“Li Ye, look back a little differently.” Su Ping said as he ran behind Li Ye.

Li Ye was stunned, not thinking of Su Ping commanding himself, “You want to go from another route?”

“Are we going home now?” Su Ping asked again.

“But . . .”

Having just come to meet such a dangerous situation, Li Ye was indeed a little withdrawn, but without thinking of Su Ping, he clearly did not forget to assist in finding Blood Lake.

Although he said that he was a False Colonist, the liver was big enough, but the False Reclaimed was also a person, and everyone would be afraid of death!

Luo Xiang looked deeply at Su Ping, and Li Ye said: “Listen to Su brother, slowly, you can’t discuss it more carefully!”

Li Ye also opened his mouth, unable to do anything but say: “I already know.”

He immediately touched himself, watching the other route of the situation.

At this time, Lin Moyu had already caught up with the others, his expression was extremely low, and he had just sacrificed himself to a beast head, as if he had cut a blood clot on his body!

Seeing the others, Lin Mo’s eyes showed a look of resentment, but quickly gathered.

“um?” Su Ping turned his head and glanced at the rear, when he saw that Lin Moyu had already gathered his gaze, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, and he turned his head again, just the bottom of his eyes flashed through a circle.

“Found it.”

Li Ye suddenly said.

“On the east end of the route above the Charismatic Spirits, which have already moved to another locality, we are now running to a fit that will not touch.” Li Ye quickly said.

“Go.” Su Ping immediately issued an order.

Jiang Chen just wanted to open his mouth, met Su Ping who said, and swallowed.


Fan Yujing and Li Ye were still in the habit of catching a glimpse of Su Ping, looking at him, but seeing that he had no objections, he quickly followed Su Ping behind him.

“Brother Lin, your Beast Polymath, after returning we will think of your compensation.” Jiang Xiang took a few steps back, facing behind Lin Mo without speaking.

Lin Moyuan’s expression was even colder, “Nothing, I am wrong myself.”

“I don’t blame you, it’s brand new without tears anyway, there are too many people inside who don’t know The Charisma, we’re still a little careful.” Qin Chen said in a low voice.

Lin Moyue’s eyes flashed, and he didn’t say anything more.

At Li Yao below, the people moved forward, getting closer and closer to Blood Lake, losing the depth of the area.

“In front of all the routes, there is a Beast Spirit, inside a route above there is only one.” Li Ye once again brought back the reported situation.

Hearing it was the same kind of situation as before, everyone’s expressions were slightly changed.

Su Ping immediately said: “There is only one Beast Spirit in front of you, first and foremost.”

Jiang Chen hesitated a little, the so-called third year snake bite was afraid of ropes, he was a little worried, but in retrospect, he felt that he would not be so unlucky, constantly encountering such a strange thing.

“According to Brother Su, first come close to observe.” Jiang Chen said.


Pham Ngoc Kinh and Li Ye were not heterosexual.

Lin Mo No from the absence of The Beast Department onwards, there was no sound on the way, ten parts quiet.

Very quickly, the people who were Li Ye led the way down, entered a canyon place.

Su Ping directed Jiang Xiang to extend his hand.

Jiang Lie understood what he meant, and handed his scout the tool to Su Ping.

Su Ping looked at it in the distance, saw that it was only the Five Heavens Sect, without hesitation, immediately let himself pee for a long time.

The head was very small, at Su Ping the lower order, immediately pulled out the sword, and quickly directed the other five Spirit Beasts to launch.

“It’s just the Five Stages of Death U Ling.” Using the instrument to see this, The Charismatic Beast Love Li Ye, bringing the tool himself to give it to Li Xiang.

Su Xiang glanced at it, exhaled softly in his heart, and wanted to let himself see the Blood Demon Lang Beast appear, suddenly thinking of the time before The Beast Demon Sect, unconsciously directed Su Ping to ask: “This thing is not a problem?”

“I’m out.” Su Ping said.

Su Gang was stunned, hurriedly looked back, and saw Su Ping on the side of the long-dried Xiao Ling who didn’t know when he had rushed to the other Death U Ling in front of him, not even half a yard high, and the volume was almost four meters Death U Ling was far away, But the long dry xiao that came close to the back suddenly jumped up, and a dark wind suddenly swept across!


Death U Ling had just moved through his body, and he wanted to counterattack, but the dark aura flashed past, his body suddenly stiffened, then turned into two segments, fell to the ground, slowly dissipated into black energy.

Jiang Chen was startled, although he had previously learned through this little force, but now that he saw it again, there was still a bit of horror.

A five-stage killing sword U Ling, this is absolutely the standard six stages of charisma!

Besides, Death U Ling, although it is a universal charismatic beast, but normally the charismatic beast attribute that wants to defeat it is extremely difficult, because its body is mainly composed of material energy, it must use offensive energy to defeat.

Lin Moyu also used the instrument to see this screen, his eyes lit up.

Xiao Ling killed Death U Ling later, immediately jumped to its body, absorbing the four energy death dispersals.

Su Ping took a look at the surrounding situation again, confirming that there was no danger later, and Li Ye and Li Xiang said: “You can continue to go.”

Waiting for them to walk in front, Su Ping immediately chased after him, walking in the middle team.

Through the gorge at the time, the roadside encountered a little scattering at the spirit remains, sensed the qi creature, the remains immediately awakened, risked the nest, directed Su Ping to launch an attack.


But these are all long-dried low-level, the highest realm of all four stages, directly touched by The Blood Demon Beast into pieces.

Out into the canyon, a majestic building came straight across the horizon, appearing at everyone’s eye level.

This is an extremely magnificent building, huge mountain.

The top of the mountain is not in the air, like a lake extending to the boundless star is not inside.

Su Ping had the kind of standing at the front foot admiring the feeling, here in front of him, even the ant worm was not, too small.

“The Blood Lake in this place is gone.” Jiang Chen saw this, and his eyes showed some seriousness.

“I remember the road, we want to go to Blood Lake first?” Li Ye asked, his gaze on Su Ping and Su Ping on his body as he walked back and forth, asking them two ways of looking.

Jiang Lie nodded, and immediately glanced at Su Ping, “This one above is extremely likely to meet the Charismatic College, extremely dangerous, last time we encountered a head who did not know the Charismatic College, the team was almost separated, lucky to run away.”

Su Ping nodded slightly, reached into his pocket, and from the space storage took out The Dragon Fruit, this is him looking for the Blood Lake.

Fan Yujing also summoned two beasts at this time, preparing to fight.

Qin Jiang called out a small beast-shaped one, which was only Dahou, only the five stages, but heard the feeling of spirituality, in the land in front of the beast survey.

Li Ye also summoned a six-stage beast, which was only The Beast Sewing Realm, and just came out and went to the ground, in front of him.


The spirit was depleted. The old era collapsed, leading to the demise of the prophet. Humans must adapt to a world without spirits.

From there the age of magic was born. The old era is hidden by the heads.

Then one day, the spirit spirit restored, the old era ruins with tens of thousands of years buried underground began to appear.

Is the Magician or The New Prophet the master of the new age?

Questions answered in

We sell noodles in the heterosexual world.

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