Super God Berserk System

Super God Berserk System 134

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Chapter 134 is ready for everything

Said, Illusion Clam Mouse two claws rushed to the empty ground, no light fluctuations, and the sound of the buzzing sounded, a group of long-haired giant elephants appeared on the ground, licking his nose and roaring, the sound of the sound shook people’s hearts, exactly like the real scene!

This group of giant elephants took a steady step and walked toward Lin Xiao. Every step of the way, it caused a wave of ground shaking, and the momentum was not amazing.

“It’s too much like that!” Lin Xiao sighed, his face flashing amazed.

Not only look at the image, Lin Xiao can feel the infinite vitality of the long hair giant elephant.


“hehe, this is just the tip of the iceberg!” Illusion Clam Mouse smiled proudly, waved, and the giant elephant disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Lin Xiao looked at the scene in front of him, determined to make a god, and thought of a crazy way in his mind.


This Illusion Life Technique is exactly the same as the creation! It’s just a false thing. If there is something to materialize it, isn’t it a complete creation?

Lin Xiao doesn’t know his own guess, right, but he looks away towards Illusion Clam Mouse’s eyes, bright and scary!

Treasure! Still deliver treasure with no purpose!

“I said, what do you want to do when you come to me? Wouldn’t you want to lie to eat and lie?” Lin Xiao turned his eyes and was dissatisfied.

“Cheat and lie? Little Friend, from the beginning, you are disrespectful to elderly. Do you actually say that I want to lie to eat and lie? With my Illusion Technique, what does the mouse want?” Illusion Clam Mouse jumped up and pointed to Lin Xiao.

“Then you are coming?”

“Forehead, what am I going to do?” Illusion Clam Mouse startled, frowns, left thinking, some swearing: “There is nothing, that is, there is a kind of temperament that attracts me. I feel this kind of thing, it will be big for me.” useful!”

“What is the difference between this and mixed food?” Lin Xiao snorted.

“I will say it again! This mouse will never mix Hah!” Illusion Clam Mouse feels like his own dignity has been trampled on the ground, saying: “There is a mouse next to you, able to solve countless problems for you, I can Is it a mixed drink? Ah?”

“If you can prove your role, then you can’t be considered mixed.” Lin Xiao touch the chin, seems to be investigating whether Illusion Clam Mouse has this qualification.

“hmph! This mouse said it! Help you, I hope you can help me in the future!” Illusion Clam Mouse humanized white Lin Xiao glance.

“Exactly this Young Master has something to do recently. You will take a trip with me and let me see what you have done.” Lin Xiao reveals a sly smile.

“Why do I feel so cold?”

“That’s because you forgot to wear clothes!”

“You are rough!”

The next day, Lin Xiao rushed to Fire Wood Sect.

Xu Family has Xu Yan sitting in the town. Under the turbulent situation of the entire True Martial Country, basically no one dares to provoke. Even because of Lin Xiao’s great dedication, the Great Aristocratic Family have sent people to come and have a good relationship with Xu Family. meaning.

This is not what Lin Xiao cares about.

“Here is Fire Wood Sect? How is it like a big stove?” Lin Xiao looked sweaty at the building in front of him.

This group of buildings is dotted in the mountains, the air is full of hot temperatures, Lin Xiao is very obvious, the reason for the high temperature here is these mountains.

The “fire mountain?” question flashed through the mind, and several silhouettes came out from behind the mountains.

“Who is the newcomer?” Three people dressed in Fire Wood Sect costumes, the first person is tall and thin, his lips are thin, and his eyes are indifferent.

“Lin Xiao, come to visit my old friend.”

“My friend? Who is your friend?” Lu Chao’s voice did not bring a trace of affection.

Lin Xiao frowned, some don’t like it, I didn’t provoke you, why do you have a stinky face?

However, today is to ask for help, Lin Xiao did not say anything more, backhand took the token from Zhang Wei and handed it over, saying: “Visit your friend Zhang Wei.”

“Zhang Wei?” The face of the constant Super God color startled, the face is astonished: “Where is the trash of dogshit luck?”

“Things are gathered together, people are divided into groups, and they can be with garbage. Ten-eight-nine is also a stockpile.” Lu Chao grew up with a sharp-nosed monkey, and his nose hair appeared a big cut, disdained said.

“Lu Jie saves you a lot of words. I see, this person is not only poorly cultivated base, but also poor, and does not know how to mix with Zhang Wei.”

“Shut up!” The dead face was super-coldly shouted, and a few people behind him suddenly became timid and did not dare to speak.

Lin Xiao eyebrow raised, looked at the past subconsciously.

“This friend, Fire Wood Sect is very strict, please show the invitation token.”

Lin Xiao was shown, this Lu Chao is an old-fashioned person.

Hand over the token, Lin Xiao said: “This is a token, I don’t know Zhang Wei Little Brother is in the Zong, is it?”

Lin Xiao didn’t finish it, but obviously Lu Chao understood what he meant.

Looking down, Lu Chao handed the token to Lin Xiao, then pulled out a piece of jade and pressed a few seals on it. Then he looked up at Lin Xiao indifferently said: “Nothing, just get the appreciation of Elder Zhong. Reward a medicine pill.”

Lin Xiao was keenly aware that when Lu Chao said the word medicine pill, the envy of the faces behind everyone.

With a heartbeat, Lin Xiao is more confident in this line.

“Well, immediately Junior Brother Zhang Wei will come over, you stay here and don’t fight.” Lu Chao reminded him, with a big hand and a wave, and took everyone to other places.

Lin Xiao looked at the silhouette of their distant, and turned around, and saw Zhang Wei’s face fluttering.

“Senior Brother is here, I can’t welcome it, I don’t want to see it.” Zhang Wei came up with a sigh of compliments.

“How do I listen to such a toothache?”

“haha, Senior Brother said, laughing, go, I will take you to the Zongnei.” Zhang Wei laughed heartily, arrogant, led Lin Xiao to go.

“Hey, have you broken through?” Lin Xiao surprisedly said that a few days ago, he was still Transforming Origin Realm, and now he has broken through to Core Assembling Realm and is still stable at the Core Assembling level.

“Speaking of which, but also many thanks Senior Brother Lin Xiao.” Zhang Wei sincerely thanked, while walking, said: “I am a sect inside Xiaoxiao’s outer sect disciple, qualification is not enough, I want to breakthrough to Core Assembling Realm At normal speed, I am afraid it will take a few years. The last time Senior Brother helped me get Devouring Metal Mouse, Elder Zhong rewarded me with a medicine pill. I didn’t expect to break through after eating!”

Zhang Wei’s excitement shines one’s feelings in one’s speech, and Lin Xiao just smiles, let him know that in his system space, just a medicine pill, the role is much stronger than he eats, Zhang Wei Will you immediately worship acknowledgment allegiance?

“Come on, Senior Brother, this is where I live.” Zhang Wei’s voice interrupted Lin Xiao’s thoughts.

This is a magnificent architectural complex with quaint architecture and imposing manner.

“The outer sect disciple lives in this high-end place. If the inner sect disciple core discipline, then can’t live in the palace?” Lin Xiao grinned, feeling the sect’s rich and imposing.

Before entering the door, Lin Xiao saw many people around him and cast a strange look.

Lin Xiao moved inside and calmly walked in.

The interior space is not small, the decoration is not gorgeous, but it is enough to match the degree of Xu Family Patriarch.

“No wonder, I heard that sect disciple went out to the world, and each eye is higher than the top. It is no wonder.” Once again, Lin Xiao took a sip of tea.

“Senior Brother Lin Xiao, are you looking for Elder Zhong?” Zhang Wei smiled.

“Well, that’s right.” Lin Xiao bluntly said: “I have a very important thing to find him.”

Zhang Wei frowned Brow, said: “Senior Brother Lin Xiao, you see Elder Zhong is not impossible, but Elder Zhong recently temperament is relatively large, it is easy to fall into a rage, I advise you still.”

“Temperament is big?” Lin Xiao was funny, saying: “The temperament is all right, just don’t kill me.”

See Lin Xiao is still joking, Zhang Wei had to remind: “Senior Brother Lin Xiao, Elder Zhong’s temperament, really, big!”

“I remember the last time he flies into a rage and suddenly bombed his proprietary artifact refining pavilion! Boss on the ground is a pit, especially scary!”

Zhang Wei has a heart.

“Why did he temperament these days? Can you give medicine pill?”

“No, it’s two different things. Everyone knows that Elder Zhong is very concerned about it. One is Junior Sister Zhong Li. The other thing is artifact refining.”

“This time because he is refining an Earth Level weapon, he can’t form it all the time, and he doesn’t know how many human furnaces!”

Lin Xiao scratched his head unnaturally, and if he had a Void Refining Spirit Cauldron, he would have to break a lot.

“If it is because of artifact refining, maybe I can help some small help?”

“Amount, Senior Brother Lin Xiao, don’t tell me you will still artifact refining.” Zhang Wei said nothing.

“haha, artifact refining, it won’t, only know some fur.”

“Forget it, since Senior Brother Lin Xiao, you want to see Elder Zhong, I will take you over. As for the situation after the meeting, I can’t help.” Zhang Wei spread the hand, some helplessly said.

The two talked a few more words. Zhang Wei saw that Lin Xiao had no nature, and he got up and walked with Lin Xiao to a mountain.

“This mountain, called Mount Fire Mountain, contains a fine fire pulse inside. In the entire Fire Wood Sect, the quality can enter the top three and is monopolized by Elder Zhong.”

Zhang Wei said, the two followed a rugged path to a dilapidated gate.

“Mountains, caves?” Lin Xiao pointed to the door, thoroughly said.

“Well, yes, Elder Zhong loves artifact refining throughout his life. In order to get more access to the heart of the fire, he opened a Cave Mansion directly in the mountains.”

“Well, it really is a dedicated person.”

“Elder Zhong, Junior Zhang Wei, come and see!” Zhang Wei knocked on the stone door, loudly shouted, and immediately retreated two steps.

For a long while, a breeze blew through, and there was no reaction in the dilapidated stone door. Just as Lin Xiao was about to lose patience, the door slammed open.

“Come in.” The old, hoarse voice came out of the cave, and Lin Xiao felt a hot sizzling pavement.

With a slight movement of the mouth, Extinguishing World Fire Phoenix appeared and slammed, all the hot aura was swallowed, and then Fire Phoenix drilled into Lin Xiao within the body.


“Let’s go, what are you doing?” Lin Xiao pats, alongside Zhang Wei’s shoulder, took the lead.

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