Super God Berserk System

Super God Berserk System 132

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Chapter 123—Dao Technique Setting Heaven VSGreat Sun True Thunder Guard

“Respected Lord, please instruct.” The Lei Guang silhouette actually stepped out in one step, kneeling on one knee, respectful to Ouyang Yanlei.

Lin Xiao stared wide-eyed, at this time the Great Sun True Thunder Guard, obviously much stronger than that night.

“kill him.”

“Yes! Respected Lord!” The Great Sun True Thunder Guard respected nodded, and when he got up, he looked like a sentimental bull, and rushed to Lin Xiao.

“Big!” 1st Step, Great Sun True Thunder Guard screamed, its body actually really increased several times, enough to have a thirty zhang high!

“Day!” 2nd Step, the dazzling rays of light spread from his within the body, like a running sun!

“True!” 3rd Step, the body of Zhen Leiwei, instantly solidified, the energy of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth surging in the strong within the body.

“Erase! Laozi is really the day!” Lin Xiao silently, once again open the various attribute increases directly.

“Without the tricks of depriving the increase, I think you still want to suppress me!”

“Eight Celestial Dragons Slash!” just fell in the Great Sun True Thunder Guard 3rd Step, restarting Lin Xiao of the Diamond Body, holding up the severe ten zhang long Profound Heaven Slashing Spirit Sword and slamming down.

“moo! moo! ”

Under a sword slash, Heaven and Earth are eclipsed, the illusion is trembled, eight golden lights are shining, the raging dragon heading its head and wagging its tail rushes out from the blade, and as soon as it appears, it roars out of Antiquity’s humming, fierce light Shot, slammed into the Great Sun True Thunder Guard.

“Ray!” Lei Yin did not fall, loaded with unlimited Great Sun True Thunder Guard, was hit by eight formidable power super strong stegosaurus, half of the body actually disappeared.

Just a blow, Lin Xiao told Ouyang Yanlei that he was in full swing and how strong it was!

after all! Super God Berserk System, not the roadside cabbage!

Ouyang Yanlei is stopped, and it’s unbelievable. His Great Sun True Thunder Guard is exactly what the formidable power is. I know it is clear, but I didn’t expect Lin Xiao in a strange state to be so strong!

“Fantasy!” Ouyang Yanlei launched the Illusion Technique again, and the sleeves were waving. Eight identical Great Sun True Thunder Guards appeared and rushed to Lin Xiao.

The glaring and glamorous Lei Guang is filled with Heaven and Earth. At this moment, Lin Xiao’s Diamond Body, which is ten zhang high, has become smaller.

“Very good, very strong!” Lin Xiao pulls the system panel, and the corner of his mouth is a little ridiculous because he sees a skill that has cooled down.

Setting Heaven !

Setting Heaven With the experience of Tearing Heaven, formidable power is increased by a hundred times! Especially suitable for facing Illusion Technique!

“Dao Technique !Setting Heaven !” Six golden arms, the invisible power accompanied by Lin Xiao’s voice, descended on this Heaven and Earth, all the tangible things, invisible gas, all imprisoned.

In the full open state of the war, this time, Setting Heaven is much stronger than before!

Lin Xiao can even clearly see the horror of the face of Ouyang Yanlei.

“This is just the beginning!”

“Dao Technique !Tearing Heaven !”

Coupled with the XARIX% part of Myriad Transformations Domain’s attribute reduction, Locking Hail Lock is reducing 10% full attribute!

“Oh!” A rag tearing sound broke out, followed by countless tearing sounds, first of all the eight Great Sun True Thunder Guards, with a fascinating look, instantly smashed by the invisible power of Rule, and then It was the body of Ouyang Yanlei, and then it happened to be a chain reaction. This Illusion Technique world finally broke down completely.

“hu!” The wind blew the ears, and the outside world reappeared. Lin Xiao was a little happy.

“Where did you finally come out of the place!” Everything around Ouyang Prince Mansion actually made him miss.

“dong!” A loud bang on the top, Lin Xiao looked up, just as Xu Yan and Ouyang Zheng also fell from the illusion.

Ouyang Zheng has blood in his mouth. Obviously, the injury is not light, but in contrast to Xu Yan, although the clothes are a little messy, aura is still stable.

“Hey, are you okay?” Ouyang Yanlei appeared beside Ouyang Zheng, his face was paler than his cockroaches, and the white cat in his hand had passed out.

“I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it!” Ouyang Zheng gave a pitiful voice, looked towards Xu Yan and Lin Xiao’s eyes, full of embarrassment.

“Ouyang Zheng, your father and son are ill-intentioned, trying to use me, death can’t wipe out the crimes!” Xu Yan bounced his robes and walked.

In fact, he is also shocked by the strength of Ouyang Zheng, but the cultivation base of Capturing Mysteries Peak can be compared with his God Level Martial Artist.

Behind them, everyone stepped forward, did not speak, the anger on the face and the biting teeth, seeing their thoughts!

We are not good bullies!

“It seems that I want to kill us.” Ouyang Zheng straightened up and rubbed his hand on his chest and said, “But you can’t kill it.”

“Can’t kill? Do you think we don’t dare?”

“You, don’t dare!” Ouyang Zheng suddenly drunk, right hand turns, the same thing appeared in the hands, so that everyone stopped.

“This is, True Martial Ancestral Token!”

“After the beginning of True Martial, Emperor Xuanyuan’s Ancestral Token!”

“All under the Heavens no more than ten! See Ancestral Token like Xuanyuan!”

“Free death gold medal.”

“We, really, don’t dare, can’t kill him!”

A group of middle age people stunned and expression struggled.

Xu Yan and Min Lie glanced at each other and saw the dignity on the other’s face.

“With Ancestral Token, the aggressor must be rebelled.” Xu Yan seems to know more, and is silent towards Lin Xiao.

“You can’t send it slowly.” Ouyang Zheng cup one fist in the other hand said with a sneer.

“Who said we are leaving?”

Lin Xiao stepped forward, holding his shoulders and his eyes on the shining Ancestral Token. Suddenly: “This Ancestral Token seems to protect only one person?”

As soon as this was said, the Aristocratic Family was behind, and the face of Ouyang Yanlei gradually became fearful.

“Can’t kill the old ones, still can’t you die?”

“Sword Slashing Star !”

“Kill!” Lin Xiao decisively shot, did not give Ouyang Yanlei how much reaction time, hands Profound Heaven Slashing Spirit Sword with a dazzling sword glow, crossed the star trajectory, headed to Ouyang Yanlei.

“Ding! Congratulations to the player for triggering ten times the violent strike!”

Weng! Heaven and Earth The moment, the sky, the ten stars, the giant pillars turned into a heavenly sword, drops from the sky, fiercely fell on Ouyang Yanlei!

“Do not!”

“Hey!” At the moment when the turbulent star giant sword stabbed Ouyang Yanlei, a white ray of light flashed out of his white cat and covered him.

“Lei!” Ouyang Zheng big eyes, loudly roared, endless power condensed, a fist to the star giant sword.

“bang!” “bang!”

A series of sounds, when the crowd came back to his senses, Ouyang Yanlei had already been thrown in the air, the two broken arm were unable to fall from the air, and he did not scream and fainted.

“Okay, very good, you all remember it for me!” Ouyang Zheng grabbed Ouyang Yanlei, and the Ancestral Token in his hand gave off a faint ray of light, which would be shrouded and his silhouette gradually faded.

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