“Son Son Beast!”

Jiang Chen was too scared, and hurriedly let The Mountain Beast set up directly on the earth wall.

One by one, the earth wall stood in front of them, flying to the core of the earth wall, shaking to a rumble.

The three kinds of redundancy stopped, the people quickly used their Feeling Power to circle the earth wall to search, only to see the Giant Body DemonIc Beast shrinking in a circle, around it scattered a large number of remains, before summoning the corps’ remains, the entire army was destroyed, Suddenly, the scene had a small building the size of Mount Bone standing.

“It’s the DemonIc Beast attacking!” Ye Chenshan’s face changed, this is a normal and excellent demonic beast to be able to comprehend the skill, and in front of him, this DemonIc Beast is indeed not trivial.

“Get ready!” Su Ping said coldly.

His thoughts were long dry, only to see the DemonIc Beast in front of the small mountain of bones suddenly dispersed, from the inside came out the Warrior remains, at them crowded below, the long dried cottage like the monarch stood in the middle, the whole body was billowing, carrying a murderous luxury.


The long-dried pee suddenly screamed, a skill test.

Although its body was very small, one roared like horror, the other was hoarse, and the other was hoarse, and the whole body of fresh blood had a kind of sensory agglutination.

For normal creatures, this one is extremely powerful, only compared to the true dragon soaking poorly.

The DemonIc Beast was a spirit creature, although there was no concussion, the body was also slightly stiffened, as if it was shocked to consciousness.

After a few moments, the long-dried pee and the remaining person perfected the Warrior’s remains, and together they rushed to the Demon Beast.

Lin Moyu also regained his spirit, and in his heart, he exuded a flash of resignation in the blink of an eye, shouting to order himself to send a sortie.

The two Flying Dragon Dragons screamed and screamed, spewing out electricity and poisonous gas, corrosive to the DemonIc Beast on the outside of the bone shell, which The DemonIc Beast also used to tear the ground in this form, bringing the DemonIc Beast under the ground to break into a gap, want to get it stuck inside.

Lin Mo didn’t control Paralympics and Lu Xiaoyuan came over, Lu Xiaoyuan spit out a fire solution, Lu Tí Ma Yuan flexed, swinging his sword and four types of weapons to attack The DemonIc Beast on the outside of dry bones, on the other hand, two large hands used to pick up and counterattack.



Releasing the demonic beast explosion that was standing in a state of weakness, but nonetheless, it was approaching the eight realms, its whole body was extremely excited, its bones were like a roaring slab, and from the inside suddenly shot out a few sharp spikes, shooting towards the middle of the air With The Dragon Dragon.

Ye Yan screeched, terrified to fly into the air, but still unable to avoid it, being pierced by a second tree through the wing, wobbling about to fall.

Lin Mo was not in a hurry to let it fly back, bringing it into the space beast.

Shang Long was nonetheless an eight-stage beast, reacted quickly, avoided, avoided the second dao, and again spit out a large mouth of poison gas, this poison gas fell into the Demonic Beast body above, bringing the body to decay, turned into purulent water.

Jiang Xiang controlled the two heads of The Dragon Spear One left and one right, at the continuous poison gas spewing out below, the DemonIc Beast on the body very quickly had a corroded bone layer falling, forming no small damage.

On the other side, Lu Xiaoyuan at the DemonIc Beast on the left and right walked around, relying on four bales of weapons and net armor himself, restraining the DemonIc Beast to attack.

Seeing that the DemonIc Beast was pushed into the lower realm by the beasts, meanwhile, the full-bodied DemonIc Beast suddenly loosened, immediately tight, like repeating twice, like breathing.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chenshan immediately turned sharp, exclaiming: “It’s not good, it has to use the spirit of shock!”

“Concussion spirit?” Lin Moyue and Lin Moyu were both transformed, the DemonIc Beast was because of the lack of knowledge of the spirit of attacking the spirit beast, but the spirit of shock was its guise.

“Quickly back off!”

They hurriedly controlled themselves, but the time had not come in time, the DemonIc Beast with the whole body of bones opened, suddenly emitting a three-move monstrosity, bringing the air twisted.


Even if they are very far apart,

Preparing with the Protective Spirit, Su Ping still felt his head like a sledgehammer below, dizzy, in his heart, he thought badly, in the eyes of the air, taking the will to force this to be stunned, just a short time in the blink of an eye, then restored.

Fortunately, he wasn’t the main target DemonIc Beast, otherwise this time he would have been in a coma.

“I’m still too weak myself.” Su Ping saw that the people of Jiang Chen did not react at all, knowing that they had blocked them by themselves, but he himself Concentration Spirit Power, only three standard stages, was only at the Level Of Cultivation.

At the spirit of internal tremors, Lu Xiaoyuan and The Blood Demon Lang Beast, and the two heads of The Dragon Sword were all a little stupid, and the long dry xiao was also in a blur inside, although it had a strong will, but directly the spirit of shock attacked, is still hard to bear.


The second daoists suddenly shot out, one tree brought the body to dry, three trees brought Lu Xiaoyuan two ends of the arm pierced, there was also a thorn through the chest of the net armor, but there was no piercing the back, in addition to the seven, there were seven, the eight core trees, all shot at the ends of the Spear Dragon Serpent and the neck on the wing, in which using the Divine Image Jutsu to create the Spear Dragon Serpent, the body roared and collapsed, turning into Dissipating Spirit Power.

It changed into a Shanglong Serpent, unbearably single-winged, crooked body falling.

The DemonIc Beast attack had not yet stopped, and in front of it, there was a dark aura, turning into an empty dark vortex.

“It’s buried death!” Ye Chenshan suddenly turned sharp.

Jiang Lie and Lin Mo didn’t see this scene, it was also a white face, this is the ninth-level demonic beast that can be enlightened, this Enlightened DemonIc Beast can’t help but be too strong!


Qin Chen didn’t worry about killing this DemonIc Beast Sword, this thing is too lovely, absolutely the eight upper stages exist, especially this ‘Buried Death ‘ immediately compares the ninth-level beast one size!

Lin Moyuan also threatened to numb his scalp, and hurriedly controlled himself Lu Xiaoyuan retreated.

However, they were all shocked, their minds were gloomy, their movements were extremely slow – no matter how anxious they were, the movements were slow, under their eyes unless they rushed up on their own, at the contract of summoning the inner range, bringing the beast into the space contract, but, just like that, they wanted to face the other Demon Beast, and it hatched ‘Buried Death’!


The Buried Death DemonIc Beast struck out, and the black vortex quickly hit The Dragon King.


Shang Long screamed in panic, only to be lifted up to the support wing, but the wing reached the black vortex, immediately disintegrated, the outer surface was added to the solid stage of strengthening the Spirit Power, which was also erased in the blink of an eye!

“Nope!” Jiang Chen’s eyes turned red, and he roared.

Very quickly, the underground black vortex occupied The Dragon Serpent more than half of the body, The Serpent Shang Long ached, the whole body pulled out electricity, risked his life to use the electric lightning force to resist, after all, at the death buried touched it the neck of the border skull at the moment, The swirling darkness gradually dissipated.

This is incomplete buried death, it is impossible to directly dismiss Shang Long, but it is for it to die, to be late to therapy, to die unsuspectingly.

Qin Chen saw lying on the ground screaming Shang Long, saw it thrown helplessly, his face was terrified, it was complicated, he didn’t dare to go first, who knew if the DemonIc Beast would still or wouldn’t make a second death?

At this time, the DemonIc Beast on the bone body moved, slowly revealing a second bone from the inside, aiming at the First Dragon Spear.

Sensing the master’s thoughts, Shang Long let out a scream, helplessly drooping down his head, half of his body was swallowed away, in his body, the qi fell on the ground, fresh blood flowed across, unless it was to invite the peak of the Healer, otherwise it’s basically irredeemable.


The intense core shot out.

Seeing that he had to pierce The Dragon Spear Head, suddenly a dark dao of mettle came.

Suddenly, there was a barrier, startling everyone, and seeing that it had been crushed by a second tree, and didn’t know when it would appear again, it was all around the dark energy, spreading out more intensely than before!


The spirit was depleted. The old era collapsed, leading to the demise of the prophet. Humans must adapt to a world without spirits.

From there the age of magic was born. The old era is hidden by the heads.

Then one day, the spirit spirit restored, the old era ruins with tens of thousands of years buried underground began to appear.

Is the Magician or The New Prophet the master of the new age?

Questions answered in

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