“Mom, I’m back.”

“Coming back so early today?”

“The closest thing in the shop is anything to go by.”

“Ah, so you go ahead and wash your hands, I’ll give you hot food.”

Su Ping obediently went to wash his hands, then sat in front of the dining table, preparing dinner.

Waiting inside, he was also here to consider, whether or not to awaken himself to the Master of Grace, and in the house spoke for an hour.

After all, paper can’t wrap fire, this will sooner or later be revealed to them.

Very quickly, the hot dishes came to Su Ping in front of him.

Seeing the meat food, Su Ping was slightly surprised, “She didn’t eat?”

Through the upstairs gathering of Vortex Spirit, Su Ping knew that this soot had returned soon, but, save himself in the food that clearly had meat, this was a miracle!

Li Qingyi saw him and thought of soot, feeling happy, “Your soot has already been eaten, this is me on the other hand to save you a part.”

Su Ping was startled.

Hard to blame . . .

“Mom.” Su Ping hesitated a little, and was about to open his mouth to awaken himself.


At the top of the stairs came a sound.

Su Ping immediately stood at the spot.

Just then, a rush of footsteps quickly stomped on the stairs, stood in front of the dining table, and said in amazement: “Mom, the food is not all eaten by me, which one is this?”

Su Ping heard the corners of his mouth twitch, finished eating . . .

How vicious a!

Li Qingyi said, “I do it on the other hand.”

Su Ling Yue finished listening, her mouth was a little flattened, but she quickly recovered as usual, she looked at Su Ping indifferently, “How can I come back so early today, this time has not yet come to close the shop?”

“What does that have to do with you?” Su Ping said angrily.


Su Ling Yue frowned.


Dare to talk to yourself again?

Wings are sturdy?

She sat down indifferently, and said, “The closest is like no physical activity.”

Su Ping didn’t feel it in his words, and said on a strange side: “You are not the closest at the competition, and you are not physically active? You must be hiding behind your face, all thanks to the beast that helped you fight?”

The table shook a little.

Su Ling Yue in his iron hand was a little winding.

“Ha ha.”

She grinned weakly.

The deployed finger, in the iron hand, was also here while absentmindedly restoring the straight.

“Ha ha.” Su Ping at the same time laughed.

Besides laughing as he ate.

Su Ling Yue smiled at him for a while, then recovered his gaze, stood up and faced Li Qingyu and said, “Mom, I’m going to take a shower first.”

“Well, warm water must be good.” Li Qingyi nodded, “You go first – wait for the clothes I give you.”

“Thank you, Mom.”

Looking at Su Ling Yue after leaving, Su Ping also gripped the rice tightly, admitting that he was busy with people who were not here, he thought, and said: “Mother, I have a little work tonight, I have to go out for a while, I may want to come back tonight.”

Speaking of returning tonight, Su Ping knew that more than half of them could not return tonight.

Regardless, the money paid back, before going back and forth said.

“Got a job? What?” Li Qingyi was stunned.

“There’s a customer who wants me to come to the door to check it out. . .” Su Ping soon made an excuse to think twice.

Seeing that in the shop, Li Qingyi exhaled softly, nodded, “Then you have to pay attention to safety, come back a little early.”


Su Ping sat down to rest for a while, revealing that he was not in a hurry, and then went out first, before leaving, to avoid the plan being ruined.

. . .

. . .

A deserted spot on the side of the road in the shade of a tree, parked in a black car.

On the door of the car leaned two figures, one of whom was smoking a cigarette.

“Fan, this person has you speaking so hard, can arbitrarily break your arm,

How much power does this have with the captain?” The male smoker asked curiously.

Another torn hole in the young man’s black T-shirt jeans said: “Guess no less, no matter how much he is a genius, his age is very young, the future can even become a Master Trench!”

“It’s not, Avatar?” Smoking the man was astonished.

Pham Ngoc Kinh shrugged a little, who could tell the future?

At this time, he glanced over, and immediately said: “Come.”

The two looked back, only to see at the end of the road a long, well-dressed figure.

When he came to this passage inside, the male smoker was also here to carefully observe, and found that this person naturally said to Fan Yujing the same, extraordinary young, just an extraordinary inner qi, looking out of the depths.

“Wait a long time.”

Su Ping in the distance saw that under the shade of the black tree, and in front of Pham Ngoc Kinh, except for him, there was another strange man, on the inner body of the willow with a strong Spirit Power, he speculated that more than half of it was Pham Ngoc Kinh.

“We’ve just arrived.”

Fan Yujing laughed a little, seeing Su Ping on his body like a lake without any weapons, he was a little surprised, but did not ask much.

The Most Powerful Weapon Master, it is the charismatic beast, as for other things hot weapons, they reclaim the base is not lacking, but they use exactly very few people.

“Old Su, this person is my friend, Li Ye.” Pham Ngoc Kinh gave Su Binh an introduction next to smoking.

He also dropped the cigarette butt, and Su Ping said enthusiastically: “You are good, the nine great names.”

“Blissful bliss.”

Su Ping said a word, and directly asked: “What is the situation on the other side, in the daytime?”

Fan Yujing’s expression was slightly serious, and he sighed and said: “There isn’t.”

Su Ping frowned slightly, but this was also when he considered the range, saying: “Let’s go.”


Pham Ngoc Kinh let Su Ping pull behind the car door.


Su Ping said, “I’m at the side wheel.”

After saying that, he rounded the front of the car from another side and sat at the side wheel above.

Pham Ngoc Kinh also did not pay attention, sitting at the control above, the Li Ye types also came to the back of the car, immediately launched the car.

“I heard that Su old man is a charismatic beast shop, the other Su old beast charisma must be very strong?”

Sitting in the back of Li Ye actively responded, there was a little probing, although he was still very trusting, but reclamation was not a small thing, a bad thing would be deadly.

Su Ping looked at him through the rearview mirror and said, “Reluctantly.”

Li Ye smiled and said: “Su old village is so humble, I don’t know what Su old man called?”

“Su Ping.”

Driver Pham Ngoc Kinh was also the first time he knew Su Ping’s name, in his heart.

“I consider Su Ping fraternity to be about twenty years old, at this age, it is normal to be at the cultivation academy, Su brother is not an early graduate?” Li Ye said curiously.

The Charismatic Master was all from the sect academy, there were very few paths coming out.

Su Ping laughed, there was no answer.

Li Ye met Su Ping, a little unwilling, and asked: “Brother Su, I heard that you arbitrarily broke his arm, is this the truth, the other Su brother is not the Master War College?”

Su Ping frowned slightly, he was only one mission, and he didn’t want to be questioned internally.

Next to Fan Yujing, he felt that Su Ping was unhappy, and immediately said: “Brother Su, we reclaim the base a little far away, you want to be tired of words first, you can rest for a while.”

Su Ping glared at him, tired of saying what do I do with you?

“Say a little bit of reclaiming the situation.” Su Ping said: “I have never gone through, thinking a lot of points.”

Fan Yujing was a little surprised, Su Ping was so powerful that he had never gone to reclaim it? So, having clearly noticed the disparity before?

Regardless, as Su Ping said this, he was not good at questioning, he could only introduce: “This time, there is no tear, it is in us Longjiang base outside the 38th wilderness in the area, we are also temporarily stationed there next to the reclaimed base.”


The spirit was depleted. The old era collapsed, leading to the demise of the prophet. Humans must adapt to a world without spirits.

From there the age of magic was born. The old era is hidden by the heads.

Then one day, the spirit spirit restored, the old era ruins with tens of thousands of years buried underground began to appear.

Is the Magician or The New Prophet the master of the new age?

Questions answered in

We sell noodles in the heterosexual world.

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