This person is afraid that he wants money to go crazy?

Lam Yue was extraordinarily angry.

Considering that the number one native number two of the others fostered the nominal master of the shop flagship, there was a whole direction of protection, they sent a fee roughly this price.


What’s this little thing?

Looking at the surrounding circumstances, although clean, but the storefront is narrow, old, the area is also secluded, guessing that the rent will not exceed three thousand per month, so the store also dares to compare with the other famous big stores?

Lam Yue felt that this old man was completely going to be the third year not to open, to open the third year, to want a sip on the body of the girls to suck their stomachs!


“Ye Ye, let’s go, this old man is a wicked heart, can cultivate Lei Guangxuan, absolutely incapable of this kind of person being involved!” Luo Yue angrily glared at Su Ping a little, and immediately confronted Su Yanyue’s side.

Su Yanyue regained his spirit, but did not immediately leave, but his face was full of incomprehension and asked: “Old man, but I didn’t come to collect the fee last time, right?”

“Right now, we naturally want to raise prices.” Su Ping said coldly.

“Promotion treatment?” Su Yanyue was a little stunned, his eyes shone, and said in surprise: “At the moment, the remuneration compared to before is still good? Isn’t it possible to make the charismatic beasts more and more charismatic colleges?”

“Of course not.” Su Ping didn’t think about the tunnel.

“Yoke?” Su Yanyue’s face was filled with question marks.

“Last time it was just a hand-to-hand training one, its transformation was purely unintended.” Su Ping’s face did not change and said: “At the moment, it is natural that this is not elaborate, you want to send fostering, it is also purely sending, excluding fostering.”

Su Yanyue was startled, and immediately said with a smile: “Old Man, you are still admitting it after all, Lei Guangyuan is definitely the state I fostered.”

“I admitted earlier.” Su Ping said.

“That’s not the same.” Su Yanyue’s face was full of joy, and she immediately asked: “Old man, at the moment, this is just a good place?”

She felt, being able to charge such a hefty fee, there had to be some cause anyway?


Su Ping said indifferently: “It is to improve a physical thing, to promote a little gnosticism, if the charismatic beast itself is very good at speaking, there may be quite a low probability of evolution, the other one is not there, if you want to give the charismatic beast a thorough enlightenment, that can only let you down.”

He’s also the truth, after all, The Place of Nurturing himself brings a good place, enough to make up for the fee, to conduct fostering? So he really wanted to go to his grandmother’s house.

Su Yanyue said a little, feeling a little regretful, but not too lost.

Anyway, this time to confirm herself Lei Guangyi, it is true that this house favored the fostering shop, let her be extraordinarily happy, at least she knew that she favored the origin of the place, not to the point of not understanding.

“And improve your sexuality and improve your physicality?” Next to Lam Yue, he looked at Su Ping incredulously.

Although Su Ping admitted that Lei Guangxuan and this shop had a relationship, she was still a little unbelievable, and now Su Ping said that sending it to a good place, made her even more skeptical.

This kind of excuse, basically all the propaganda shop animals used to say!


Gnosticism and physicality of this kind, basically have no computational accuracy, nor good control, unless it increases to a huge distance, if no one knows whether physical pleasure and gnosticism are or are not promoted?

“Old man, can I invite you to cultivate the beast again?” Su Yanyue’s face was full of anticipation, and looking at Su Ping, as for the mere sending part, listening to Su Ping this kind of words, she was not too interested.

Normally, the owner of the beast could not give too much grace to the shop, but she was currently free, could handle the favor of eating and drinking on her own, and could also keep with the occasional person for combat training.


Su Ping frowned, wanting to refuse,

Suddenly in his head came the sound system.

“Check on customers who have foster animal needs, which are now open to service.”

“But the fostering base serves the price, absorbs the order.”

At the end of the reminder, Su Ping in his head exuded a menu of prices, above which was the fostering of serving the toll booths.

1~ Level 3 charisma, fostering fee 10 thousand.

4~ Level 6 charisma, fostering fee 100 thousand.

7~ Level 9 charisma, fostering fee 1 million.

Wang Beast… Fostering fee 10 million!

The second word of the 4~ Level 6 charismatic beast fostering begins, it is all gray, which means that Su Ping has no way to absorb this kind of order, in the short term, he can only cultivate one to three stages of charismatic beasts.

“Clearing the four to six stages of fostering the charismatic beast because, fostering a middle-class charismatic quality.”

Seeing the condition clearance, Su Ping didn’t say anything, this difficulty compared to 1 million is still difficult, this relieves the opposite condition, he took the main nematode task before, in other words, he completed the main line task, conveniently can also relieve this second compartment of fostering!

“Old man?”

Su Yanyi saw Su Ping suddenly stunned, and couldn’t help but let out a cry.

Su Ping regained his spirit, nodded and said: “Fostering, the whore in front of you only absorbs one to three stages of charisma, the fostering fee is 10,000 at a time.”

“10 thousand?”

Su Yanyuan thought, this price is a little precious, but compared to The Nurturing Place wants to be normal, after all, fostering self-service is relatively expensive, and there is no highest limit!

I want to say no words, just look at how effective the latter is.

There is Lei Guangyuan in front of him, Su Yanyuan is still relatively reliable, considering that the second Lei Guang tri, even if it is a little inferior, is also extraordinarily worthwhile, even big sword!

“Then I’ll see a Lei Guangxue.” Su Yanyuan thought about making a decision.

Next to Lam Yue, he couldn’t help but say: “Ye Ye, you want to foster that little fire family again? It’s already very elite, it’s fostering nothing, and in a few days, it wants the second round to compete, this little fire family is currently yours, don’t be the most fostered on the street, then it’s over.”

Su Yanyuan shook his head slightly, and said: “The second round of competition I do not intend to send him to the field, before that his expression was too terrifying, this second round of the opponent is an early draw of the decision, the opponent will definitely be here within a few days, think of all the measures aimed at me Lei Guangxuan, sending him to the field again, the effect is not great, but waiting for the competition that day, I am almost completely restored, enough to pass the second round!”

“This . . .” Lam Yue didn’t know where to start speaking, always feeling very uneasy.

“Decision a?” Su Ping glanced at Lam Yue’s side, facing the young woman who asked.


Su Yanyu nodded and said, “It’s decided!”

“Well, first.” Su Ping nodded.

“The master launched the branch mission: Completed the first order, did you take it?” The system suddenly transmitted a reminder.

Su Ping was extremely surprised, did not think that this was still a task, and at this time, he took it in his heart.

“Take success!”

“Introductory Mission: Consummation completes first order grace, harvesting praised by customers.”

“The task requires: The whore, must be exquisite! The host needs to bring the customer to the data and foster it to the beginning!”

“Fostering deadlines: Customers don’t ask.”

“Reward Mission: Three-Part ‘Knitting Resource’ Elementary.”

Seeing the requested task, Su Ping was a little dumb.

Doubling down on metrics?

Before Lei Guangyi, the combat power was already 3. 6 then, doubling down, not wanting to reach 7. – 2 Battle force?

This nm is nothing more than a disgraced comparison!

It must be known that the charismatic beast class already belongs to the charismatic beast college, it is rare to see, it is possible to control the human beast charisma college, it is already a high-level Charismatic Master, at the inner battle team, it belongs to the outstanding character.

Under the eyes to bring a low-level Lei Guangxuan, fostering to this kind of level?


Super good story

The Devil Restores: I Can Transform The Great Love

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