“Separatist? No way.”

Su Ping followed her body, looked at her, and said: “Are you so easy to let go?”

Chaos Zhiyu looked at Su Ping and said: “You are not transparent, having come to this country, there is no victory, even if you kill him, it will not do anything, he has joined Chaos as one body.”

“What’s this like again?”

Su Ping said: “He merged, our group let him separate, he didn’t want to separate, he hit himself! Why want to give up so easily? Why am I not the time, why do I meet so many monsters, I can ever let go?”

Su Ping pointed to the others to follow the Ten Thousand Clans together, but to the bodies, the bodies that had previously clung to the battleship, at the end of the battle, were carried by Su Ping together.

“He’s buried his bones all the way here, and because he’s waiting for this moment, can he give up?”

“There are them . . .”

Su Ping pointed at the countless people in the universe, and said: “For him, they are very small, but because they are small, they can see through hope? Could he have known about this particular battle? They didn’t know either! For him, to move forward is like a dark ocean in the vastness of the ocean, and at any moment it is a chasm!”

“But, can they give up?”

“You say I’m not transparent, I’m not transparent, there’s no hope? How did the reckoning come about? Did he want to push him to tie up? You standing there is also death, risk is also death, so why not risk death? !”

Su Ping said word by word: “You are going to fight many times, do you want to be comfortable now? Is it possible to say you’re tired? !”

Chao Zhiyu was dumbfounded, looking at Su Ping’s slightly red eyes, she felt that she didn’t say anything.

With no one compared to her more clearly, Su Ping walked this way to go through all kinds of troubles.

But, just as Su Ping said, this is not necessary for a man’s life, and he has never officially encountered trouble before letting go!

Although the world can be resurrected, there is a little despair and fear, nor can resurrection be erased.

“You’re like a tired warrior, I’m going to fight for you!”

Su Ping glanced at the system, suddenly turned around, faced the Heavenly Dao, his whole body burned to the sky.


“Huh, stupid life, absolutely exactly what to destroy.” Zhi Tian dao said with a smile.

Chaos Zhiyu looked over in front of Su Ping’s eyes, her eyes flashed uneasily, and said quietly: “Don’t be moved, take your forces now, even if Chaos reopens, there is also self-defense force, this Chaos has no limits, even if he accepts Chaos, there’s no way to find you, just like Hao Tian and The Black Ancestor.”

“You don’t have to die.”

“This is not without death, our death, makes sense!” Su Ping said word by word.

“I just want to let you survive . . .” Chaos Chi Ma said in a low voice, her voice was a little miserable and painful, this was also her choice to end the cause.

Continuing to fight, there is no hope, not if it is possible to survive, to survive.

Feeling the emotional system, Su Ping’s heart fluttered a little, he knew well, this is the system at this moment.

It’s just . . .

“Don’t you fancy peeking at my heart?” Su Ping paused, carrying a few gentle parts.

Chaos Chi Ma was startled, and suddenly shook his head and said: “Since you become immortal later, I will no longer peek at your inner self, I will meet you.”

Su Ping bowed his head and smiled and said: “I act, it’s just hope, you can survive. . .”

Chaos Chi Ma was startled.

“You understand my character, I’m not fooling Christ, but I just want to help all help through me, save all the salvation through me.”

Su Ping’s eyes slowly lifted, and he said word by word: “I said it before, I will not let my companions die in front of my eyes, unless I die first!”

“The system . . . I’m also a fan of calling you that, I mean, you’re my friend the longest, help me the most, don’t forget, I’m still you, you’re the master!”

Chaos Zhiyu looked at Su Ping in amazement, speechless.

She knew Su Ping’s personality, the main reason was that to understand, Su Ping now said it was all true.

He came to fight, not risking his life, just because he wanted to survive on his own. . . .

“Don’t give up!” Xiao Qinglong looked over at The Chaos Zhiyu, and said startledly.

“Come, fight together, the old man said, life is meaningful in the place of self-characterization, and not in the place of judgment!” Purgatory Dragon beast said, his voice was heavy, carrying a heavy dragon power, and he had the courage to ache his ears.

“Our group will fight for you to the last moment!”

Ling Xiu said with a slight smirk.

“Mother Shang, please don’t give up!” Primordial Chaos Ancestor Yu hurriedly said.

“It’s not wrong, Mother Shang, let’s fight together!” Jin Wushuang rushed over and said loudly.

Yin Yue and Shi Mang Ancestor Yu came together, they had complicated faces, but they didn’t have a language, they knew, Heavenly Dao and Chaos merged, how this battle was inconclusive, they were all defeated, continuing to fight was just waiting for death.

But.. .

In front of the other, Ma Shang single-handedly cultivated the third generation Ten Thousand Clan Leaders, obviously went to the Divine Chaos, entered the eternal Ancestor Yue, and vowed to stay and die.

Could they really be like that?

“Gentlemen, please follow me together, go to this last stretch!”

Su Ping didn’t turn around, just said in a low voice.

The three thousand battleships above, countless Ten Thousand Powerhouses, all recovered the bottom of their eyes of despair and sorrow, they knew well, Su Ping could live alone, they had no way back, they did not become Tong Yu, Chaos collapsed, they were also dying.

But now, Su Ping vowed to stay, and they fought together, and they would retreat again?


“We pray to the Dao Ancestor for a battle!”

“Dao Ancestor, please rob me of your strength, may the Dao Ancestor send you!”


“May the Dao Ancestor send you!”

The ten thousand powerhouses were all roaring.

“Su Tong, we swear to die too, don’t worry.”

“Brother Su, let go of a battle, life and death, we are also committed to volunteering!”

Each of them showed determination.


Su Ping took a deep breath and said: “You guys, then fight, hit him voluntarily and Chaos!”

“War! !”

Slashing the earth-shaking screams.

The ten thousand races chanted.

Su Ping at this time and Purgatory Dragon Beast and Xiao Long all kinds of fusion, then launched the power contract, extending to the Ten Thousand Clans and cultivating on everyone’s body, he can now sign the quantity contract, see his body receive, but he is now the Body Ancestor, the ability to create a thousand thousand universes, even if it is tolerated by everyone, there is no problem.

“Use my name, sign the oath with you!”

Su Ping’s force spread, the contract of force extended to ten thousand races, according to the strongest Immortal Realm to the weakest mortal, even the old and children, at this moment, they all felt in their minds, Su Ping great heavy will.


The spirit was depleted. The old era collapsed, leading to the demise of the prophet. Humans must adapt to a world without spirits.

From there the age of magic was born. The old era is hidden by the heads.

Then one day, the spirit spirit restored, the old era ruins with tens of thousands of years buried underground began to appear.

Is the Magician or The New Prophet the master of the new age?

Questions answered in

We sell noodles in the heterosexual world.

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