Super God Berserk System

Super God Berserk System 143

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The hundredth 40 three chapters super evolution!


“ao 嗷!” In a series of sounds, the Domain Shield in midair is completely motionless, and the sturdy Mao statue is hit hard, and it flies out. The whole body suddenly bursts in the air, and the flesh and blood splashes. .

“This, this is the Domain Shield? Is the Domain Shield not a defensive skill? When can it kill?” Lin Xiao stunned, and when he heard the system sounds in his mind, he was even more confused.

“Ding! Congratulations to the player killing Condensed Idol Middle Stage Monster Beast, reward EXP, get Super God Value 100, Burning Soul Progress 1.”

Lin Xiao is about to ask Lai Yinde about the specific situation, the nose suddenly smells a warm fragrance.

With his years of EXP judgment, he knows that this is a scent!

“Good fragrance.” Involuntarily, Lin Xiao sent out his inner feelings.

“The strong man,” the ethereal sound of the Lark, with a hint of shame, echoed in Lin Xiao’s ear.

“Amount, I am sorry, I just thought of the mung bean cake made by Mother. The taste is simply delicious. tsk tsk.” Lin Xiao’s lameness is trying to resolve, but it is even more embarrassing.

“This is awkward”

Close observation, Lin Xiao discovered that the woman in front of her is simply a fairy to the world, can not be overstated with the creation of the clock show.

Lin Xiao’s gaze slid through the seductive porcelain muscles of the woman’s bare face, swallowing the mouth and water: “This Fairy, here is a deep forest, how are you alone?”

The woman felt Lin Xiao’s fiery gaze, and her face was red again. She gathered her clothes and whispered: “Little girl Guan Xiu many thanks the strong man to make a clearance, I”

“Stop!” Lin Xiao’s palm was vertical, black face: “I am not a strong man, my name is Lin Xiao, I am not strong, I am a small meat.”

Guan Xiu looked at the beautiful eyes and looked at the serious Lin Xiao. The delicate mouth slightly shook a little smile and took away the soul of Lin Xiao.

“many thanks Young Master, I saved the Monster Beast around the Sky Pillar Mountain with the family clansman. The result was a lot of riots from the Monster Beast group. I left the order alone, and I met the obscene man. If it weren’t for the Young Master’s shot, I’m afraid.” Guan Xiu beautiful eyes with tears and grief.

Lin Xiao understood that it turned out to be a lost!

“Well, you won.” Lin Xiao spread his hand and took a coat from the system space and handed it to Guan Xiu: “Hurry up.”

Guan Xiu took the robes and looked at Lin Xiao’s pure eyes, astonished a smile, obediently put on his body.

In this scene, if you are seen by people familiar with Guan Xiu, your eyes will definitely fall!

Lin Xiao did not regret the sighed, thought: “Do you have a place to discuss a collection? Or where did you come in?”

“Jade Ya Mountain.”

“Which direction?”

“That, don’t know…”

“hu!” Lin Xiao took a deep breath, but helpless to Lai Yinde: “Lai Yinde, where is Jade Ya Mountain?”

“Three hundred miles in the north, the public subsystem has analyzed the specific route, is it transferred?”

“The route?” Lin Xiao’s brain was like a thing of the past.


“Ding! successfully opened the real map, the map navigation, the destination Jade Ya Mountain, 157 kilometers away, the forecast time is about one hour.”

“Ding! Turn left at the front of the road and go straight for ten kilometers.”

“Rely!” The familiar map and familiar voice that suddenly appeared in my mind made Lin Xiao scream.

Baidu map! Actually Baidu map! This system, what is the monster that has been updated!

Looking at the green line and the origin that represents his position, Lin Xiao almost cried.

In the future, mother no longer has to worry about getting lost!

“Follow me!” Lin Xiao waved his hand and took Guan Xiu and followed the map prompts.

“Are you familiar with this?” Guan Xiu gathered his clothes, said curiously.


“Then you know where Jade Ya Mountain is?”

“I don’t know.” Lin Xiao saw Guan Xiu’s stance of breaking the casserole and asked, “Reminder, be sure to send you to the place.”

Guan Xiu walked behind Lin Xiao and looked at his back and smiled.

“What a beautiful, interesting Little Brat.”

“Lai Yinde, what the hell is going on?” Lin Xiao asked as he walked in his mind.

“After the system update evolved, many places were optimized.”

“Well, what’s the specific? Six Veins Divine Sword can’t make it?”

“First, the upgrading mechanism is even better! It’s more adaptable to the current body refining system.”

“Second!Skill optimization, main system Based on the number of skilles and damages used by Young Master, a total of six skills were optimized: Spatial Displacement, Five Absolute Heaven, Domain Shield, Overturning Heaven Covering Earth Seal, Appraisal Technique, Myriad Sword Chart recorded.”

“Third! Weapon Optimization, main system Recasts the weapons used by Young Master. A total of optimized weapons are: Great Annihilating Eye, Slashing Spirit Sword Pellet, Abyss Supressing God Suit, Cicada Sound Thunder God Spear !”

“Fourth! Subsystem optimization, main system automatically filters the number of previous subsystem usage and automatic evaluation of subsystem functions, and now reserves the following subsystems: Mission System, Strength System and All Purpose Exchanging System.”

“Fifth! Innate talent optimization, is the system’s most important optimization, enhance innate talent · Super God, innate talent · berserk optimized for innate talent · Burning Soul, let open innate talent · Divine Light Appear !”

Lai Yinde’s voice gradually disappeared into Lin Xiao’s mind, but Lin Xiao’s body suddenly stiffened.

Is this the Super God Berserk System?

Is it necessary to evolve such a cow’s fork?

I don’t know what kind of reaction is most likely to happen when I encounter such a thing?

You don’t want me to be good!

“Don’t shake, don’t shake, don’t shake!” Lin Xiao rubbed his dry lips, his hands pressed against his thighs, his mouth whispered, but always backfired, his legs, involuntarily crazy shaking Get up, followed by the body’s shaking.

It’s just like. A steamed prawns stretched out.

Jiangshan is easy to change, the nature is difficult to move!

How can this Young Master not be able to change the excitement of this, and the whole body will be shaken?

At this time, Lin Xiao, completely forgot that there is a beauty of national beauty behind her.

“ao!” Lin Xiao suddenly screamed in the sky, rang through the mountains, and the whistling sound was full of heart!

Guan Xiu was shocked by Lin Xiao’s sudden stun. If he didn’t see him as a bad guy, she would have taken a shot of Lin Xiao’s head.

“Inexplicable weirdo!”

“It’s so cool! Just came to Central Prefecture and gave Laozi such a big gift! This Young Master is very satisfied and very satisfied!” Lin Xiao, hands on his hips, high-spirited.

Just listen to Lai Yinde’s brief introduction, you can guess the evolution of the system, how awesome!

Five Absolute Heaven, complete Dao Technique Five Absolute Heaven!

Sword Pellet, that is the life of the person who specializes in the cultivate sword!

There is also a universal exchange, rub, omnipotent

Oh no, my little heart can’t stand it.

Guan Xiu was behind him, watching Lin Xiao laugh for a while, and then he would make a painful look at the heart, and the expression gradually became frightened.

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