping was not evil either, reassuringly said.

“Excuse me?”

Everyone was astonished, for this college of spirit creatures, they naturally understood, did not think of Su Ping for a long time, not only did the college of spirit enslavement, even the college of the spirit of ability was enlightened, this quality could not help but be too lovely!

Very quickly, at the lower manipulation time, the DemonIc Beast body slowly straightened up, restoring the ability to manipulate no higher than the three corpses themselves, exerting combat power, compared to the other body when alive wanted to be one level lower, in other words, this Demonic Beast can only exert its upper echelon of combat power.


As for what can take the three stages of the eight-stage body, this is naturally the same related substance.

The so-called no higher than three stages, is the textbook Federation above the data collection base for conclusions, and how much is the extreme truth, from the chaos that has just begun until now, roughly only the system knows.

“There’s a great set of willow tools this time.” Su Ping said, directly directing the DemonIc Beast to come.

Su Ping jumped to the DemonIc Beast on his body after sitting down, Ye Chenshan regained his spirit, hesitantly walked forward.

“You want to go find that Blood Lake Great Beast, let’s go with you.” Ye Chenshan directed Su Ping to speak.

Su Ping nodded, although he knew that the other party did not want to leave alone, in order to avoid encountering other unknown Beasts, he was dangerous, after all, Ye Chenshan and Luo Guoyuan were basically injured, there was no fighting power, can only rely on himself to go to battle.

The people sitting DemonIc Beasts in the jungle in the middle quickly advanced, there was Luo Gu Snow to guide them, and very quickly found the Blood Lake Great Beast footprints, Su Ping just looked a little and immediately noticed, immediately followed the direction of chasing.

Pursuing the process inside, Su Ping took out the Dragon Fruit, and brought out the inside of the Dragon Fruit that had been crushed, spreading out a peculiar aroma, with the Fire Spirit Beast extremely gravitational.

Here, there are no tears inside, and there are not many other Fire Spirit Beasts, so there is no need to worry about leading to other great powers existing.

Seeing Su Ping preparing like this in full, Li Xiang and Li Ye were very embarrassed.

After a few hours, everyone at a place on the side of the cliff found the Blood Lake Great Beast, which still smelled, and left not long ago.


The spirit was depleted. The old era collapsed, leading to the demise of the prophet. Humans must adapt to a world without spirits.

From there the age of magic was born. The old era is hidden by the heads.

Then one day, the spirit spirit restored, the old era ruins with tens of thousands of years buried underground began to appear.

Is the Magician or The New Prophet the master of the new age?

Questions answered in

We sell noodles in the heterosexual world.

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